PSU atmosphere thoughts

... growing up in Oakland I worked at Pitt Stadium as a teenager for both Pitt football and basketball - both of which were played in the stadium...
... there is no comparison between Pitt Stadium and Beaver Stadium with regard to each being part of the school's campus...
...the original Beaver Field was located adjacent to Rec Hall and the Nittany Lion Inn and seated less than 30,000 fans... 5 minutes walk from most campus dorms... when it needed an expansion they made a great decision and moved it down the road where there was room for expansion and - equally important - adequate parking for the more than 50,000 fans, many of whom drove from Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, Philadelphia and even New Jersey ... usually a 3 hour drive each way ...
... but students can still walk to the stadium in less than 15 minutes from even the farthest dorms...
.. by comparison Pitt Stadium was farther from the Cathedral and student housing in Oakland and required a steep trek up cardiac hill to the entrance and another jaunt up the ramps inside to get to the seats ...
...and the move to Heinz has been a disaster for student participation at the games...
...oh, well...
Student attendance and overall attendance at Heinz is higher than it was at Pitt Stadium. The high water mark for overall season attendance was 2003 with an average of close to 60k.
No way is that stadium louder than the horseshoe or big house... Heinz largest attendance is Pitt PSU 2016 the next largest was Pitt WVU 2002.... Steelers games don't sell as much because they don't typically do overflow once it's sold out
The big house is quiet. and Kirk Herbstreit consistently says we have best atmosphere and student section
You have to understand him and his politics. He thinks PSU fans are all gun-toting deplorables. Yet, he cites the huge alumni base. Does he think they all come from and reside in rural PA? PSU grads populate the northeast in a big way. And the large cities of the northeast have the same political ideology that he does truth be told. You and the rest of them are no different than he is...other than you all drink the blue and white kool-aid and it's clouded your mindset on a few things.

If you are a gun toting conservative, so what ?????? Nothing wrong with that , prefer those hard working people over ILLEGALS any day. Good lord, yinzers think far left liberalism is mainstream , it isn't!

Good people come from all over and every walk of life
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Nitter who posted after the game, too.

Largely agree with the OP.

* I suffered permanent hearing damage at the "Bush Push" USC-Notre Dame game at ND, which was probably due at least in some degree to my particular location, but I've been to the two big OSU-PSU games (last year and 2005) and they weren't as loud, even if the fans were exploding at a similar rate.

* I make a point of parking downtown and walking through campus to get to the stadium, because he's right - the high-traffic route to the stadium avoids the campus completely. My route is my version of Cardiac Hill.

* I took a friend Saturday whose biggest prior college game was a 70s Princeton-Harvard game and hoped for her enjoyment the kind of explosive atmosphere that those two OSU games had. Didn't happen. Was solely due to the rhythm of the game, IMO. Pitt completely shut down the explosiveness that PSU has shown the last 10 games or so, and there was a shortage of big PSU defensive momentum-changing plays. If I hadn't driven 600 miles for my annual game, I might have even left early. Soporific.

* I love the classic Pitt script and colors, and maybe it's the years now, but that newer Pitt blue now seems to me to be very, very sharp. The people who can afford to travel can afford the high-end gear. :) Many more Pitt fans than I would have expected - used to the Big Ten games where people have a lot farther to travel and just don't bring as many.

* I also didn't see or hear any unpleasantness, but that's my experience everywhere, home or away. Basically, idiots and their antics get blown up on message boards (justifiably, often) and it makes it seem like those represent the experience of most fans. They don't. Although I was uncomfortable enough at a WVU basketball game 35 years ago to not want to return. :)

* Re: Whiteness. Penn State had fewer than 300 black undergrads when I was a student in the 70s-80s. The situation is much better now, but it's still not representative. I admit to wondering how many T---- voters were surrounding me cheering the opening kickoff and the 80-90% African-American members of the PSU kickoff teams. The demographics of the alumni are what they are at this point, and the subway alumni (cow path alumni?) in the surrounding area surely are not going to be very diverse.

* Separately, the Pitt RB looks like an NFLer - size and moves well. And as I said in the post-game thread, no one has defended Penn State as well over the last dozen games or so. One of the great things about being there over TV is your can actually see the plays develop. PSU just wasn't roaming wild and free in the Pitt defensive backfield the way they seemed to against most teams lately. Kept waiting for an explosion but could see it wasn't going to happen as plays were developing.
Have you been to the shoe or the Big House? They are not louder than Beaver Stadium. The Big House is notoriously quiet due to the way it is constructed. It is a big bowl with gradually sloping seating that allows the noise to escape. Ask any Big 10 fan from any team which stadium is the loudest and they will tell you that it is Beaver Stadium.
Yes in fact I have been to the Big House more than once ... so I'm talking first hand here.
Have been told by multiple people that Kinnick Stadium by far the loudest stadium they've been to in the BIG.

Never really thought of PSU as a really loud stadium the times I've been there. Louder than average sure, but nothing on the level of LSU or Clemson though.
I see you are a freshman on the Pitt board...freshman are to be seen & not heard
:p...right Pitt people.
Just an observation but the volume in Beaver stadium varies depending on the opponent and of course the game score. I think the loudest I have ever heard it was against Ohio State. I was actually surprised at how little intensity there was last Saturday especially given the crowd size and how much people were looking forward to the game. Maybe people were wasted after the worst parking experience I have ever seen. Somehow they manage to make it worse every year.

Good luck going forward. I think your team will have a good season. I wish this game was played every year. Arguing over whether it's a rivalry or not is silly. Of course it is. It's just not as important as it once was because it's non-conference. I would much rather have Pitt in the Big 10 than MD or Rutgers.
Or better still PSU in the ACC.
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- First of all, for all the talk of on-campus stadiums, Beaver Stadium felt like anything but that. Maybe it was the way we came in off of 99, but I saw no part of the PSU campus and the only PSU building I saw was the Ag Arena. If you knew nothing about college football and were visiting Beaver Stadium from another country, I don't know how you'd even realize there was a college attached to the team. Its a big stadium in the middle of endless fields and farms. This may sound odd, but the closest thing I can think that it reminds me of is Hard Rock Stadium in Miami. And I say that because HR Stadium is a stadium on a giant plot of land completely surrounded by grass parking lots. You get off the exit and the stadium/parking lots are right there just like Beaver Stadium.

- Again, maybe its because of the way I came in, but the atmosphere around the stadium was nothing remotely close to Notre Dame or Clemson, or even Virginia Tech as those venues felt like true college football experiences. Penn State had the weird mix of like an NFL but played on a farm. But, I honestly couldn't have been less impressed. Now maybe if I came in a different way and walked through campus it would be different.

- The Penn State people were friendly. Now I was with my family so I didn't expect to be M-F'd but the majority seemed like normal, good people. And maybe it was just where I was sitting but I didn't encounter any rude, obnoxious PSU fans. Actually I thought most around us were too laid back. Maybe it was because I bought more expensive seats on the lower sidelines and those are the richer fans??? Not sure. A part of me thought that this was just truly another game for them because they didn't seem that into it.

- Overall, Beaver Stadium did not seem any louder than Clemson, VT (during their heyday), WVU, or even Heinz during the PSU game last year. The thing that I thought was pretty cool, though, was that every time Barkley got a little opening, the whole place grew in anticipation that he was going to the house and there was such disappointment when he only got 10 yards instead of 60.

- Maybe it was where I was sitting but the place seemed to lack the electricity. Maybe PSU fans were just expecting the W. Maybe it was the boring nature of the game, not sure, but it did not feel hostile or intimidating. Maybe I was just expecting it to be and my expectations were too high.

- They announced 110K but there were several hundred empty blue chairbacks in the lower upper deck endzone that stayed empty the whole game. Not sure what was up with that. Maybe expensive donor seats that they couldn't sell on a season ticket basis?

- I actively looked to see if I can see a black Penn State fan but I honestly did not see any.

- I'd estimate the Pitt crowd at 4000. 3000 in the upper endzone and 1000 bought through brokers scattered throughout the stadium. The nice thing about the throwback colors is most Pitt fans wore them and you can tell the Pitt section because of the royal blue and yellow.

- During one song they play, cant remember which one, they dub in James Franklin saying "dominate the state," but of course this game is just another game.

- They ran a commercial for the women's basketball team but not the men's team which might have a shot at the NCAAT this year.

- Joe Paterno got a loud cheer when they introduced a NC team and said it was coached by Joe Paterno.

- As expected Beaver Stadium is old and decrepid and lacks all types of amenities but the same goes for any college stadium I've been to.

- Overall, I was very disappointed in not just how the game went, but in every aspect of the experience. I wished it was louder, more hostile, more obnoxious, and wished I saw a whole lot more Pennsyltuckians. Full credit to PSU for getting 90K there most weeks and 110 there Saturday but when you have 700K alums and nothing to do within 2 hours, I'm not sure that is honestly very hard to do. But I felt their fans were pretty tame and lame. The coolest thing was during the timeouts during some songs they'd play the students would sing them.
Stay home next time!
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Nitter who posted after the game, too.

Largely agree with the OP.

* I suffered permanent hearing damage at the "Bush Push" USC-Notre Dame game at ND, which was probably due at least in some degree to my particular location, but I've been to the two big OSU-PSU games (last year and 2005) and they weren't as loud, even if the fans were exploding at a similar rate.

* I make a point of parking downtown and walking through campus to get to the stadium, because he's right - the high-traffic route to the stadium avoids the campus completely. My route is my version of Cardiac Hill.

* I took a friend Saturday whose biggest prior college game was a 70s Princeton-Harvard game and hoped for her enjoyment the kind of explosive atmosphere that those two OSU games had. Didn't happen. Was solely due to the rhythm of the game, IMO. Pitt completely shut down the explosiveness that PSU has shown the last 10 games or so, and there was a shortage of big PSU defensive momentum-changing plays. If I hadn't driven 600 miles for my annual game, I might have even left early. Soporific.

* I love the classic Pitt script and colors, and maybe it's the years now, but that newer Pitt blue now seems to me to be very, very sharp. The people who can afford to travel can afford the high-end gear. :) Many more Pitt fans than I would have expected - used to the Big Ten games where people have a lot farther to travel and just don't bring as many.

* I also didn't see or hear any unpleasantness, but that's my experience everywhere, home or away. Basically, idiots and their antics get blown up on message boards (justifiably, often) and it makes it seem like those represent the experience of most fans. They don't. Although I was uncomfortable enough at a WVU basketball game 35 years ago to not want to return. :)

* Re: Whiteness. Penn State had fewer than 300 black undergrads when I was a student in the 70s-80s. The situation is much better now, but it's still not representative. I admit to wondering how many T---- voters were surrounding me cheering the opening kickoff and the 80-90% African-American members of the PSU kickoff teams. The demographics of the alumni are what they are at this point, and the subway alumni (cow path alumni?) in the surrounding area surely are not going to be very diverse.

* Separately, the Pitt RB looks like an NFLer - size and moves well. And as I said in the post-game thread, no one has defended Penn State as well over the last dozen games or so. One of the great things about being there over TV is your can actually see the plays develop. PSU just wasn't roaming wild and free in the Pitt defensive backfield the way they seemed to against most teams lately. Kept waiting for an explosion but could see it wasn't going to happen as plays were developing.

Serious question: Are there noticeably more black fans at Pitt games? I've been to several over the years, but don't feel like I've seen an overwhelming population of black folks. Though, I don't usually go to events to count up black people, I feel like the vast majority of sporting events I've been to, both college and pro, have been disproportionally white.

While I certainly won't disagree that PSU's student body lacks diversity, according to this, Pitt actually has a higher percentage of white students than Penn State despite its more urban location. Admittedly, I can't attest to the accuracy.
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- First of all, for all the talk of on-campus stadiums, Beaver Stadium felt like anything but that. Maybe it was the way we came in off of 99, but I saw no part of the PSU campus and the only PSU building I saw was the Ag Arena. If you knew nothing about college football and were visiting Beaver Stadium from another country, I don't know how you'd even realize there was a college attached to the team. Its a big stadium in the middle of endless fields and farms. This may sound odd, but the closest thing I can think that it reminds me of is Hard Rock Stadium in Miami. And I say that because HR Stadium is a stadium on a giant plot of land completely surrounded by grass parking lots. You get off the exit and the stadium/parking lots are right there just like Beaver Stadium.

- Again, maybe its because of the way I came in, but the atmosphere around the stadium was nothing remotely close to Notre Dame or Clemson, or even Virginia Tech as those venues felt like true college football experiences. Penn State had the weird mix of like an NFL but played on a farm. But, I honestly couldn't have been less impressed. Now maybe if I came in a different way and walked through campus it would be different.

- The Penn State people were friendly. Now I was with my family so I didn't expect to be M-F'd but the majority seemed like normal, good people. And maybe it was just where I was sitting but I didn't encounter any rude, obnoxious PSU fans. Actually I thought most around us were too laid back. Maybe it was because I bought more expensive seats on the lower sidelines and those are the richer fans??? Not sure. A part of me thought that this was just truly another game for them because they didn't seem that into it.

- Overall, Beaver Stadium did not seem any louder than Clemson, VT (during their heyday), WVU, or even Heinz during the PSU game last year. The thing that I thought was pretty cool, though, was that every time Barkley got a little opening, the whole place grew in anticipation that he was going to the house and there was such disappointment when he only got 10 yards instead of 60.

- Maybe it was where I was sitting but the place seemed to lack the electricity. Maybe PSU fans were just expecting the W. Maybe it was the boring nature of the game, not sure, but it did not feel hostile or intimidating. Maybe I was just expecting it to be and my expectations were too high.

- They announced 110K but there were several hundred empty blue chairbacks in the lower upper deck endzone that stayed empty the whole game. Not sure what was up with that. Maybe expensive donor seats that they couldn't sell on a season ticket basis?

- I actively looked to see if I can see a black Penn State fan but I honestly did not see any.

- I'd estimate the Pitt crowd at 4000. 3000 in the upper endzone and 1000 bought through brokers scattered throughout the stadium. The nice thing about the throwback colors is most Pitt fans wore them and you can tell the Pitt section because of the royal blue and yellow.

- During one song they play, cant remember which one, they dub in James Franklin saying "dominate the state," but of course this game is just another game.

- They ran a commercial for the women's basketball team but not the men's team which might have a shot at the NCAAT this year.

- Joe Paterno got a loud cheer when they introduced a NC team and said it was coached by Joe Paterno.

- As expected Beaver Stadium is old and decrepid and lacks all types of amenities but the same goes for any college stadium I've been to.

- Overall, I was very disappointed in not just how the game went, but in every aspect of the experience. I wished it was louder, more hostile, more obnoxious, and wished I saw a whole lot more Pennsyltuckians. Full credit to PSU for getting 90K there most weeks and 110 there Saturday but when you have 700K alums and nothing to do within 2 hours, I'm not sure that is honestly very hard to do. But I felt their fans were pretty tame and lame. The coolest thing was during the timeouts during some songs they'd play the students would sing them.

The lower upper deck endzone chair back seats are sold out club box seats. Some seats are always open as fans go inside at times to sit on couches, grab some food, and watch game on tv's if they like before returning to their stadium seats.
The lower upper deck endzone chair back seats are sold out club box seats. Some seats are always open as fans go inside at times to sit on couches, grab some food, and watch game on tv's if they like before returning to their stadium seats.

interesting didn't realize they had club seats. That explains it especially since it was sunny on that side all game. Get out of the sun and grab a cold one!
We did have a home/home with them a few years back [prior to them joining the B1G]. Their fans are in deed some of the nicest I have met. And yes, there stadium is nice and louder than Beaver. But I still believe Kinnick is louder. I'm told that Wisconsin's is louder, but I have no personal knowledge since Pitt has not played there since I started following the Panthers. Hail to Pitt!

I've been to OSU, Mich, Iowa, Neb, NW, Minn, Indiana and would say OSU is easily #1 on that list. Second would be Neb with Iowa a very close 3rd. All 3 of those contests were night games, so it's hard to gauge what the crowd noise is on a typical gameday when people haven't been boozing for 10 hours haha. Think OSU's attendance is going to give it a boost over the others, but I'd guess Memorial is probably louder on a typical day just because there is less wasted space than Kinnick. As far as Madison is concerned, that's long been regarded as one of the loudest and most rowdy crowds in the B1G. I also have never been there, but am looking forward to going someday.

TIFWIW, Minnesota has a really cool stadium. It's well designed and while it's smaller, it is extremely fan friendly (wide aisles, great view, etc.) and the concourse is also open and easy to use. Northwestern and Indiana leave a lot to be desired.
Shouldn't you all be on the Georgia St site?

Believe me, I checked
Serious question: Are there noticeably more black fans at Pitt games? I've been to several over the years, but don't feel like I've seen an overwhelming population of black folks. Though, I don't usually go to events to count up black people, I feel like the vast majority of sporting events I've been to, both college and pro, have been disproportionally white.

While I certainly won't disagree that PSU's student body lacks diversity, according to this, Pitt actually has a higher percentage of white students than Penn State despite its more urban location. Admittedly, I can't attest to the accuracy.

Even though the majority of attendance is white for Pitt home games, there are definitely minority populations in each section. Unlike at PSU if you scan any section other than where the players families sit, you wont find a single person of another color.

From the numbers perspective, Penn State combines all their branch campuses to get to that percentage of African American/ minority population. If it was just University Park, that number would drastically dip. Pitt's number is just the Pittsburgh campus, as our branch campuses are seen as their own separate universities (which is why you dont see transfers or programs where you do 3 years at branch and final one at main).

State College is not a very diverse part of the state that also contributes to this and the fanbase.
Even though the majority of attendance is white for Pitt home games, there are definitely minority populations in each section. Unlike at PSU if you scan any section other than where the players families sit, you wont find a single person of another color.

From the numbers perspective, Penn State combines all their branch campuses to get to that percentage of African American/ minority population. If it was just University Park, that number would drastically dip. Pitt's number is just the Pittsburgh campus, as our branch campuses are seen as their own separate universities (which is why you dont see transfers or programs where you do 3 years at branch and final one at main).

State College is not a very diverse part of the state that also contributes to this and the fanbase.

Oh okay. That helps clear things up to an extent. According to Forbes though, who lists the demographics for just University Park, the percentage of white students is actually a bit lower (65.1% compared to 68.4% system wide).

You will find people of different ethnicities in sections throughout Beaver Stadium, though very low. Thinking about going to Heinz this Saturday with some family. Maybe the mixed crowd will be more apparent after having this discussion.

Rooting for you guys this week!
Do you think every stadium has the same noise level every week for every opponent?

Catch a night game a Beaver stadium when we are playing a big time opponent like Ohio State or Michigan.
All games are equal...Don't believe me? Ask your Head Coach...there are no big time opponents.
Ga State & Akron will have the same noise level as Michigan.
So it was stated; so it shall be!