A misunderstanding of covid?

Am I missing something? Did or did not the American Pediatric Association release a position paper advocating for the re-opening of schools? Now, I don't fall lock-step behind any person or any organization, but if its true that it did take that position, then isn't it unreasonable to suggest that its unhinged for Trump to take the same position the American Pediatric Association just took?

It’s been walked back and adjusted

while it’s true it’s concerning that children can suffer problems such as socialization can’t allow that problem to outweigh other problems in trying to get kids back to school in the middle of this pandemic. It was a myopic type view and as I said... they walked it back already

Anecdoctally there is reason for hope. You really haven’t heard any confirmed reinfections (other than some iffy ones where they may have never recovered)

Also anecdotal, but perhaps relevant, is how we in Pgh spiked with bars and vacations and other cities like Philly and NYC really didn’t. And I’ll humor those that want to blame the protests and add that those cities had much bigger protests - and didn’t spike.

So it appears that something is going on that made it easier to spread in an area like Pgh that didn’t have a lot of cases intitially
It’s been walked back and adjusted

while it’s true it’s concerning that children can suffer problems such as socialization can’t allow that problem to outweigh other problems in trying to get kids back to school in the middle of this pandemic. It was a myopic type view and as I said... they walked it back already

Here is the main quote from the APA - “The best and safest way to reopen schools is in the context of low community transmission that has been effectively suppressed by a broad-based comprehensive strategy,” Ryan, executive director of WHO’s health emergencies program, said in a press briefing.

I'm not sure "walking back" is truly accurate. I think they clarified their statement and I'm in agreement.
What makes you say that?

(Go ahead)

( I was giving a nuanced view of it. I don’t trust China. But i know it’s easier to say that than give a nuanced response back)
You are making a judgment on China’s numbers based on your assumption that they just lied a little.

This given the knowledge that the virus started there, they had mass graves dug, images of people dying in the street and much lower reported numbers than most places. And also the knowledge that they have huge incentive to lie.
I'm curious... When exactly were western governments aware of mass graves in China, and people dying in streets ?
Mass graves is pretty alarming.. or it should be..
Did western policies change drastically after revelation of mass graves and people dying in streets ? If not, maybe they should have...
Seriously, mass graves ?.. I did read about mass graves in Iran recently.. and we want to reopen schools full bore ?.. something just is not making sense... are we trying for mass graves here too ?
(EDIT.. seems already they are.. in NY)
Now I'm curious when China mass graves first came to light..
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You are making a judgment on China’s numbers based on your assumption that they just lied a little.

This given the knowledge that the virus started there, they had mass graves dug, images of people dying in the street and much lower reported numbers than most places. And also the knowledge that they have huge incentive to lie.

My question was more why would you infer I “like China more than America”. The only thing I said is that I don’t think they are lying by a factor of 40(!), which would be what was needed to have the same problem we have. Those mass graves haven’t been an ongoing thing.

I don’t think they lied “a little” either. But like I said in another post, even numbers off by 10x showed their mitigation strategies worked. And no, we would would never go for a Wuhan style lockdown nor should we. But there were (are) answers in the middle between that....and what we actually have done....that would have put us in a much better place.
My question was more why would you infer I “like China more than America”. The only thing I said is that I don’t think they are lying by a factor of 40(!), which would be what was needed to have the same problem we have. Those mass graves haven’t been an ongoing thing.

I don’t think they lied “a little” either. But like I said in another post, even numbers off by 10x showed their mitigation strategies worked. And no, we would would never go for a Wuhan style lockdown nor should we. But there were (are) answers in the middle between that....and what we actually have done....that would have put us in a much better place.
Why wouldn't you think they would lie that much? How much do you think they would lie?

Also, I think many in the US government thinks China would like by a factor of 40.
What's the deal with Florida's cases? I haven't read into it? I heard on BBC this morning that many labs were reporting 98% positive on all cases but in reality it was 9%? Anyone else hear this?
Don’t worry
With hospitals now directed to report to the White House instead of the cdc -
I’m sure it will soon be very transparent
Is better if they report to you?

Who should they report to?

Come on, you are just picking sides now. You would think the CDC could do it effectively. They didn't, so the executive branch must take control.

Should they have them report to Nancy Pelosi?
Don’t worry
With hospitals now directed to report to the White House instead of the cdc -
I’m sure it will soon be very transparent

Is that true? I can't believe congress will allow that. I'm all for transparency and oversight as long as everyone plays by the same standards.
Is better if they report to you?

Who should they report to?

Come on, you are just picking sides now. You would think the CDC could do it effectively. They didn't, so the executive branch must take control.

Should they have them report to Nancy Pelosi?
What was ineffective about the cdc collection of data ?

cdc is under hhs- who the data is now going to
So swing and a miss
Yes which again -
The cdc reports through hhs
There is no positive spin here
OK, let's go over this. The CDC reports to HHS. HSS reports to the President. Donald Trump is the President. If the reporting is judged to be inaccurate, the President can take control. All executive branch.

But based on your words, you are admitting that it was out of Trump's control to this point. So he can't be such a dictator.
I don’t trust the executive branch when literally they are running oppo smears on Fauci to distract from their continued failure to formulate a plan and lead
You don't trust the opposite political party. You only have faith in your side. In this case, there is nothing Trump can do to please you no matter how good it is.

As well, under your terms, Fauci is above being criticized. But Trump is only due criticism.
You don't trust the opposite political party. You only have faith in your side. In this case, there is nothing Trump can do to please you no matter how good it is.

As well, under your terms, Fauci is above being criticized. But Trump is only due criticism.

I don’t trust any of them. Which is why it should remain under the CDC which is at least quasi independent. Would make it much harder to cover anything up no matter what party is in control. A move like this would make my suspicions perk up regardless.
I don’t trust any of them. Which is why it should remain under the CDC which is at least quasi independent. Would make it much harder to cover anything up no matter what party is in control. A move like this would make my suspicions perk up regardless.
The CDC is not political? What should be done if the CDC fails?

Is the CDC incapable of failure?
From "Forbes," July 10:

"After the Trump administration used the American Academy of Pediatrics’ statement pushing for “having students physically” in classrooms to justify its campaign to fully reopen schools—and possibly withhold funding from those that remain closed—the AAP openly disagreed with the administration Friday in a new statement that argues schools “must pursue reopening in a way that is safe for all students, teachers and staff.”

“Schools in areas with high levels of COVID-19 community spread should not be compelled to reopen against the judgment of local experts,” the organizations said, arguing a “one-size-fits-all approach is not appropriate” for the reopening plans."

He did not take the same position as the AAP, he twisted their position to fit his.

Are we debating a "moving target?" It appears that the AAP modified, or clarified, what was initially stated to the media (at least a the press release statement level). Their fundamental position that Covid doesn't present a serious health risk to children wasn't really changed. Their clarification was really about school reopening safety considerations related primarily to the risk it could present primarily for teachers and staff who are potentially at higher risk and that should be factored in to local reopening decisions.

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