Price of success / Fan support

But this much is crystal clear. Pitt fans aren't going to support the Athletic programs without proof the admin is trying to win, or until they actually start winning. So if your correct and they won't start winning without more support then they might as well drop down a division because its never going to happen. Pitt's AD needs to decide if they think its worth investing in the programs fully and hope that the investment will lead to wins and more dollars from fans. If not then there is nothing that can be done because the support WILL NOT come before winning. Remember when Pitt fired SP there were reports donations went up. If they win they will get more fans in the seats and more donations. Thats the only logical way its going to happen.

What do I mean when I say support the program fully? Keep coaches when you find one that's good for starters. Hire proven HC for your money programs, even if it means digging a little further into the budget than what they would like. If Pitt goes out and spends 5 million on a BB coach I guarantee you they get a much better coach than what they currently have and its likely Pitt gets that money back from increased ticket sales and donations. Same with Canada. If they were willing to spend 1 million(still don't know if they really were or if it was lip service after Canada was leaving anyhow) go ahead and match 300k isn't much in the scheme of things and if Canada jumps ship anyhow at least you can say we matched the offer from lsu he just wanted to leave.

Uh, we had the best coach in Pitt's BB history with Dixon and he was not a proven head coach. Schools continued to go after him and we match with continual raises and extensions. Fans jumped ship because they got sick of only making Sweet 16 I guess. In FB, Dabo and Fisher were never proven had coaches before they got the job.

Pitt could have went up to $1.3M, but then LSU alumns, the ones that care, would have donated more and got LSU up to $1.6M. (just using a figure).

Pitt is putting more into these programs than what they make via donations and other revenue. If they went by what the alumni care, we'd be in D2.

Seems to the needle is constantly moving of what "winning" is for the fans. Last year Pitt finished the regular season in the top 25 and beat 2 top 5 teams. But now that isn't good enough.
But this much is crystal clear. Pitt fans aren't going to support the Athletic programs without proof the admin is trying to win, or until they actually start winning. So if your correct and they won't start winning without more support then they might as well drop down a division because its never going to happen. Pitt's AD needs to decide if they think its worth investing in the programs fully and hope that the investment will lead to wins and more dollars from fans. If not then there is nothing that can be done because the support WILL NOT come before winning. Remember when Pitt fired SP there were reports donations went up. If they win they will get more fans in the seats and more donations. Thats the only logical way its going to happen.

What do I mean when I say support the program fully? Keep coaches when you find one that's good for starters. Hire proven HC for your money programs, even if it means digging a little further into the budget than what they would like. If Pitt goes out and spends 5 million on a BB coach I guarantee you they get a much better coach than what they currently have and its likely Pitt gets that money back from increased ticket sales and donations. Same with Canada. If they were willing to spend 1 million(still don't know if they really were or if it was lip service after Canada was leaving anyhow) go ahead and match 300k isn't much in the scheme of things and if Canada jumps ship anyhow at least you can say we matched the offer from lsu he just wanted to leave.

Well people that wait for results and then act, are classic bandwagon types. If Pitt is forced to wait for the bandwagon brigade, it will be a very tough road. Truth of the matter is, the real Pitt fans do financially support the program. The problem is, there just are not enough of us. Take a look at the donor rolls, the names of true Pitt fans are there. The rest of you, just sit back and make excuses for why you do not do something. Again, you are pointing to history. There is a new AD now. You have to judge going forward. From where I sit, you only get a vote to judge if you are an active season ticket holder, and are supporting the program financially. Otherwise, your voice is meaningless to Pitt. Hail to Pitt!
Those schools [Louisville, UNC, FLASt] were able to get there, because they dug deep and contributed money so their schools could afford to buy the things necessary to win. You need the fuel before you can burn it. It really is not very complicated, Pitt is in last place in the ACC in fundraising for anything above a last place finish is actually over-achieving. Look forward, not to the rear. Hail to Pitt!

It's not just the money, it's the things the did, the lengths they are willing to go, the risks they are willing to take to win. I just don't believe Pitt's leaders are willing to go as far as they do, do ANY AND ALL of the things they are willing to do to win. So why give money for a halfway effort?
Correct. Louisvile didn't become the VIlle of today until Pappa John put in huge donations. Same with Oregon and Nike.

Pitt will remain Pitt of today as long as the alumn have the view of Pitt79. We are our own worst enemy.

It's a "chicken or the egg" issue/debate. As evidenced by this thread (and many others that have shown up on here over time) it seems clear that there are still those that want to be able to enjoy and revel in success associated with Pitt football without making any tangible investment themselves.

There is no level financial playing field in major college football like there is in the NFL, due to the equally shared network TV contracts and salary cap the NFL has in place. Anyone can "expect" Pitt to do more with less. But it's much more difficult to fight battles against those that have much bigger war chests. That makes sense to some Pitt fans, but not to others it appears.
They have to want to win so badly they would even cheat like the REAL WINNERS do, then the money will come. The punishments the NCAA gives out are minimal or non-existent, so why worry? With all the Cheating scandals the last few years with UNC academics, why aren't they barred from the NCAA tournament instead of winning it?
But it's much more difficult to fight battles against those that have much bigger war chests. QUOTE]

It's not just the money, they have more money, keep getting more money and all the while pisss on the NCAA rules and stay on top. with maybe a wrist slap every 20 years.
It's not just the money, it's the things the did, the lengths they are willing to go, the risks they are willing to take to win. I just don't believe Pitt's leaders are willing to go as far as they do, do ANY AND ALL of the things they are willing to do to win. So why give money for a halfway effort?

Hopefully you are the exception to the Pitt fan base. If you mean breaking the rules and violating NCAA, state or federal law--no, Pitt will not do that, nor should they. It is possible to win and follow the rules. As for donating money, my money says you likely have never contributed a dime to Pitt athletics, and likely never will. You are not the type of person Pitt wants or needs in the fan base. You are what I call a Kling-on....and frankly, were you to drop off, nobody would notice. Hail to Pitt!
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Things Pitt can do to win now that they are not currently doing. Don't Susspend Whitehead and Wriggins (yes i know he is now out for the season from injury) for 3 games for pot. Most other schools would be 1 game if anything at all. I am not saying I want Pitt to cover up what PSU covered up, but the typical rules that other programs "bend" Pitt needs to start bending.
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Sounds nice, but what exactly does this mean? Please give some concrete examples of what the Pitt administration should be doing to establish that they care and want to win [that they are not presently doing]. Hail to Pitt!
Well I could give you a myriad examples from rhe past but the 2 most recent examples are the hiring of the wrestling and BB coaches. And again these are examples which speak to commitment and competent management . We could have hired, as I understand it, either of 2 experienced coaches from successful programs and instead, true to Pitt form, Pitt hires an unproven HC with far less impressive credentials.

Similarly, the demise of Pitt BB, the circumstances around Dixon's departure and the hiring process employed to find his successor all suggest administrative incompetence on Pitt's part. We had a top 25 BB program at one point which is now in the toilet. While I had been vocal about my dissatisfaction with Dixon, the decision making regarding his contract extension and the process used in seeking his replacement give significant pause for concern. Given the hiring criteria Pitt shared with the public following Dixon's departure, the admin. would have to have been brain dead to have believed the selection process itself and the ultimate selection of Stallings wouldn't be met with a hailstorm of discontent. And that discontent will be painfully evident at the Pete this Winter.

Pitt's commitment to athletics and their ability to successfully manage athletics are put to the test every time they hire a head coach or make any major personnel decision and I'm still not sure things have changed for the better. We'll see....
It's not just the money, it's the things the did, the lengths they are willing to go, the risks they are willing to take to win. I just don't believe Pitt's leaders are willing to go as far as they do, do ANY AND ALL of the things they are willing to do to win. So why give money for a halfway effort?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if that's how someone feels, should they expect better results in return for contributing nothing?

If you don't make a tangible investment in something, should you expect to receive dividends?
This is a realistic goal, and the bar should not be moved. Top 25 program in Football and Basketball. If Pitt obtains this in either sport, then that should be enough proof that the HC and staff are doing a good job. There should be no excuses from the alums or administration. Double down on the support to keep the ball rolling.
Hopefully you are the exception to the Pitt fan base. If you mean breaking the rules and violating NCAA, state or federal law--no, Pitt will not do that, nor should they. It is possible to win and follow the rules. As for donating money, my money says you likely have never contributed a dime to Pitt athletics, and likely never will. You are not the type of person Pitt wants or needs in the fan base. You are what I call a Kling-on....and frankly, were you to drop off, nobody would notice. Hail to Pitt!
I don't think in Pitt's case the issue is whether Pitt should beak the rules as much as it a case where the runes are ambiguous and give schools a fair degree of latitude in their interpretation as to whether Pitt plays in these spaces in a manner that doesn't place them in a competitive disadvantage. Like in many other regulatory spheres , you have to understand how the legislators and enforcers interpret the rules so as to apply them in the most advantageous way possible. I don't think plays the system like most schools do and I think they place themselves at a competitive disadvantage. After a while, your supporters see this and quit giving because rightly or wrongly they interpret this behavior as a lack of commitment. Boy Scouts don't prevail in NCAA sports!
It's not just the money, they have more money, keep getting more money and all the while pisss on the NCAA rules and stay on top. with maybe a wrist slap every 20 years.

Pitt has more money relative to what other programs they have to compete against?
Things Pitt can do to win now that they are not currently doing. Don't Susspend Whitehead and Wriggins (yes i know he is now out for the season from injury) for 3 games for pot. Most other schools would be 1 game if anything at all. I am not saying I want Pitt to cover up what PSU covered up, but the typical rules that other programs "bend" Pitt needs to start bending.
They could re-write their own drug policy, but if they have one it has to apply completely. They can't make exceptions or bend it or they are committing a pretty serious NCAA infraction. I do agree the policy should be vague and left up to individual coaches and situations, so that NCAA mandate/rule is not an issue, but Pitt will never do that because they want to be righteous and fair across the board.
I don't think in Pitt's case the issue is whether Pitt should beak the rules as much as it a case where the runes are ambiguous and give schools a fair degree of latitude in their interpretation as to whether Pitt plays in these spaces in a manner that doesn't place them in a competitive disadvantage. Like in many other regulatory spheres , you have to understand how the legislators and enforcers interpret the rules so as to apply them in the most advantageous way possible. I don't think plays the system like most schools do and I think they place themselves at a competitive disadvantage. After a while, your supporters see this and quit giving because rightly or wrongly they interpret this behavior as a lack of commitment. Boy Scouts don't prevail in NCAA sports!

This seems to be the urban legend that some fans are buying. Do you really expect anyone at Pitt or any other school for that matter discuss how they shade or bend interpretation of the rules to satisfy fans and avoid NCAA scrutiny? Unless you have something concrete here, my suggestion is to look to the future and not the past. Yeah, I know the past is littered with evidence of problems...but living in the past is pointless. Hail to Pitt!
Well I could give you a myriad examples from rhe past but the 2 most recent examples are the hiring of the wrestling and BB coaches. And again these are examples which speak to commitment and competent management . We could have hired, as I understand it, either of 2 experienced coaches from successful programs and instead, true to Pitt form, Pitt hires an unproven HC with far less impressive credentials.

Similarly, the demise of Pitt BB, the circumstances around Dixon's departure and the hiring process employed to find his successor all suggest administrative incompetence on Pitt's part. We had a top 25 BB program at one point which is now in the toilet. While I had been vocal about my dissatisfaction with Dixon, the decision making regarding his contract extension and the process used in seeking his replacement give significant pause for concern. Given the hiring criteria Pitt shared with the public following Dixon's departure, the admin. would have to have been brain dead to have believed the selection process itself and the ultimate selection of Stallings wouldn't be met with a hailstorm of discontent. And that discontent will be painfully evident at the Pete this Winter.

Pitt's commitment to athletics and their ability to successfully manage athletics are put to the test every time they hire a head coach or make any major personnel decision and I'm still not sure things have changed for the better. We'll see....

The only hire that is relevant to the present is wrestling [and took place as Lyke was just coming on board]. I'd say it is way premature to judge the outcome there. Moreover, it is not entirely clear that the other so-called options were real or viable for Pitt. Unless you are inside the room during negotiations, it is mere rumor and speculation. That one of Pitt's biggest wrestling supporters endorsed the hire and the AD with the largest gift in Pitt wrestling history suggests things may be just fine. But as you say, time will tell. One thing is certain, if Lyke is not able to greatly increase private support for athletics, her tenure will be retaining Narduzzi, has to be mission critical [and sadly, the jury is still out as to whether he really is a great coach, or not]. Hail to Pitt!
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Pitt has more money relative to what other programs they have to compete against?
The other programs have more money, and on top of that, are willing to cheat and take bigger risks even with an advantage already, because THEY CARE about winning.
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But if that's how someone feels, should they expect better results in return for contributing nothing?

If you don't make a tangible investment in something, should you expect to receive dividends?
I's an audition, if they show how bad they want it, maybe then they'll get the contributions. I don't want to give the money and then they do the bare minimum allowed within the rules.
This seems to be the urban legend that some fans are buying. Do you really expect anyone at Pitt or any other school for that matter discuss how they shade or bend interpretation of the rules to satisfy fans and avoid NCAA scrutiny? Unless you have something concrete here, my suggestion is to look to the future and not the past. Yeah, I know the past is littered with evidence of problems...but living in the past is pointless. Hail to Pitt!
I suggest that in any industry when you have trade or equivalent associations that among the matters discusssed are guidances from the entity which writes the governing industry regulations and that entity's enforcement stance that you can develop your own operating position. If you have smart people monitoring and involved in these meetings, you should and can develop a view as where there's space to operate in the margins. I do believe, as some have suggested, that Pitt applies its own set of disciplinary rules in situations where the NCAA does not mandate those rules and ddo believe Pitt's approach is harsher than what you would find at other schools- and we have had a slew of suspensions in BB and FB over the last several years. And on this point, I only have to look back to April and August to recall multiple player dismissals and suspensions, actions taken under the current regime.
I suggest that in any industry when you have trade or equivalent associations that among the matters discusssed are guidances from the entity which writes the governing industry regulations and that entity's enforcement stance that you can develop your own operating position. If you have smart people monitoring and involved in these meetings, you should and can develop a view as where there's space to operate in the margins. I do believe, as some have suggested, that Pitt applies its own set of disciplinary rules in situations where the NCAA does not mandate those rules and ddo believe Pitt's approach is harsher than what you would find at other schools- and we have had a slew of suspensions in BB and FB over the last several years. And on this point, I only have to look back to April and August to recall multiple player dismissals and suspensions, actions taken under the current regime.

Maybe those actions were in the best interests of the students and the institution? Who really knows? It certainly does provide fodder for those that want to complain and criticize, no doubt. Perhaps the new AD will be given some latitude and those policies will morph? I am convinced that Pitt has some pretty smart and capable people in the administration. Will it be enough? Time will tell. Narduzzi and staff appear to be on the edge of turning program in a decidedly good direction. The season is very young as is the team. Support for now is what they will get from me. Hail to Pitt!
Hopefully you are the exception to the Pitt fan base. If you mean breaking the rules and violating NCAA, state or federal law--no, Pitt will not do that, nor should they. It is possible to win and follow the rules. As for donating money, my money says you likely have never contributed a dime to Pitt athletics, and likely never will. You are not the type of person Pitt wants or needs in the fan base. You are what I call a Kling-on....and frankly, were you to drop off, nobody would notice. Hail to Pitt!
Nobody would notice you either. I mean who are you? You too are basically NOBODY. I guess you give a lot of money and have less access than me. I don't give anything, but I get free tickets that are distributed to players for their parents, I have inside connections to the athletic department, I haven't paid for a game ticket in years, I may be nobody, but I HAVE THE UPPER HAND in my relationship with Pitt Athletics.
I do believe, as some have suggested, that Pitt applies its own set of disciplinary rules in situations where the NCAA does not mandate those rules and ddo believe Pitt's approach is harsher than what you would find at other schools- and we have had a slew of suspensions in BB and FB over the last several years. And on this point, I only have to look back to April and August to recall multiple player dismissals and suspensions, actions taken under the current regime.

The baseline should be NEVER DO ANYTHING beyond what the NCAA forces you to do, standard should be NCAA minimum compliance, and even then, look for loopholes to go beyond.
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Being serious when your hiring . Not looking for a bargain . Going back a ways , but Pitt opened the coffers up for Johnny Majors 1 and when Jackie Sherrill left due to administrators interference Pitt thought Foge could continue on ...need I go on ? I'll grant salaries are out of control ,but winning cost cash and there's an old saying it takes money to make money ...
that last sentence made me think we were talkin' Bucs.
Well people that wait for results and then act, are classic bandwagon types. If Pitt is forced to wait for the bandwagon brigade, it will be a very tough road. Truth of the matter is, the real Pitt fans do financially support the program. The problem is, there just are not enough of us. Take a look at the donor rolls, the names of true Pitt fans are there. The rest of you, just sit back and make excuses for why you do not do something. Again, you are pointing to history. There is a new AD now. You have to judge going forward. From where I sit, you only get a vote to judge if you are an active season ticket holder, and are supporting the program financially. Otherwise, your voice is meaningless to Pitt. Hail to Pitt!

The point has been proven. Pitt needs the bandwagon fans. The thing is if you have sustained success a lot of those bandwagon fans will become diehards.
As for the new AD, she had a top coach in wrestling handed to her, with donor's willing to pay a chunk of the salary and decided to once again go on the cheap. So her first hire was definitely along the lines of SOP.
Listen, we all want Pitt to win and succeed PittLaw as much as you say look to the future, the fact of the matter is over the last 30 some years the prior administrations created (fairly or not) a lot of ill-will. For those who are butt hurt enough, it will take more for them to give than others. I personally feel Pitt could do more to show commitment to winning right now without an influx of money, but more money will be needed. Hopefully moving forward people put their hard feeling away and the administrations make good decisions and Pitt moves forward.
Listen, we all want Pitt to win and succeed PittLaw as much as you say look to the future, the fact of the matter is over the last 30 some years the prior administrations created (fairly or not) a lot of ill-will. For those who are butt hurt enough, it will take more for them to give than others. I personally feel Pitt could do more to show commitment to winning right now without an influx of money, but more money will be needed. Hopefully moving forward people put their hard feeling away and the administrations make good decisions and Pitt moves forward.

So precisely what should Pitt be doing now to show more "commitment" to winning? Have not seen or read a thing yet. Hail to Pitt!
The point has been proven. Pitt needs the bandwagon fans. The thing is if you have sustained success a lot of those bandwagon fans will become diehards.
As for the new AD, she had a top coach in wrestling handed to her, with donor's willing to pay a chunk of the salary and decided to once again go on the cheap. So her first hire was definitely along the lines of SOP.

I don't think a lot of those bandwagon fans will become diehard. That has been proven.

As for wrestling, she decided on who she thought was the best candidate. Time will tell, but wrestling received one of it's largest donations ever because Nish believes in this leadership and coach. That speaks volumes.
Nobody would notice you either. I mean who are you? You too are basically NOBODY. I guess you give a lot of money and have less access than me. I don't give anything, but I get free tickets that are distributed to players for their parents, I have inside connections to the athletic department, I haven't paid for a game ticket in years, I may be nobody, but I HAVE THE UPPER HAND in my relationship with Pitt Athletics.

It really is not about me. But since you raised the point, be certain, were my support to end, it would be noticed. Kling-on's [aka dingleberry] like you love a free ride, and to give nothing in return...your kind is a burden to its host. Hopefully you dry up and fall off and let the Panther prowl unencumbered. I prefer my seats on the 50 in the Club [that I pay for and donate for] over free tickets I am offered regularly--including the AD's and Chancellor's boxes. I actually have a great relationship with Pitt and Pitt Athletics...and will continue to support both as best I can. Hail to Pitt!
So precisely what should Pitt be doing now to show more "commitment" to winning? Have not seen or read a thing yet. Hail to Pitt!

Minimize all self regulation/discipline down to absolute NCAA minimum - OR LESS. Let's not hear about expulsions or suspensions anymore, even if we hear about "incidents", that would be a start to show they put winning above "appearances". Never punish or suspend anyone unless SOMEBODY ELSE (like the NCAA) FORCES you to.
It really is not about me. But since you raised the point, be certain, were my support to end, it would be noticed. Kling-on's [aka dingleberry] like you love a free ride, and to give nothing in return...your kind is a burden to its host. Hopefully you dry up and fall off and let the Panther prowl unencumbered. I prefer my seats on the 50 in the Club [that I pay for and donate for] over free tickets I am offered regularly--including the AD's and Chancellor's boxes. I actually have a great relationship with Pitt and Pitt Athletics...and will continue to support both as best I can. Hail to Pitt!
That's fine, I love the common man experience, drink a 12 pack in the parking lot, sit in the stadium, enjoy the weather. I get everything I need from my fandom of Pitt sports.
So precisely what should Pitt be doing now to show more "commitment" to winning? Have not seen or read a thing yet. Hail to Pitt!

Pitt79 stated it above already and I made mention to it earlier. If someone kills or rapes someone suspend them and turn them in. If someone smokes pot do the bare minimum, 3 game suspensions are not bare minimum especially against 2 top 15 teams.
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If someone kills or rapes someone suspend them and turn them in.

If someone is arrested for something, let the State punish them, don't add punishment. If the crime is serious enough, they'll be in jail anyways, so they won't play. Let's say there's a DUI or pot possession. the state will give them a class to attend, a fine, a suspended license, a probation.... THAT IS THEIR PUNISHMENT! THAT'S ENOUGH! No need to punish the team and the fans as well by taking good players off the field... THEY ARE BEING PUNISHED, it's not like they are getting away with something.

Bottom line, if the NCAA doesn't FORCE you to punish someone, DON'T. I got a DUI in the early '90s, my employer knew about it, I wasn't punished by my employer, I took a vacation day and went to court and rode the bus to work for 6 months, paid about $1,500 in fines and fees, I WAS PUNISHED ENOUGH, no need for my employer to PILE ON.
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Pitt79 stated it above already and I made mention to it earlier. If someone kills or rapes someone suspend them and turn them in. If someone smokes pot do the bare minimum, 3 game suspensions are not bare minimum especially against 2 top 15 teams.

As I understand it, to change Pitt's substance policy, will take some internal changes and is not quite as simple as you suggest. How do you know Pitt is not attempting to change that policy as we type? Presumably if Pitt's coaches think the Pitt policy puts them at a competitive disadvantage, the discussion has already taken place. Fans will likely never know either way. So what else should Pitt be doing now that does not cost money to demonstrate a commitment to winning? Hail to Pitt!
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So what else should Pitt be doing now that does not cost money to demonstrate a commitment to winning? Hail to Pitt!

Always accept MINIMUM ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS, whatever is the absolute lowest grades and test scores, I don't know? 2.0 GPA, 700 SAT, whatever the lowest the NCAA allows, we accept that "student" if they can play ball-that is our standard for football and basketball admissions. AND, don't take into account if that "student" ever had trouble with the law! The "young man" just needs another chance, if he's talented enough.
And a curriculum to keep "talented students" eligible, maybe based on the UNC Program.
As I understand it, to change Pitt's substance policy, will take some internal changes and is not quite as simple as you suggest. How do you know Pitt is not attempting to change that policy as we type? Presumably if Pitt's coaches think the Pitt policy puts them at a competitive disadvantage, the discussion has already taken place. Fans will likely never know either way. So what else should Pitt be doing now that does not cost money to demonstrate a commitment to winning? Hail to Pitt!

You asked me to give you one, and I gave you one. You state it is not as easy as I make it out to be, I'll take your word on it as I have no inside information. You now move the goal post and come to me asking for more moves Pitt should make that don't cost money. My answer is I am not sure, it is not my job to think of ways. I find it funny how you have the cause of finances into it. All I ever hear is that college football is a business and to make money you need to spend money. Look at Amazon, they spend ridiculous amounts of money on R&D at the expense of profits today for the higher reward of profits tomorrow.
Totally serious, JUST WIN BABY.

What did I say that isn't serious?

What I have actually said, none of it, is even illegal.

Every suggestion in the last few posts, TOTALLY LEGAL.
Always accept MINIMUM ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS, whatever is the absolute lowest grades and test scores, I don't know? 2.0 GPA, 700 SAT, whatever the lowest the NCAA allows, we accept that "student" if they can play ball-that is our standard for football and basketball admissions. AND, don't take into account if that "student" ever had trouble with the law! The "young man" just needs another chance, if he's talented enough.
We do. Hello, Paris Ford.
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