Mass Shooting in Squirrel Hill

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So- politics is back on the table .
Cool- do you think death penalty would dissuade this?
How about race?
Just a coincidence these shooters walk away alive,yet plenty of unarmed people of different skin hues don’t.

Hey- let’s do this.
Hey .
Im not a conspiracy theorist like you .

Believe what you want .
I’m just really sorry for those who lost their lives and their families. Seems some here say they are sorry but just want to use this sad event as a chance to push their views since a message board got shut down. Some real nut jobs here.
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So- politics is back on the table .
Cool- do you think death penalty would dissuade this?
How about race?
Just a coincidence these shooters walk away alive,yet plenty of unarmed people of different skin hues don’t.

Hey- let’s do this.
I agree with what you say here: no doubt in my mind racism, sexism, and reverse racism and sexism run rampant. But as a white male, I disagree with being made to feel guilty due to old , white privilege. Im all for getting all these old dems and repubs, male or female, white or not, out of office . But I will say, I as a millenial am barely afloat, working two jobs, fell victim to the scam college is, and I can tell you, many of my friends in the same situation are sick of hearing about privilege. My generation feels none it. Living on credit aint good. We are f#####
There are a lot of people with very low IQ's who believe the more guns there are, the safer you are.

Think about every mass shooting. There was/were 1 person with a gun. If there were more people with guns maybe the dingbat would not act knowing his desired outcome decreases in a situation when people are ready and willing to fight back. But I guess I am too low IQ to be on your level.
I agree with what you say here: no doubt in my mind racism, sexism, and reverse racism and sexism run rampant. But as a white male, I disagree with being made to feel guilty due to old , white privilege. Im all for getting all these old dems and repubs, male or female, white or not, out of office . But I will say, I as a millenial am barely afloat, working two jobs, fell victim to the scam college is, and I can tell you, many of my friends in the same situation are sick of hearing about privilege. My generation feels none it. Living on credit aint good. We are f#####
You will be fine . Trust me . Just keep on keeping on young man .
I agree with what you say here: no doubt in my mind racism, sexism, and reverse racism and sexism run rampant. But as a white male, I disagree with being made to feel guilty due to old , white privilege. Im all for getting all these old dems and repubs, male or female, white or not, out of office . But I will say, I as a millenial am barely afloat, working two jobs, fell victim to the scam college is, and I can tell you, many of my friends in the same situation are sick of hearing about privilege. My generation feels none it. Living on credit aint good. We are f#####

Worrying about your finances because of opportunity-
Is privilege .

Or to the topic-
Being alive to stand trial for your heinous crime, when others are killed on site for being suspected-
Is likewise privilege.

Reverse racism is a myth of those desperate to be victims to rationalize their bad choices
Worrying about your finances because of opportunity-
Is privilege .

Or to the topic-
Being alive to stand trial for your heinous crime, when others are killed on site for being suspected-
Is likewise privilege.

Reverse racism is a myth of those desperate to be victims to rationalize their bad choices
The first point: no . Anybody can go get a damn job man. Unless they are severely handicapped. Do not tell me what I can and can think.
Second point is certainly true: but so is the fact that certain segments of the population commit more crime than others. Not white vs black man. Though I understand that point. But dont tell me as someone who had to take a giant loan out to perpetuate the myth that college is, and now had to work to pay all that back, that I am lucky. Also, dont ignore the cold hard truth that some people (white, black, brown, red, green, orange) are dumb and not meant to succeed to the level of others. Thanks bro
Mental illness + easy access to guns + gun culture = USA's gun problem.

Every other developed country has mental illness. They just dont have gun culture we have

No they just have more stabbings more armed robberies and more rapes. Great trade off.
Worrying about your finances because of opportunity-
Is privilege .

Or to the topic-
Being alive to stand trial for your heinous crime, when others are killed on site for being suspected-
Is likewise privilege.

Reverse racism is a myth of those desperate to be victims to rationalize their bad choices
I actually think you are loving this shit so you can spew your radical left wing bullshit on this forum .
You're a scum bag that needs to be tracked by the FBI .
The first point: no . Anybody can go get a damn job man. Unless they are severely handicapped. Do not tell me what I can and can think.
Second point is certainly true: but so is the fact that certain segments of the population commit more crime than others. Not white vs black man. Though I understand that point. But dont tell me as someone who had to take a giant loan out to perpetuate the myth that college is, and now had to work to pay all that back, that I am lucky. Also, dont ignore the cold hard truth that some people (white, black, brown, red, green, orange) are dumb and not meant to succeed to the level of others. Thanks bro

Worrying about your finances include your student loans because you made bad choices was the point .

You had the opportunity to make those choices .
There’s no question it’s a big factor. I think these loons used to be more isolated and these social media platforms provide a way for these nuts to get together. So instead of being more marginalized there’s now on line communities of these whackos who get support and encouragement for their lunacy and ignorance.


These people no longer move to the mountains of Idaho .

They are everywhere
I actually think you are loving this shit so you can spew your radical left wing bullshit on this forum .
You're a scum bag that needs to be tracked by the FBI .
He isnt wrong about alot. For sur
Worrying about your finances include your student loans because you made bad choices was the point .

You had the opportunity to make those choices .
and anybody has the opportunity to get out and make something. You just made my point for me . Thanks! Youre right, I was a 17 year old immature human brainwashed by my parents, the media and everyone else. I did make the choice ultimately because I felt I had no other option. But I will tell ya what: a 17-21 year old is so much less capable of understanding shit and consequences compared to what I know now at 26. That is how the system insures you spend money: its forced on you right afer high school while you still have no clue. If they actually taught finance in high school, college would go under because students would realize the waste it is for most . Im not playing victim either. I just dont like being told im special because im white. Im not, dont think I am either.
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He isnt wrong about alot. For sur

and anybody has the opportunity to get out and make something. You just made my point for me . Thanks! Youre right, I was a 17 year old immature human brainwashed by my parents, the media and everyone else. I did make the choice ultimately because I felt I had no other option. But I will tell ya what: a 17-21 year old is so much less capable of understanding shit and consequences compared to what I know now at 26. That is how the system insures you spend money: its forced on you right afer high school while you still have no clue. If they actually taught finance in high school, college would go under because students would realize the waste it is for most . Im not playing victim either. I just dont like being told im special because im white. Im not, dont think I am either.

Oh you’re not special .

You just have more doors open to you .

And it doesn’t take finance to know cost vs benefit .
If you went to college without a plan of a specific job you wanted- it’s salary, and the job market compared to the cost of college -
That’s on you and your parents.

I’m poor white trash as a first generation college attendee and I understood that.
What do you think of elizabeth warren basically using 1/1240th of her native american dna to get special treatment at schools and in her career?
What about affirmative action? What about the fact that women are 65% of so of the college student body? We are all equal right? So why is nobody trying to get men more educated again?
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May be true man. But I also can see why enough people felt marginalized to vote for oompah loompah. Because when all you hear about is “youre a jerk because youre a white guy” it pisses you off . Thats what im trying to say.
Look please . I think Trump is a total baboon but I couldn't imagine living on a paycheck with Hillary running the store .
Think about it .
Why would anyone want to work if you know your getting your card reloaded at the beginning of every month ?
What about affirmative action? What about the fact that women are 65% of so of the college student body? We are all equal right? So why is nobody trying to get men more educated again?
Nobody is stopping white men from getting educated.

Except for you who called it a scam.

I have a doctor of pharmacy and a masters of business administration as a 40 year old white male.

Because I chose to pursue higher education, and my employer paid for my MBA.
Look please . I think Trump is a total baboon but I couldn't imagine living on a paycheck with Hillary running the store .
Think about it .
Why would anyone want to work if you know your getting your card reloaded at the beginning of every month ?

How would your incentive to work be any different?
How has it changed under Trump?
Nobody is stopping white men from getting educated.

Except for you who called it a scam.

I have a doctor of pharmacy and a masters of business administration as a 40 year old white male.

Because I chose to pursue higher education, and my employer paid for my MBA.
Doctorate in Pharmacy ? Hmmmm.
That explains it I guess . LOL.
Nobody is stopping white men from getting educated.

Except for you who called it a scam.

I have a doctor of pharmacy and a masters of business administration as a 40 year old white male.

Because I chose to pursue higher education, and my employer paid for my MBA.
But youre assuming that there is still an invisible ceiling. All I see is ever
Nobody is stopping white men from getting educated.

Except for you who called it a scam.

I have a doctor of pharmacy and a masters of business administration as a 40 year old white male.

Because I chose to pursue higher education, and my employer paid for my MBA.
yeah you ignored my question.. im curious why you dont think there is an issue when its the other way around?
How would your incentive to work be any different?
How has it changed under Trump?
Souf by the way I enjoy this discussion. As someone half your age, I respect your opinions. Id hope you can see some of what im trying to say as someone from the generation being raised without racism, etc.
Because I answered it.

White males have plenty of choice and opportunity to pursue higher education.
Just like both you and I did.
No you didnt.. I asked , give me an example of someone who doesnt ? Women, different races get scholarships because of their identity. I had to pay. Im curious as to why you think that it cant work both ways? You dont see an issue with Elizabeth warren lying anout her identity to serve her better ?
Yea mike no need to insult people man it gets nowhere. Im enjoying a rational discussion. Even If I dont always agree
You obviously dont read my posts too often . Thats cool .
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It’s improving incrementally.

I’m simply pointing out there is no glass ceiling for white males.
I do agree that there is no glass ceiling: but also think that , the base level of support for men of all races in general isnt what we think. I actually think the issue has gone more the way of sex vs sex moreso than race vs race. Honestly .
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