The Patriots may be a revolting franchise/fanbase...

They're the best run franchise in football and they have a system that works!

NEngland compared to the Steelers:
1. Engaged owner who provides the resources for a winning franchise
2. HC who is involved in every aspect of the team
3. HC who deploys a system first and a gameplan second
4. The operate within a system which they know well and use the gameplan to deal with specific teams
5. The system is constructed around the skill set of key players like QB Bradey and others
6. Other role players fit in the system Edelman, Amondola, Lewis ( who was cut by other teams), etc. who might not play for other teams

The majority of the team are results oriented, good at what they do, organized winners!
Thats hard to beat!

While the Rooneys fumble around with their bogus "social justice " efforts other owners like Kraft are taking their business seriously!
Wife and I were sitting in a private club at a beach casino that we frequent. Some friends who we see there said " wow your Steelers were embrassing."
We dont usually hear that but maybe thats the non Steeler fan perception of the team?

Have a nice visit to the White House guys! Finally a team that deserves the visit!

The Steelers spend to the Cap every year. They are the winningest franchise in the NFL Modern era. I would think you would know this before making #1 on your list. So, your 1st point is dead wrong. Everything else is okay, but you misspelled Brady.
Steelers have been awesome in the Super Bowl era. Last quarter century they've been impressive but as much as Patriots or Broncos. Belong right alongside or just above the Giants, Ravens and definitely above teams like the Colts, Seahawks.

What's the modern era? Free agent era? Or, Super Bowl era? Is the modern era 50+ years?
Steelers have been awesome in the Super Bowl era. Last quarter century they've been impressive but as much as Patriots or Broncos. Belong right alongside or just above the Giants, Ravens and definitely above teams like the Colts, Seahawks.

What's the modern era? Free agent era? Or, Super Bowl era? Is the modern era 50+ years?

Since the AFL/NFL merger in 1970 is considered "the Modern Era".
Pitt SHOULD CHEAT! The biggest winners in college sports are the cheaters. I'm not talking about Penn State or Baylor, what they did wasn't cheating to help you win necessarily. But the schools always at the top, cheat systematically for decades on end, pay players, pay their parents, fix their grades, get them girls, do their homework, etc.etc.etc. and never get more than a slap on the wrist, while we brag about being clean like suckers, EVERY YEAR we watch them on national TV getting handed the trophy, getting lauded for greatness by Corso and Dicky V and getting paid big buck$.
You're preaching to my choir, but there are too many scorned philosophy majors here who want to pretend Pitt is considered an ivy and that losing in sports somehow helps it's rep, when it's actually the opposite.

Pitt did well by me (but my success would have been similar wherever I would have gone). I had a great time there too. But it ain't an ivy. In fact it's a helluva lot closer to Louisville ... or gasp, WVU ... than to Harvard, and should fully exploit the riches that are there for the taking for schools with winning sports teams accordingly. It would help ALL of us who have degrees ... Duke is a fine school of course, but it's "DUKE" because of the exploits of its semi-retarded basketball players. Ohio State too. Michigan. We can name many more.

Why would Stanford have dumped a decent man like Walt Harris for a festering asshole like Jim Harbaugh? Later on, Michigan too? To win, that's why. Because they accrued great things for winning. No doubt ... none ... that Harbaugh accomplishes this with tactics that would make many of our puritan posters spill their chai lattes. He's not taking them to the library and to a chamber concert. Perhaps the strippers dress up as chambermaids, if it makes us feel better.

Shouldn't being a good school have been enough for Stanford or Michigan? No, obviously it wasn't, was it. It shouldn't for Pitt either.

Ok, let's continue demonizing the "cheating" champions. Key word there being "champion".
Ok, let's continue demonizing the "cheating" champions. Key word there being "champion".

They really don't want to punish them because of their fear of lost TV RATINGS. Imagine the NCAAs March Madness without Kentucky, UNC and Louisville if they suspended one of those?

How about the CFB Playoff without 'Bama and tOSU or teams like them. Yeah sure they slap their wrists, but in the end they are at the podium, being handed the trophy, getting PAID.

I'd like to force the players of the winning team to take the high school SATs the week after the championship game to help validate their academic prowess, they are student athletes after all, right?