Sanders and Wade

Sanders looked good yesterday lol. I wouldn't trade him for Davis or sibley, even hall. Maybe moss
Colten Beck is also not going to Pitt, and I will leave it at that, hope he has a back up plan.

And I don't need to talk to a friend of a friend on this issue

I think we'll be ok at RB for the next 3 years at least. RB's come out of no where. After the VaTech offer came, I hope they spend no time recruiting him other than a couple tweets from an intern.

Go get OL and LB's.
So you'd rather have the fat slow running back who should be playing fullback?
The guy who had 1200 yards in 2015? Yes I would. Fat? Damn bro, you really that upset your boy fumbled on his one and only carry?
Its a message board. You don't have to believe me. I cant even say that I 100% believe it because I am getting the info 3rd hand.

If African American pride is a decision factor - and there's nothing wrong with that - then can't for the life of me think why a player would choose PSU & State College over Pitt. And anyone that trusts Franklin more than Narduzzi needs to have their head examined. (And Narduzzi is right: an 18 year old is old enough to make their own decision.)
Mama Sanders should teach her baby boy that he's to hold onto the ball and not drop it. Seems he hasn't figured that part out.

As far as Wade is concerned he better master the art of the ankle tackle.
Seems as if Wade's first year of eligibility is going to be used on just very minimal PT. No RS for him now.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday who is friends with the Sanders family and he said what most of us thought, Miles's mom didn't like Narduzzi and it sounded as if Miles wanted to go to Pitt. He said Narduzzi told her something like Miles is old enough to make his own decisions and that rubbed her the wrong way. I dont mean to say that statement was why he went to PSU but from the conversation, it sounded like Miles favored Pitt but still liked PSU but the mom much preferred Franklin over Narduzzi. He said she really didn't like Narduzzi.

Also, I have a friend close to the Clairton program and I was saying from early on Wade wasn't going to Pitt because he told me all along. I never gave the reason until now because the reason is very similar to the Sanders situation. Wade's parents simply did not like Narduzzi. They didn't like his recruitment of Wade. Didn't get i to too many specifics but it almost sounded like they didn't trust him. That said, he was always going to Penn State. I knew that all along.

This is not meant to be a knock on Narduzzi. I love that guy and hope he's here a long time. However, his local recruitment has been poor and Franklin, playing the role of a persoable, successful African-American coach is very tough to deal with in the recruiting of these Western PA kids from urban districts, who normally always preferred the urban setting of Pitt to Penn State. Overall though, I think Narduzzi has to loom at his recruiting strategy with these players. Kwantel Raines is the next big one. It sounds as if Narduzzi comes on too strong, is too aggressive, and even comes across as a little cocky.

I know you will get shit for this post, but it is perfectly plausible. It is why I think Narduzzi needs to hire a young, personable and preferably African American AND Local to help recruit.
I have a friend who says that people who claim a friend told them something that can't be substantiated, should usually just keep it to themselves.

Otherwise, it comes off as pure conjecture.

No. There is no reason to get on SMF He relayed what he heard. That is what these boards are for. I appreciate it. If your delicate sensibilities are offended, but unless you can counter, shut up. Never try and dissuade the truth. Please.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday who is friends with the Sanders family and he said what most of us thought, Miles's mom didn't like Narduzzi and it sounded as if Miles wanted to go to Pitt. He said Narduzzi told her something like Miles is old enough to make his own decisions and that rubbed her the wrong way. I dont mean to say that statement was why he went to PSU but from the conversation, it sounded like Miles favored Pitt but still liked PSU but the mom much preferred Franklin over Narduzzi. He said she really didn't like Narduzzi.

Also, I have a friend close to the Clairton program and I was saying from early on Wade wasn't going to Pitt because he told me all along. I never gave the reason until now because the reason is very similar to the Sanders situation. Wade's parents simply did not like Narduzzi. They didn't like his recruitment of Wade. Didn't get i to too many specifics but it almost sounded like they didn't trust him. That said, he was always going to Penn State. I knew that all along.

This is not meant to be a knock on Narduzzi. I love that guy and hope he's here a long time. However, his local recruitment has been poor and Franklin, playing the role of a persoable, successful African-American coach is very tough to deal with in the recruiting of these Western PA kids from urban districts, who normally always preferred the urban setting of Pitt to Penn State. Overall though, I think Narduzzi has to loom at his recruiting strategy with these players. Kwantel Raines is the next big one. It sounds as if Narduzzi comes on too strong, is too aggressive, and even comes across as a little cocky.

different people like different styles. watching Duzz since he has been Pitt's coach, I see nothing but class. Any parent wondering how a coach treats his players needs to watch the Pitt/Clemson game and how Narduzzi handled Blewitt after his missed kicks. that says it all !!
yeah I know you win some and lose some. Same with Jurkovic. I think the stretch of mediocrity did us in more than any recruiting on Narduzzi's end.

Coaching turnover. Lack of stability and continuity. Relationships are extremely important in recruiting. There are some recruits that decide it's best for them to leave the home area. Some are advised/counseled to do so, too. Others aren't. Depends on the individual.

Pitt will always get their full allotment of scholarship players. It's a matter of getting the right ones that can best help Pitt to win. Keeping a good HC at Pitt long enough to build something and maintain it would also help a lot.
I have a very close friend from New Kensington who is now a defensive analyst at Notre Dame. He made no bones about it, Sanders mother was obsessed with Franklin and Terry Smith and felt a connection to them because they are black.

Black Lives Matter !! ( So do cash )
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I'm really going to miss this when PSU and Pitt don't play after 2019.I'm serious when I say this I'll miss reading all the sh.. talk about each other on here and BWI it's very intertaining.Hate him or love him I'd take Franklin and his recruiting in a heartbeat at WVU.In my opinion he's a decent coach and a great recruiter that combination is very hard to beat as teams will find out in the future.Kids love him no matter what we say about him and those stars beside a name mean results ever though we don't want to admit it.Franklin is here to stay and will be a thorn in both Pitts's and WVUs side in years to come.Recruiting is the lifeline to success in college football.Pitt and WVU will take a back seat to James in State College because he has more to offer than we do.I hate this but it's true.
No. There is no reason to get on SMF He relayed what he heard. That is what these boards are for. I appreciate it. If your delicate sensibilities are offended, but unless you can counter, shut up. Never try and dissuade the truth. Please.

I'm not offended in the least.

I do get amused though, when overweight middle aged guys attempt to pretend to be a tough guy, by telling someone else to shut up.

Well done.
I have a very close friend from New Kensington who is now a defensive analyst at Notre Dame. He made no bones about it, Sanders mother was obsessed with Franklin and Terry Smith and felt a connection to them because they are black.
I am definitely NOT a racist, but I strongly believe that Franklin has an advantage with black players. Realistically, if you were a minority parent, who would you favor?
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You would favor a program that didn't have 14 losing seasons in the last 30 years. 3 9 win seasons in 30 years. Pathetic. Kids don't wanna play at a program with a losing record every other year.

Which years of those you quoted, had Narduzzi as the coach?

I know some of these topics can be a little overwhelming for some of you PSU fans, but try harder.
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If you think HS kids care about this, you will be sadly mistaken. They want to win and have fun then get to the NFL.

Then who does care about the victims? It certainly isn't Penn State or their moronic fans.
If African American pride is a decision factor - and there's nothing wrong with that - then can't for the life of me think why a player would choose PSU & State College over Pitt. And anyone that trusts Franklin more than Narduzzi needs to have their head examined. (And Narduzzi is right: an 18 year old is old enough to make their own decision.)

PSU has 5 African Americans (including Franklin) on the coaching staff. Pitt has just 3. 4 members of PSU's staff are from PA...and 3 of those are from Pittsburgh. You better believe he wants to take our best...and he's organizationally set up to do it. Heck, if they could fit Raines in, he'd already be theirs. I can't believe I believe that...but I do.
And it certainly isn't most Pitt fans, who only want to use the victims as a prop.

It's not our responsibility to care for them. The atrocities didn't happen on our campus. And don't get it twisted, the victims aren't being used as a prop, Sandusky and Paterno have taken the brunt of the criticism.
Not meaning to sound like sour grapes, but based on what I've seen of Sanders, I don't think that we missed too much when we didn't get him. The Nits used him, he fumbled, and then he vanished.

Wade? Too early to tell. But it was plain to see that he was never coming to Pitt, if only from the comments from his father. IMHO, Pitt wasted too much time recruiting him.

I get the pushback against the sore loser thing, but I was lukewarm on him long before he committed from watching his video. He has good, but not elite football speed. He is not Q fast, maybe he would be faster in a 40, IDK, but on the field he does not have that thing Q and FWP had where he went from 1st to 5th gear in a heart beat. And, he is straight line, he does not have a lot of wiggle.

NOW, I would rather Pitt got him, not doubt. But, he was over rated.

Same to an extent with Wade. Good, maybe pretty good, but not seeing elite.