Here is the problem...
The problem is we have too many Pitt fans who still dwell in the past. They believe (and this is key) that Pitt is on the same competitive playing field as all of the other schools like OSU, Michigan, ND, etc...They believe what's holding Pitt back is a cheap, incompetent, administration and nothing else.
They believe that to win at a high level immediately, all you have to do is fire the coach, and spend big bucks to replace him. Problem solved...
They also believe that the attendance issues could be solved tomorrow. All Pitt needs to do is to spend millions on a new campus stadium, even though there's no place to put it and would only be used six times a year... They blame the lack of action on a cheap, incompetent administration who is more focused on education than providing these kielbasa eating, sauerkraut smelling, fools some entertainment.
Finally, they believe that every local 4 star kid should go to Pitt. If they don't, it is a reflection on the coach and therefore should be fired and replaced with a proven P5 coach that can recruit and bring along assistant coaches that can do the same. If that doesn't happen, it's because Pitt is run by a cheap, incompetent, administration who isn't willing to cheat...
These same Iron City beer drinking buffoons, don't see any obstacles or challenges for an urban school like Pitt. They believe money is printed in the Cathedral of Learning basement and then kept by a ruthless, sadomasochistic group of people known as "the administration"