Biden criticizes Trump and offers a competing vision, for both handling COVID and the Presidency in general, all the time. Just yesterday he said Trump should keep wearing a mask and listen to medical experts, among other things. Biden has also put forth plans for a test and trace program, producing more PPE, and reopening the economy. You just don't hear about it as much because Trump sucks up all the oxygen in the room.
With respect to spending, 32% of households missed their mortgage payments this month. Many states are over 10% unemployed. Some are over 20%. People need money for the basics right now and running a 6-12 month deficit until we get a vaccine is really not a big deal. Otherwise you're going to have people permanently losing their businesses, homes, cars, etc. and the negative economic effects will be permanent rather than temporary, which no one wants.
You asked what Biden would do to "protect" the population and economy. The demonstrations caused property damage and personal injury. My answer was that he would have at least tried to respond to the root cause of the demonstrations, which may have mitigated some of the property damage and human suffering.
The "both sides" gambit is pretty weak sauce at this point and IMO it's not a move that reflects any kind of political enlightenment.