A misunderstanding of covid?

You seem unable to digest my comments..
Media has also been very critical of that very small number of countries that have higher death rate than Sweden.. Google it if you don't believe me.. it's not hard to do...if you do, you will find that you are flat out wrong that only Sweden has been singled out for criticism.. You're wrong...
Tell you agree with the article that Sweden is a "success" with their 5th highest death rate (and climbing) ?
So you honestly think that Sweden sitting at 5th highest death rate is above criticism? Sure Italy and Belgium sucked at their very different efforts... Can you admit Swedens plan ALSO failed ?
Your article says Sweden "succeded" right in the headline, and you can't see it as a spin job ?
That seems text book bias to me..
You can't see that it seems...
I guess we'll agree to disagree...
I was responding to steel, not you. I agree with you.
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This is exactly how millions of people justified voting for and subsequently supporting Trump. It's actually how Trump sells himself as he stares down a -15 favorability rating heading into the election. He knows he sucks at his job, and can't even pretend to be likeable, so the only thing he can do is try to dirty up everyone else.

Congratulations, you played yourself.

How did I play myself? I'm the one who called both of them a joke, you are the one who jumped to the defense of one of the jokes, and then you pretty much agreed with me that the other guy is a joke. Here's a hint for you. They are both jokes.

The fact that you seem to think that there is something good about Joe Biden for President beyond the fact that he is the lessor of the two evils means that you are playing yourself, each and every day that you delude yourself into thinking that there is something about Biden that makes him anything more than an awful candidate for President.

Oh, one more thing. If you seriously think that Trump is selling himself as the lessor of two evils then that shows you really have no idea what so ever what you are talking about. The notion that Trump thinks he is doing a bad job is just as batshit crazy as he is. He thinks nothing of the sort, and if that isn't obvious to you you seriously must not have ever paid attention to him.
How did I play myself? I'm the one who called both of them a joke, you are the one who jumped to the defense of one of the jokes, and then you pretty much agreed with me that the other guy is a joke. Here's a hint for you. They are both jokes.

The fact that you seem to think that there is something good about Joe Biden for President beyond the fact that he is the lessor of the two evils means that you are playing yourself, each and every day that you delude yourself into thinking that there is something about Biden that makes him anything more than an awful candidate for President.

Oh, one more thing. If you seriously think that Trump is selling himself as the lessor of two evils then that shows you really have no idea what so ever what you are talking about. The notion that Trump thinks he is doing a bad job is just as batshit crazy as he is. He thinks nothing of the sort, and if that isn't obvious to you you seriously must not have ever paid attention to him.
I think it’s very reasonable to think Biden is at least capable of human empathy and won’t obstruct experts.
He’s a functioning adult
Which is enough
Sadly after electing a reality tv star
I’m okay with level setting with basics

I said this to someone a week or two ago when we were discussing this, I understand the voting for the lessor of two evils "theory", but I don't vote that way. I vote "for" candidates, and if none of the candidates on the ballot is worthy in my mind of my vote then they don't get it. In the primary this year I voted for my son for President.

I get that not everyone thinks like I do, and I have no problem with people voting based on whatever they want to vote on. To each his or her own.
So my brother is biochemical engineer for the past 15 years and has developed vaccines for Pfizer and now Roche. He's a pretty smart cookie. While I was partying, he was getting his PhD @ 26 years of age.


We have had dozens of conversations on covid over the past few months.

Last night he made a point that seems to be gaining traction in the science community.

He said, you can brag about every form of intervention and prevention known to science in terms of how to handle covid. But, covid's ultimate initial impact will boil down to 2 things - population fitness and previous intense upper respiratory (cold/flu) seasons. He said he believes this is the denominator that the media does not focus upon. I asked him if the United States handled it's outbreak like Germany or other "successful" countries would things be drastically different? He answered it like this -

1. If you have an old population with various comorbidity that population is going to get hit the hardest - we know that.

2. If you have a population with high comorbidity your going to get hit hard again - we know this.

3. If you have had previous severe cold/flu seasons, you will not get hit as hard - we are beginning to understand this.

He said no country/region is ready to handle a massive pandemic with poor susceptible populations. They will have casualties.

He said it's no coincidence that the countries, states, regions that have handled this pandemic the best who report honest #'s are the ones who've been dealt the best cards and not the intervention/prevention tactics. Countries/regions that have handled this the best have been broken down to having natural isolation (new zealand/australia), previous harsh flu/cold seasons (E. Europe), and younger, healthier populations (aka fitness).

He sent me me a short clip this morning on the topic

Pretty sure I’ve never heard anyone said anything different than this. Just need to mask up and social distance until we find a vaccine and keep the curve flat. Pretty simple
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Pretty sure I’ve never heard anyone said anything different than this. Just need to mask up and social distance until we find a vaccine and keep the curve flat. Pretty simple

What my brother pointed out was outcomes are directly tied into population fitness/previous severity of cold seasons (cross immunity with other covid viruses that have been around for years). That is where some countries are dealt better hands than others. When a fire hits a forest it does a ton of damage. Those trees that survive, often don't fall and survive the next fire because they're more resistant.

The media has focused on intervention/prevention after the fact when more information was known.

What I'm saying is either our governors didn't know how to protect our elderly because of how they intervened or they just practiced pure negligence. I believe they had no guidance from the CDC on this and when they did it was after the fact. If not, they have a ton of blood on their hands. When this was 1st known in January why wasn't the CDC and WHO screaming "elderly populations and those with underlying issues are in the cross-hairs - this is what you need to do!!!" I saw no recommendations that early that would've allowed government officials to intervene appropriately. Moving these populations around is not like planning a weekend vacation.

I read yesterday that Germany and Hong Kong "superiority" in handling the pandemic was how they managed elderly care homes compared to the rest of the world and not just the United States.

Go to the 20:20 mark and listen to Oxford epidemiologists describe lockdown interventions -

At the 20:40 mark they talk about "fever hospitals" in mitigating the spread. I find this absolutely fascinating in that we handled this quite the opposite way across the United States. It blows my mind that all of these temporary hospitals that were built were used for "healthy covid patients" and not for the most at-risk. Instead we flooded ICU's across the country, and we mandated the sick at risk populations back into elderly homes. Why not pull those folks out and isolate them from the rest?-
Sadly after electing a reality tv star
I’m okay with level setting with basics

my preferred candidate didn’t win the primary
The problem with Biden being a functional adult is he has no control over his party. So while he may not be a left wing idiot like AOC and the squad he is going to be faced with caving to the far left in his party. For instance Biden supports a assault weapons ban, it bans more than assault weapons but let's take it at face value,. But Biden doesn't support confiscations. Basically anything that is owned now will still be legal but you won't be able to buy a new one. While I oppose this it's not that radical. But Biden doesn't pass legislation so if a bill gets through and many house Dems have said they support confiscation, Biden isn't going to veto it, so by default he is as radical as his party. Then you have the government basically committing theft of property. How would someone feel if the buy a new gas car and suddenly it's illegal to own said car only electric cars are legal. Hey turn in the old car and we will give you 2k for it. Not many would be happy about losing 18k of value. That's just one example of many.
What my brother pointed out was outcomes are directly tied into population fitness/previous severity of cold seasons (cross immunity with other covid viruses that have been around for years). That is where some countries are dealt better hands than others. When a fire hits a forest it does a ton of damage. Those trees that survive, often don't fall and survive the next fire because they're more resistant.

The media has focused on intervention/prevention after the fact when more information was known.

What I'm saying is either our governors didn't know how to protect our elderly because of how they intervened or they just practiced pure negligence. I believe they had no guidance from the CDC on this and when they did it was after the fact. If not, they have a ton of blood on their hands. When this was 1st known in January why wasn't the CDC and WHO screaming "elderly populations and those with underlying issues are in the cross-hairs - this is what you need to do!!!" I saw no recommendations that early that would've allowed government officials to intervene appropriately. Moving these populations around is not like planning a weekend vacation.

I read yesterday that Germany and Hong Kong "superiority" in handling the pandemic was how they managed elderly care homes compared to the rest of the world and not just the United States.

Go to the 20:20 mark and listen to Oxford epidemiologists describe lockdown interventions -

At the 20:40 mark they talk about "fever hospitals" in mitigating the spread. I find this absolutely fascinating in that we handled this quite the opposite way across the United States. It blows my mind that all of these temporary hospitals that were built were used for "healthy covid patients" and not for the most at-risk. Instead we flooded ICU's across the country, and we mandated the sick at risk populations back into elderly homes. Why not pull those folks out and isolate them from the rest?-
One main reason for failure to take care of the elderly early on was the total lack of testing everywhere including nursing homes etc. medical personnel were unable to treat or monitor the Covid because there were no tests. In order to get a test you had to be really sick with no testing of contacts until it was too late. It also took a week or so to determine whether someone had it. By the time a result came back, covid had already spread to to 5-10 others.
The problem with Biden being a functional adult is he has no control over his party. So while he may not be a left wing idiot like AOC and the squad he is going to be faced with caving to the far left in his party. For instance Biden supports a assault weapons ban, it bans more than assault weapons but let's take it at face value,. But Biden doesn't support confiscations. Basically anything that is owned now will still be legal but you won't be able to buy a new one. While I oppose this it's not that radical. But Biden doesn't pass legislation so if a bill gets through and many house Dems have said they support confiscation, Biden isn't going to veto it, so by default he is as radical as his party. Then you have the government basically committing theft of property. How would someone feel if the buy a new gas car and suddenly it's illegal to own said car only electric cars are legal. Hey turn in the old car and we will give you 2k for it. Not many would be happy about losing 18k of value. That's just one example of many.

IMO, this is not a realistic fear, especially as it pertains to gun confiscation.

The Democratic caucus is more multi-polar than the Republicans and they won't be able to convince 1-2 Senators not to break on something as nuclear as gun confiscation. People like Joe Manchin, Bob Casey, Jon Tester, and especially Doug Jones are not going to support a radical bill like that. And you'd need every single Democratic Senator to get that vote through. And you'd need the Democrats to win the Senate in the first place. And you'd need to get that bill through the House (which it won't because the Democrats can't get 218 votes for something insane).

Personally, even if they sweep in November, I think the Democrats will assume they'll lose the Senate in 2022 and will focus all of their legislative energy on their core concerns: 1) replacing RBG; 2) voter rights; 3) anti-corruption and 4) healthcare.

AOC and the Squad are wildly overblown as boogeymen. The Progressives are well less than half of the Democratic House caucus by absolute numbers. The Squad has 0 Committees underneath them. They don't have the power to force anything like that through anything to Biden.
I said this to someone a week or two ago when we were discussing this, I understand the voting for the lessor of two evils "theory", but I don't vote that way. I vote "for" candidates, and if none of the candidates on the ballot is worthy in my mind of my vote then they don't get it. In the primary this year I voted for my son for President.

I get that not everyone thinks like I do, and I have no problem with people voting based on whatever they want to vote on. To each his or her own.

You're definitely in the minority, at least with respect to 2016. It was the election of negative partisanship where many people voted for a candidate because they hated the other party's constituents.
One main reason for failure to take care of the elderly early on was the total lack of testing everywhere including nursing homes etc. medical personnel were unable to treat or monitor the Covid because there were no tests. In order to get a test you had to be really sick with no testing of contacts until it was too late. It also took a week or so to determine whether someone had it. By the time a result came back, covid had already spread to to 5-10 others.

Testing - I agree had a big impact but personally I think they underplayed -or- didn't know how deadly this virus was for the elderly population. The 1st lesson in dealing with blood born pathogens is assuming everyone who bleeds has a pathogen, so you take the proper precautions. I would think the CDC would have made universal guidelines in treating all nursing home patients as if the pathogen was present and got them to isolation. This brings me back to one of my original points - I don't think the CDC knew. In my other thread, I asked the question "based on what we knew and the population size and demographic of this country, what is the acceptable case fatality rate?" No one outside of 1-2 posters answered the question.
The problem with Biden being a functional adult is he has no control over his party. So while he may not be a left wing idiot like AOC and the squad he is going to be faced with caving to the far left in his party. For instance Biden supports a assault weapons ban, it bans more than assault weapons but let's take it at face value,. But Biden doesn't support confiscations. Basically anything that is owned now will still be legal but you won't be able to buy a new one. While I oppose this it's not that radical. But Biden doesn't pass legislation so if a bill gets through and many house Dems have said they support confiscation, Biden isn't going to veto it, so by default he is as radical as his party. Then you have the government basically committing theft of property. How would someone feel if the buy a new gas car and suddenly it's illegal to own said car only electric cars are legal. Hey turn in the old car and we will give you 2k for it. Not many would be happy about losing 18k of value. That's just one example of many.
Congress has not been able to pass a ban on the manufacture of assault weapons since the previous ban expired in 2004. How do you think that congress would pass a bill to confiscate those weapons, if it cannot pass a bill to ban the manufacturing of them? There is not a Republican in either house of congress who would support such a bill, and many Democrats would not, either.

And to say that a president, any president, has no control over his party is contradicted by the experience of just about every modern-day president. Presidents are the leaders of their party.
Souf, we may have jumped off the bandwagon a little too soon!

"A public affairs officer for the Oklahoma Board of Elections told New York that a representative for West showed up at the Oklahoma Board of Elections with a properly executed statement of candidacy and the $35,000 filing fee. This was the last day that independent presidential candidates could file to appear on the ballot in the Sooner State."

"On Thursday morning, West filed his formal statement of candidacy with the Federal Election Commission. The document is required for any candidate for federal office who spends at least $5,000 campaigning."

On the stump. He’s bat guano crazy.

The problem with Biden being a functional adult is he has no control over his party. So while he may not be a left wing idiot like AOC and the squad he is going to be faced with caving to the far left in his party. For instance Biden supports a assault weapons ban, it bans more than assault weapons but let's take it at face value,. But Biden doesn't support confiscations. Basically anything that is owned now will still be legal but you won't be able to buy a new one. While I oppose this it's not that radical. But Biden doesn't pass legislation so if a bill gets through and many house Dems have said they support confiscation, Biden isn't going to veto it, so by default he is as radical as his party. Then you have the government basically committing theft of property. How would someone feel if the buy a new gas car and suddenly it's illegal to own said car only electric cars are legal. Hey turn in the old car and we will give you 2k for it. Not many would be happy about losing 18k of value. That's just one example of many.
He doesn’t need to control the party

they are elected to represent their areas
IMO, this is not a realistic fear, especially as it pertains to gun confiscation.

The Democratic caucus is more multi-polar than the Republicans and they won't be able to convince 1-2 Senators not to break on something as nuclear as gun confiscation. People like Joe Manchin, Bob Casey, Jon Tester, and especially Doug Jones are not going to support a radical bill like that. And you'd need every single Democratic Senator to get that vote through. And you'd need the Democrats to win the Senate in the first place. And you'd need to get that bill through the House (which it won't because the Democrats can't get 218 votes for something insane).

Personally, even if they sweep in November, I think the Democrats will assume they'll lose the Senate in 2022 and will focus all of their legislative energy on their core concerns: 1) replacing RBG; 2) voter rights; 3) anti-corruption and 4) healthcare.

AOC and the Squad are wildly overblown as boogeymen. The Progressives are well less than half of the Democratic House caucus by absolute numbers. The Squad has 0 Committees underneath them. They don't have the power to force anything like that through anything to Biden.
But Biden has already said he would make Beto his gun czar. Agree that it's unlikely to be able to passed in the Senate but I am not voting for someone who has appointed someone that has a gun czar that said he would confinscate my property. I also do not agree with Biden on other issues it's not just that one thing
You're definitely in the minority, at least with respect to 2016. It was the election of negative partisanship where many people voted for a candidate because they hated the other party's constituents.

In 2016 I was thinking about voting for the Libertarians, because they seemed to put up a couple guys who at least had the experience (two former governors) that they might be able to get something done. And then Gary Johnson got (at least) a little goofy, and William Weld went completely off the deep end, and that ended that.
But Biden has already said he would make Beto his gun czar. Agree that it's unlikely to be able to passed in the Senate but I am not voting for someone who has appointed someone that has a gun czar that said he would confinscate my property. I also do not agree with Biden on other issues it's not just that one thing

I understand. I'm a gun owner as well. I'm ok with various forms of gun control that are popular across the political spectrum (e.g., magazine capacity limits, number of guns owned limits, licensing requirements including some proficiency and mental health evaluation, no suppressors, etc.) but I would not support confiscation. Confiscation is just not a part of the Democratic platform, and anyone who tells you that it is being dishonest with you. It's a tell that you can use to determine that this person is lying to you.

You're allowed to disagree with Biden's policies, but confiscation is not an actual policy of his, nor the Democratic party's (it may be of a small number of Democratic members of Congress). But it will never happen under a Biden administration for a number of political and practical reasons - there's no chance.
In 2016 I was thinking about voting for the Libertarians, because they seemed to put up a couple guys who at least had the experience (two former governors) that they might be able to get something done. And then Gary Johnson got (at least) a little goofy, and William Weld went completely off the deep end, and that ended that.

Yeah, unfortunately our Third Party candidates at the national level are just vote sinks.
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