OT: For those wanting more "original" movies....

Go see "Baby Driver". Now.


Spotify on the way home playing the incredible soundtrack and I told Mr. Pitt Girl to drive as fast as he wanted. ;)
Never say that to a married man! Most of us have our drivers licenses because we got married and sold our Chevy 396 Chevelle, GTO, Corvette, Hemi Charger, etc for a more practical family car that barely can exceed the speed limit.
But with permission we'll give it a go!
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entertaining movie, the horror movie cliche of the bad guy coming back to life all the time was not a good tactic for suspense.
Never say that to a married man! Most of us have our drivers licenses because we got married and sold our Chevy 396 Chevelle, GTO, Corvette, Hemi Charger, etc for a more practical family car that barely can exceed the speed limit.
But with permission we'll give it a go!
So true-- had to sell the Camaro back in the 70s!!!

Go Pitt!
Is there a mischievous gopher or a giant pea green station wagon with a dead aunt on top? If not it's not my idea of a worthy movie.
Just not interested in that many movies anymore.
Recruits - aren't you always complaining about the lack of originality in Hollywood? This is as original as it gets.

Having said that, I generally hate people so going to the theater is a PITA most times. I've been known to buy the seat next to me for assigned seating showings just to keep it empty. No joke.
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Recruits - aren't you always complaining about the lack of originality in Hollywood? This is as original as it gets.

Having said that, I generally hate people so going to the theater is a PITA most times. I've been known to buy the seat next to me for assigned seating showings just to keep it empty. No joke.

I do the same thing. Or select seats that leave only one in a row beside me so chances are it remains empty
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Recruits - aren't you always complaining about the lack of originality in Hollywood? This is as original as it gets.

Having said that, I generally hate people so going to the theater is a PITA most times. I've been known to buy the seat next to me for assigned seating showings just to keep it empty. No joke.

Yes. But I guess fantasy or made up stuff now bores me. I am not meaning to demean other people's interests, it is just me. I love to see movies more about history and people.
Go see "Baby Driver". Now.
Spotify on the way home playing the incredible soundtrack and I told Mr. Pitt Girl to drive as fast as he wanted. ;)
The Movie "Churchill" a big disappointment, but "Victoria and Abdul" a must see saw it at Tull preview. Why Hollywood is making so many Comic Book Movie failures:

Hollywood's obsession with franchises is costing studios millions

Transformers 5, Despicable Me 3, Pirates 5, King Arthur, and The Mummy have all underperformed

Yes. But I guess fantasy or made up stuff now bores me. I am not meaning to demean other people's interests, it is just me. I love to see movies more about history and people.
Well Baby Driver is no more a made up movie than like The French Connection. Great story, outstanding soundtrack albeit a bit violent. The cinematography is extraordinary.
Well Baby Driver is no more a made up movie than like The French Connection. Great story, outstanding soundtrack albeit a bit violent. The cinematography is extraordinary.

Really? Never heard of it. I am so far removed from pop culture I feel like I am like one of those Mountain Men. But that is great, and ironic as the other morning the French Connection was on and I watched most of it.
I've heard good things about Dunkirk, which is due out in another couple of weeks.
Same here Joe. Definitely a must see. I read a book about it years ago, so I'm very interested in how Christopher Nolan tells the story. This was about the UK and France not the US, specifically the moment when the UK could have been defeated in WWII, so my guess not many here really know what happened.

It must have tested very well to have had it dropped into a prime summer slot as opposed to the late fall where many of the more "serious" movies are released.
The Movie "Churchill" a big disappointment, but "Victoria and Abdul" a must see saw it at Tull preview. Why Hollywood is making so many Comic Book Movie failures:

Hollywood's obsession with franchises is costing studios millions

Transformers 5, Despicable Me 3, Pirates 5, King Arthur, and The Mummy have all underperformed

Well, except for Despicable Me 3, I think the bigger problem with the movies you listed is that they are just plain....bad.

Films this year based on comic books have actually done very well - Wonder Woman and Guardians of the Galaxy 2. They also coincidentally were very well done too. I expect Spiderman to do exceptionally well this coming weekend too given the very strong word of mouth.

I have always contended (and of course there are exceptions both ways) that if a film is well done, it generally will find an audience. The reviews for Transformers, King Arthur, Pirates and the Mummy were awful. Marvel movies have for the most part been vey well reviewed. I thought Deadpool was going to be awful - but surprisingly it was really, really good. As were both Guardians movies.
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I will give it a watch... I am having Better Call Saul withdrawal, so need something to fill a night occasionally.
can't get up for a a movie about losing a campaign...same goes for a Bridge too Far etc...Probably would not watch the 48-14 Story either should it ever go to the big screen...
so with that mindset, all Vietnam movies are off for you? any movie, no matter how heroic, that doesn't win the ultimate prize at the end is off for you? Man, that includes a lot of good stories.
so with that mindset, all Vietnam movies are off for you? any movie, no matter how heroic, that doesn't win the ultimate prize at the end is off for you? Man, that includes a lot of good stories.
uh, yeah, that is what I said...

Full metal jacket
, great movie, we won the battle.
Deer Hunter...Deniro shot that prick playing Russian roulette in the head...made me feel all warm and fuzzy....great flick..

Shortsighted Brits leaving billions in equipment on a beach after a horribly executed European expeditionary disastrous mission spun by Churchill propaganda as something heroic ( don't blame him mind you) when if was a colossal failure just not my cup of tea...I know the story.
uh, yeah, that is what I said...

Full metal jacket
, great movie, we won the battle.
Deer Hunter...Deniro shot that prick playing Russian roulette in the head...made me feel all warm and fuzzy....great flick..

Shortsighted Brits leaving billions in equipment on a beach after a horribley executed European expeditionary disastrous mission spun by Churchill propaganda as something heroic ( don't blame him mind you) just not my cup of tea...I know the story.
LOL, ok ok, you are looking at this from a more micro perspective... I kind of felt that way about the Tom Cruise / Nazi movie.. A lot of people talked about it and im like, well I know he fails, I know hitler wasn't killed, why am I going to see this?

Regarding Deer Hunter, for some reason, I love the scene in the beginning when they come back to the bar after they go hunting. not sure why, it's a great scene.

LOL, ok ok, you are looking at this from a more micro perspective... I kind of felt that way about the Tom Cruise / Nazi movie.. A lot of people talked about it and im like, well I know he fails, I know hitler wasn't killed, why am I going to see this?

Regarding Deer Hunter, for some reason, I love the scene in the beginning when they come back to the bar after they go hunting. not sure why, it's a great scene.

In the hypersensitive, because I am a local and not because I am a JoethePantherfan savant desiring to point out every error in every post, stance, the one thing that always bothered me about the Deer Hunter was the actual Deer Hunting scene. There are no mountains like those within 1500 miles of Clairton. So no short post wedding drive to a deer camp in those mountains were possible.
In the hypersensitive, because I am a local and not because I am a JoethePantherfan savant desiring to point out every error in every post, stance, the one thing that always bothered me about the Deer Hunter was the actual Deer Hunting scene. There are no mountains like those within 1500 miles of Clairton. So no short post wedding drive to a deer camp in those mountains were possible.
yeah, director wanted a more dramatic scene, basically a bigger buck. a typical 8 point white tail standing on top of a hill that very few people outside of the Appalachians would consider a "mountain" must not have had that desired effect.. So they went out west..

Was watching this on one of those channels that did the "pop up" facts during the movies. was very interesting. the wedding/reception scene was actually filmed outside of Cleveland and a ton of good facts during some of the Vietnam scenes.. surprisingly, very litte of this movie was actually filmed in western PA.

There was a good improf scene where they were on top of the car, before hunting and one of the guys dips a twinkie in mustard, that as well as the laughter and speaking right after was all spur of moment, off script.
Some people seem to be forgetting that fictional movies based upon real events are not the same as documentaries
Some people seem to be forgetting that fictional movies based upon real events are not the same as documentaries
made the mistake of looking up one of those Hollywood vs. Facts websites on the movie "hoosiers." It ruined the movie for me.. if you like a movie, and it's based on "factual events," do yourself a favor and never look up this website..
Hell, even joe Montana admitted that the whole Rudy scene were the players chanted his name on the sidelines was nothing more than a joke. Is nothing sacred anymore?
We had Rudy speak at my high school when the movie came out. I felt bad because he was so incoherent. He should have sued ND
uh, yeah, that is what I said...

Full metal jacket
, great movie, we won the battle.
Deer Hunter...Deniro shot that prick playing Russian roulette in the head...made me feel all warm and fuzzy....great flick..

Shortsighted Brits leaving billions in equipment on a beach after a horribly executed European expeditionary disastrous mission spun by Churchill propaganda as something heroic ( don't blame him mind you) when if was a colossal failure just not my cup of tea...I know the story.

I think the "victory" in Dunkirk was NOT the equipment lost but the 300,000-plus thousands of troops that were saved with the help of civilian fisherman. Those men would've more than likely been slaughtered if civilian fisherman didnt risk their lives... no? Live to fight another day, no?
I think the "victory" in Dunkirk was NOT the equipment lost but the 300,000-plus thousands of troops that were saved with the help of civilian fisherman. Those men would've more than likely been slaughtered if civilian fisherman didnt risk their lives... no? Live to fight another day, no?
Exactly - to me although it is true that the Brits had to abandon all their machinery, is the fact that the Nazi's inexplicably made a war-altering mistake that allowed hundred's of thousands of British and French soldiers stuck on a beach with no escape route to be rescued over a 3 day period. Without that it is very likely the UK would have been defeated by the Nazi's and the whole world changes, given we were not close to entering the war at that point.

So yes many men lost their lives, but this most certainly was a "victory" in the context of the entire war.
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Exactly - to me although it is true that the Brits had to abandon all their machinery, is the fact that the Nazi's inexplicably made a war-altering mistake that allowed hundred's of thousands of British and French soldiers stuck on a beach with no escape route to be rescued over a 3 day period. Without that it is very likely the UK would have been defeated by the Nazi's and the whole world changes, given we were not close to entering the war at that point.
So yes many men lost their lives, but this most certainly was a "victory" in the context of the entire war.
British Civilians joining British Military to the Recuse 338,226 British and including 139,997 French, Polish, and Belgian troops, that were under attack and surrounded needed saved, and they did it under great risk to fight and die another day. Can't wait to see it!

Saw Baby Driver last night due to your recommendation, another unique way to incorporate values of some with disabilities having great gifts of possibilities, and showing the outcome of many is based upon on what we decide to pursue and do and overcome.

Did not care for the dramatic 5 Climaxes of the last bum's pursuit and too over the top for me, but that is what kids like to watch, just like the Special Effects of the 1980s with no plots, but this one had a great ending of reality about how intelligence comes from the heart more than the brain.

Thank you good recommendation.
I think the "victory" in Dunkirk was NOT the equipment lost but the 300,000-plus thousands of troops that were saved with the help of civilian fisherman. Those men would've more than likely been slaughtered if civilian fisherman didnt risk their lives... no? Live to fight another day, no?

Tanks, Trucks, Artillery and other heavy equipment can be replaced much more readily than 300,000 + trained soldiers. The bulk of the British Expeditionary Force was rescued from Dunkirk along with a substantial number of French troops. Think of the disaster if all those men had been killed or captured.
British Civilians joining British Military to the Recuse 338,226 British and including 139,997 French, Polish, and Belgian troops, that were under attack and surrounded needed saved, and they did it under great risk to fight and die another day. Can't wait to see it!

Saw Baby Driver last night due to your recommendation, another unique way to incorporate values of some with disabilities having great gifts of possibilities, and showing the outcome of many is based upon on what we decide to pursue and do and overcome.

Did not care for the dramatic 5 Climaxes of the last bum's pursuit and too over the top for me, but that is what kids like to watch, just like the Special Effects of the 1980s with no plots, but this one had a great ending of reality about how intelligence comes from the heart more than the brain.

Thank you good recommendation.
Oh - I'm glad you liked it. It is definitely violent. We are obsessed with the soundtrack.

The director, Edgar Wright, came up with the idea back when he was fresh out of film school (1994) and had no idea how he was ever gong to make it in the business. He was listening to a song called "Bellbottom" and closed his eyes visualizing the song with a car chase (it was the first song of the movie). This was a pet project and took over 2 years just to obtain the music rights let alone all the precise choreography of the music and stunts. We are already planning on seeing again.
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Oh - I'm glad you liked it. It is definitely violent. We are obsessed with the soundtrack.

The director, Edgar Wright, came up with the idea back when he was fresh out of film school (1994) and had no idea how he was ever gong to make it in the business. He was listening to a song called "Bellbottom" and closed his eyes visualizing the song with a car chase (it was the first song of the movie). This was a pet project and took over 2 years just to obtain the music rights let alone all the precise choreography of the music and stunts. We are already planning on seeing again.
Saw very very slight shades of La La Land but in different context of the Baby's perceived disabilities but turned in the strength of seldom talking, losing himself within himself to erase his bad memories and promote new one to remember those around him he loved earlier, and needed it so bad he was addicted and lost all his skills and strength without it, and knew how to get out of it in the end not afraid to stop it and pay the price regardless.

I always liked the mixing of Music with Movie going back to Shakespeare using in his text of well over one hundred songs in his works. I love the Folk Music so simple to play and hear words and tell stories like the tune of Greensleeves and Spanish Lady going back to Elizabethan Age

Here is one of Earlier Movies to do it and can be seen on YouTube for free, plus many great quotes. They say a great Movie needs a Great Story with Great Words and Quotes with Words and Great Song and Score! Here is one with Vivien Leigh and Sir Lawrence Olivier so young and has all three aspects.

Fire Over England (1937) HISTORICAL DRAMA

Action Packed are the 2 words I would use to describe Baby Driver, but a 3.5 or 4 at most out of 5 in my opinion.
LOL, ok ok, you are looking at this from a more micro perspective... I kind of felt that way about the Tom Cruise / Nazi movie.. A lot of people talked about it and im like, well I know he fails, I know hitler wasn't killed, why am I going to see this?

Regarding Deer Hunter, for some reason, I love the scene in the beginning when they come back to the bar after they go hunting. not sure why, it's a great scene.

It is a great scene because it was never going to be that like again for those men as a group. Wasn't it work, bar, wedding, hunting then three of them went off to Vietnam?
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