Do you think schools make big money in their food services?
Room & board costs for on campus housing and meal plans are pretty significant.
Do you think schools make big money in their food services?
Do you think schools make big money in their food services?
Room & board costs for on campus housing and meal plans are pretty significant.
When we went on a recruiting trip for my daughter, we were told that's where schools make their money now, room and board.
It amounts to a lot of $$$$ It's a big reason why the schools want the kids back on campus. If they do all remote learning and the students aren't living on campus, it's going to be difficult to justify trying to keep room & board $$$$ that was already paid for.
I'm not sure what law you think is in place that would stop the NFL from playing on Saturday, but rest assured that if all the colleges bail on the season and the NFL goes on the NFL will play some games on Saturdays.