Misappropriating charities? That's absolute BS. You are equating something improper or illegal with legitimate decisions that failed or didn't work to peoples' expectations in a highly competitive enterprise where there are no guarantees of success and 70 to 100 other institutions are trying to attain the same thing with often much greater resources. To be clear, there hasn't been anything improper with Pitt fundraising since the Golden Panthers were embezzling money in the 80s.
Not to equate the importance of the two, but you are suggesting is analogous to saying that it is a reasonable conclusion for someone to end support the National Parkinson's Foundation because they've existed for 50 years yet they aren't anywhere near having a cure, perhaps based on a determined that they "clearly" keep funding the wrong research grants. That's an ignorance of how things actually work in that field of endeavor, and you see plenty of similar ignorance in the Pitt fan base because they either don't know or refuse to accept how college athletics and universities operate, refuse to accept institutional realities specific to the University of Pittsburgh, and certainly aren't privy to details about why certain moves are made or not made. You can go neck deep in debt trying to do what on paper is a can't miss, like hiring the hottest coach in the country, and it can end up being a complete flop. You can go bottom of the barrel, and end up with a future hall of fame coach. It's athletics, there are no guarantees on what things will work, although money does buy more rolls of the die. No one is saying Pitt hasn't royally f*ed up in some of their moves, historically or recently. But many people seem to think that some of these more recent things are intentional, or institutionalized policy of athletic deemphasis, or the university's administration just doesn't care, or that is some institutional piggy bank they refuse to tap into, or that failed decisions are a phenomena unique to Pitt. Those people are flat out ignorant or they are just latching on to invented narratives for them and their like-minded compatriots to justify their unwillingness to help in an area that has been clearly demonstrated as one of Pitt athletics' biggest disadvantages.
So don't try to sell me any BS that someone cares about Pitt athletics when they are banging their chest about how big of a fan they are while making excuses for reasons not to support it for years at a time. I'm not going to nod approvingly at their unwillingness to help tow the line in order to help them sleep at night.