Mass Shooting in Squirrel Hill

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There are a lot of people with very low IQ's who believe the more guns there are, the safer you are.

What does that have to do with this? Just because some politician says it's so, doesn't make it so. And guns or lack thereof has nothing to do with what happened.
When I listen to Trump state that armed security could have changed the outcome it makes me sad. To think that armed security is needed in places of worship, schools, everywhere says to me that there’s a larger problem.

What is the larger problem? My friends on the left say it is guns. And while I see how guns could be an issue, I think there is a massive mental health problem in this country that is being treated with drugs that alter your brain chemistry. How many people would say they’ve been “depressed?”

Mental illness + easy access to guns + gun culture = USA's gun problem.

Every other developed country has mental illness. They just dont have gun culture we have
Knock off what?

Has there been mailed bombs intercepted all week based on politics?

Has there been a shooting this morning in a synagogue based on their politics?

Did the president of our country not just say we need more armed security in places ?
Did the president of our country not just say we need more armed security in places ?
And if there was it probably would have been deescalated before 12 people were dead .
Mental illness + easy access to guns + gun culture = USA's gun problem.

Every other developed country has mental illness. They just dont have gun culture we have
I resolved myself that nothing will ever change after nothing happened after 20something first graders were slaughtered in 2012.
PLEASE, quit with the political references. Politics isn't part of this discussion and isn't relevant.
So you prefer ignorance.

Which is why it keeps Happening
Soufs ideal American utopia .
The walking brain dead.
Soufs ideal American utopia .
Seems more like Robert Bowers’

Me, I’m plenty comfortable with diversity.

Including differences in thoughts and opinions.
But when the Liberty and lives of others are the price- it’s a price too high, and should demand some attempts to change.

It won’t- so don’t worry-
Your status quo won’t be disrupted.
LONG POST: Tell ya what.. this is crazy. First: heart goes out to everyone involved. This is awful. Second: quite frankly, I dont actually believe a “middle ground” exists. Everyone has their own opinion and beliefs. My beliefs are somewhere in between athiest and “hope there is some higher power,but way too much evil shit goes on for me to believe.” Was raised catholic, but look at the damn findings about the churches recently.
People are supposed to blindly follow that? F that.. regards to where we are right now: I think trump being elected was a reaction from conservatives who, rightfully ir wrongully , felt threatened by some of the social aspects that some parties try to enforce.
I am the generation before millenials: I can tell you that social media, the constant narcisism and the exploitation of our insecurities has amplified events like this.
Add in our hedonistic tendoncies as a culture, especially america tbh, (sex, drugs, celebrity worship) and we are where we are today. There is no need for someone to have to guard a damn church , or anything. But given events of recent times, maybe that makes sense.
Also, no need for someone to carry an assault weapon at all. But whats the solution? Can the government go home to home and take citizens’ guns? What would that cost? I, sadly, have resorted to the belief that humans are inherently flawed in many ways, and internet tech has made it worse. We arent meant to be dealing with constant negativety and things like that... what I have gathered is these events are usually done by lonely men, not necessarily dems or repubs. It also goes deeper than toxic masculinity.
I think men just reach breaking points and obviously, because if testosterone, have a high capacity for violence I dont have a solution. Does anyone? I legit walk around expecting the worst. But it helps temper expectations. Ugh this is awful guys.
LONG POST: Tell ya what.. this is crazy. First: heart goes out to everyone involved. This is awful. Second: quite frankly, I dont actually believe a “middle ground” exists. Everyone has their own opinion and beliefs. My beliefs are somewhere in between athiest and “hope there is some higher power,but way too much evil shit goes on for me to believe.” Was raised catholic, but look at the damn findings about the churches recently.
People are supposed to blindly follow that? F that.. regards to where we are right now: I think trump being elected was a reaction from conservatives who, rightfully ir wrongully , felt threatened by some of the social aspects that some parties try to enforce.
I am the generation before millenials: I can tell you that social media, the constant narcisism and the exploitation of our insecurities has amplified events like this.
Add in our hedonistic tendoncies as a culture, especially america tbh, (sex, drugs, celebrity worship) and we are where we are today. There is no need for someone to have to guard a damn church , or anything. But given events of recent times, maybe that makes sense.
Also, no need for someone to carry an assault weapon at all. But whats the solution? Can the government go home to home and take citizens’ guns? What would that cost? I, sadly, have resorted to the belief that humans are inherently flawed in many ways, and internet tech has made it worse. We arent meant to be dealing with constant negativety and things like that... what I have gathered is these events are usually done by lonely men, not necessarily dems or repubs. It also goes deeper than toxic masculinity.
I think men just reach breaking points and obviously, because if testosterone, have a high capacity for violence I dont have a solution. Does anyone? I legit walk around expecting the worst. But it helps temper expectations. Ugh this is awful guys.
I blame social media .
I blame social media .

There’s no question it’s a big factor. I think these loons used to be more isolated and these social media platforms provide a way for these nuts to get together. So instead of being more marginalized there’s now on line communities of these whackos who get support and encouragement for their lunacy and ignorance.
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There’s no question it’s a big factor. I think these loons used to be more isolated and these social media platforms provide a way for these nuts to get together. So instead of being more marginalized there’s now on line communities of these whackos who get support and encouragement for their lunacy and ignorance.
So, I dont believe it is this simple. As much as I used to be about “justice” , until we recognize why people do these things , we will not get anywhere . It will keep cycling. Truth is , I have 0 doubt social media is a big, big factor. Trust me, I was an addict at one point: took away my social skills, lived in a fake world.. it is hard to escape. Lucky, I have friends and family who love me. Some people dont. It is never as simple as we think. But I can tell ya, the idea of my generation or millenials running this country one day is scary. But baby boomers are putrid at it as well.
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Thoughts and prayers to all that are dealing with loss. Just absolutely tragic.

It’s pure evil to conclude that murdering people at their place of worship is the answer to anything. The term scumbag doesn’t do justice to describing what a POS the shooter is.
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Thoughts and prayers to all that are dealing with loss. Just absolutely tragic.

It’s pure evil to conclude that murdering people at their place of worship is the answer to anything. The term scumbag doesn’t do justice to describing what a POS the shooter is.
Amen .
So, I dont believe it is this simple. As much as I used to be about “justice” , until we recognize why people do these things , we will not get anywhere . It will keep cycling. Truth is , I have 0 doubt social media is a big, big factor. Trust me, I was an addict at one point: took away my social skills, lived in a fake world.. it is hard to escape. Lucky, I have friends and family who love me. Some people dont. It is never as simple as we think. But I can tell ya, the idea of my generation or millenials running this country one day is scary. But baby boomers are putrid at it as well.

Of course it’s not that simple. Nothing like this can be. Just saying what your yourself said. It’s a big factor.

There were always nutbars and always will be. Social media makes it MUCH easier to find other like minded fools.
A .. What ? Sorry .
It’s a social media theme from the nationalist.
You can google it.

14= 14 words - the nazi slogan “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

88= HH= Heil, Hitler.

It’s simply a coincidence that these proud boy cowards have surged in public commentary and demonstrations- the past couple years- I know
Of course it’s not that simple. Nothing like this can be. Just saying what your yourself said. It’s a big factor.

There were always nutbars and always will be. Social media makes it MUCH easier to find other like minded fools.
Thank you for sharing my thoughts more specifically friend .
I’m still amazed that this turd, like the parkland shooter, can somehow be arrested alive despite literally shooting at cops.
No worries . When the dems take control in a couple of weeks , we will all pony up to house pieces of shit like this for decades .
You want it ?
You got it .
It’s a social media theme from the nationalist.
You can google it.

14= 14 words - the nazi slogan “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

88= HH= Heil, Hitler.

It’s simply a coincidence that these proud boy cowards have surged in public commentary and demonstrations- the past couple years- I know
Thanks for that info ?
It’s a social media theme from the nationalist.
You can google it.

14= 14 words - the nazi slogan “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

88= HH= Heil, Hitler.

It’s simply a coincidence that these proud boy cowards have surged in public commentary and demonstrations- the past couple years- I know
And it's simply a coincidence that there is a massive refugee push at the same time.
LONG POST: Tell ya what.. this is crazy. First: heart goes out to everyone involved. This is awful. Second: quite frankly, I dont actually believe a “middle ground” exists. Everyone has their own opinion and beliefs. My beliefs are somewhere in between athiest and “hope there is some higher power,but way too much evil shit goes on for me to believe.” Was raised catholic, but look at the damn findings about the churches recently.
People are supposed to blindly follow that? F that.. regards to where we are right now: I think trump being elected was a reaction from conservatives who, rightfully ir wrongully , felt threatened by some of the social aspects that some parties try to enforce.
I am the generation before millenials: I can tell you that social media, the constant narcisism and the exploitation of our insecurities has amplified events like this.
Add in our hedonistic tendoncies as a culture, especially america tbh, (sex, drugs, celebrity worship) and we are where we are today. There is no need for someone to have to guard a damn church , or anything. But given events of recent times, maybe that makes sense.
Also, no need for someone to carry an assault weapon at all. But whats the solution? Can the government go home to home and take citizens’ guns? What would that cost? I, sadly, have resorted to the belief that humans are inherently flawed in many ways, and internet tech has made it worse. We arent meant to be dealing with constant negativety and things like that... what I have gathered is these events are usually done by lonely men, not necessarily dems or repubs. It also goes deeper than toxic masculinity.
I think men just reach breaking points and obviously, because if testosterone, have a high capacity for violence I dont have a solution. Does anyone? I legit walk around expecting the worst. But it helps temper expectations. Ugh this is awful guys.

Good post. I'm a baby boomer and I know how you feel. I have to say, though, that the evil that happens so often and a presence of a higher power aren't related. That higher power, whatever it is, has given humans freedom to make choices. Far too many times, we make the wrong choices. I was raised Catholic and I am horrified by the choices the "leaders" of the Catholic church have made over the past decades. I have no respect for any of them, but that isn't going to make me lose faith in God or Jesus Christ. The church and God, to me, have lost that connection. But that higher power still exists, in spite of a corrupt church.

My prayers go out to the victims, their families and the Jewish community.
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No worries . When the dems take control in a couple of weeks , we will all pony up to house pieces of shit like this for decades .
You want it ?
You got it .

So- politics is back on the table .
Cool- do you think death penalty would dissuade this?
How about race?
Just a coincidence these shooters walk away alive,yet plenty of unarmed people of different skin hues don’t.

Hey- let’s do this.
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