
I am not anti Weed. In fact, I support at least a decriminalization of it. But man, the weed today stinks. When I am in my car, windows up, and a car rolls past me and I can smell Spicoli's van? That is irritating if you would be even more up close and exposed.
Not a fan of opiates -
Even when I had a back sprain - just made me nauseous .

may need propofol though
i had a stomach thingy about 12-13 years ago that had me in hospital for a few weeks. anyways, excruciating stomach pain to the point where if i cleared my throat, it felt like someone sticking a sword in my belly. anyways, discovered this iv drip called dilaudin, man oh man was it insane. i'd actually time it out when the pens were on tv to get the drip a few minutes before the game started lol.

i remember the nurse coming in asking if i was ready and i said "Not yet, pens game starts in an hour" and she said "it isnt happy hour." anyways, i can see how prince got hooked on something like that, never felt anything that great in all my life.
I bet you also lift the covers up over your head while laying in bed after you break wind.

my daughter lives in one of those beautiful new apartment buildings you see popping up all over our urban centers. She pays a few extra bucks per month to have a beautiful porch that overlooks her pool. But you can’t use the porch without being overtaken by the smell of weed. If there are noise ordinances, there should be smell ordinances too. I believe it’s a non smoking facility but I don’t know how you police it.
Vaping isn’t smoking

smell ordinances - holy crap
i had a stomach thingy about 12-13 years ago that had me in hospital for a few weeks. anyways, excruciating stomach pain to the point where if i cleared my throat, it felt like someone sticking a sword in my belly. anyways, discovered this iv drip called dilaudin, man oh man was it insane. i'd actually time it out when the pens were on tv to get the drip a few minutes before the game started lol.

i remember the nurse coming in asking if i was ready and i said "Not yet, pens game starts in an hour" and she said "it isnt happy hour." anyways, i can see how prince got hooked on something like that, never felt anything that great in all my life.
Dilaudid is really a short acting med
It’s why they like it for surgery
But year the fact that it also causes delirium helps
Dilaudid is really a short acting med
It’s why they like it for surgery
But year the fact that it also causes delirium helps
I want whatever they give you for Colonoscopies. I swear to god I was having a conversation with the nurse and then...I was having a conversation with the nurse. I thought like 20 seconds passed. I didn't realize the entire procedure was over.
I want whatever they give you for Colonoscopies. I swear to god I was having a conversation with the nurse and then...I was having a conversation with the nurse. I thought like 20 seconds passed. I didn't realize the entire procedure was over.
Usually midazolam and propofol
Both have retrograde amnesia
I bet you also lift the covers up over your head while laying in bed after you break wind.

my daughter lives in one of those beautiful new apartment buildings you see popping up all over our urban centers. She pays a few extra bucks per month to have a beautiful porch that overlooks her pool. But you can’t use the porch without being overtaken by the smell of weed. If there are noise ordinances, there should be smell ordinances too. I believe it’s a non smoking facility but I don’t know how you police it.

If someone doesn't want to be exposed they can simply put a mask on...

I am not anti Weed. In fact, I support at least a decriminalization of it. But man, the weed today stinks. When I am in my car, windows up, and a car rolls past me and I can smell Spicoli's van? That is irritating if you would be even more up close and exposed.
No different than open container laws or smoking regs but we seem to lean into making things difficult anymore.
Yeah, like 35 years ago. So now it should be all forgotten, just like all the #me too incidents that happened in the 70s :) BURIED AND FORGOTTEN AS THEY SHOULD BE.
Hopefully your daughter doesn't meet a guy in college with a similar me too mentality. Or maybe you view it as she would be asking for it. But just wait 35 years because those crimes don't count anymore.
Same for cigarettes and cigars , right ?

because old man- it’s not
Nor is your fireplace or Campfire
It goes quite a bit further than an offensive smell. If someone's smoking weed next to you, it can affect your ability to operate a car. I'm pretty sure that's not the case with a campfire or cigarettes.

So, yes, weed should be prohibited from being allowed to be smoked in a public setting.
It is illegal to smoke marijuana in public. I have called the cops on multiple occassions on people doing it in the park or in public. The reason....if someone is so addicted to marijuana that they cannot wait to use it at home, they have major issues. I am right on this according to police I have talked to on the topic. You are doing everyone a favor allowing police to find these "compromised" citizens and getting them off the streets. They are low lifes in our society.
It is illegal to smoke marijuana in public. I have called the cops on multiple occassions on people doing it in the park or in public. The reason....if someone is so addicted to marijuana that they cannot wait to use it at home, they have major issues. I am right on this according to police I have talked to on the topic. You are doing everyone a favor allowing police to find these "compromised" citizens and getting them off the streets. They are low lifes in our society.
Snitchin ass
It is illegal to smoke marijuana in public. I have called the cops on multiple occassions on people doing it in the park or in public. The reason....if someone is so addicted to marijuana that they cannot wait to use it at home, they have major issues. I am right on this according to police I have talked to on the topic. You are doing everyone a favor allowing police to find these "compromised" citizens and getting them off the streets. They are low lifes in our society.
Lmao come on dude
It is illegal to smoke marijuana in public. I have called the cops on multiple occassions on people doing it in the park or in public. The reason....if someone is so addicted to marijuana that they cannot wait to use it at home, they have major issues. I am right on this according to police I have talked to on the topic. You are doing everyone a favor allowing police to find these "compromised" citizens and getting them off the streets. They are low lifes in our society.
and getting them off the streets... uh, where would you have them put them? Contrary to popular belief and political silliness no one goes to jail for smoking or possessing some small amount of pot..

Maybe you should spend more of your time keeping an eye out for the shenanigans of that Samantha Stevens across the street Mrs. Kravitz.
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It is illegal to smoke marijuana in public. I have called the cops on multiple occassions on people doing it in the park or in public. The reason....if someone is so addicted to marijuana that they cannot wait to use it at home, they have major issues. I am right on this according to police I have talked to on the topic. You are doing everyone a favor allowing police to find these "compromised" citizens and getting them off the streets. They are low lifes in our society.
if you are an adult and smoking weed in a park, you are pretty much a low life lol. and yes, i'd say the same thing about an adult drinking beer or alcohol in a park..
if you are an adult and smoking weed in a park, you are pretty much a low life lol. and yes, i'd say the same thing about an adult drinking beer or alcohol in a park..
Yeah I dunno. I’m not into weed and never have been…but if you’re sitting in a park smoking weed and relaxing, I could probably see someone’s desire to do it. Don’t some people like smoking cigars to relax as well? is there a difference?

My problem with weed is that when done in an apartment building, workplace, confined space,etc, it’s a nuisance and it’s inconsiderate.

and yes not wearing a mask indoors during covid was inconsiderate too, because it triggered people. Even though they didn’t work.
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if you are an adult and smoking weed in a park, you are pretty much a low life lol. and yes, i'd say the same thing about an adult drinking beer or alcohol in a park..
Agreed...people are in an altered state and are potentially dangerous to the rest of the community. Do you want some guy high on pot hanging in a public area around your children. What type of parent would agree with that....let my kid hang out with drug thanks.
and getting them off the streets... uh, where would you have them put them? Contrary to popular belief and political silliness no one goes to jail for smoking or possessing some small amount of pot..

Maybe you should spend more of your time keeping an eye out for the shenanigans of that Samantha Stevens across the street Mrs. Kravitz.
Perhaps getting a fine and being reprimanded by the "law" will push them to be better members of their community. You are acting like these are upstanding people...they are not.
Agreed...people are in an altered state and are potentially dangerous to the rest of the community. Do you want some guy high on pot hanging in a public area around your children. What type of parent would agree with that....let my kid hang out with drug thanks.
I truly cannot fathom calling the police for a situation where nobody is in danger. Some dude or girl smoking weed in a public park isn’t dangerous. They just want to be left alone. They’re not hurting anybody.
It goes quite a bit further than an offensive smell. If someone's smoking weed next to you, it can affect your ability to operate a car. I'm pretty sure that's not the case with a campfire or cigarettes.

So, yes, weed should be prohibited from being allowed to be smoked in a public setting.
So long as tobacco is as well
Smoke and smell is smoke and smell
Can we also ban perfumes and cologne ?
Those are obnoxious
How about Body Odor?
I truly cannot fathom calling the police for a situation where nobody is in danger. Some dude or girl smoking weed in a public park isn’t dangerous. They just want to be left alone. They’re not hurting anybody.
The nanny state folks here are hilarious
I truly cannot fathom calling the police for a situation where nobody is in danger. Some dude or girl smoking weed in a public park isn’t dangerous. They just want to be left alone. They’re not hurting anybody.
dont call the cops but probably best to mock them, insult them or rough em up a little bit. dont beat the daylights out of them but a few punches and pushes will suffice.

adults without kids hanging out at parks deserve it, for many reasons..
dont call the cops but probably best to mock them, insult them or rough em up a little bit. dont beat the daylights out of them but a few punches and pushes will suffice.

adults without kids hanging out at parks deserve it, for many reasons..
Are we talking about a park? Or a children’s playground? I was under the impression that we were talking about a park. Like Schenley Park.
So long as tobacco is as well
Smoke and smell is smoke and smell
Can we also ban perfumes and cologne ?
Those are obnoxious
How about Body Odor?
I was in the giant eagle by target in east liberty and there was an old guy on a scooter that smelled like he had about 4 weeks worth of urine on his clothes. Half of the store smelled because of him. That’s one of the worst smells ever. Can’t fine him though. That’s different.
It is illegal to smoke marijuana in public. I have called the cops on multiple occassions on people doing it in the park or in public. The reason....if someone is so addicted to marijuana that they cannot wait to use it at home, they have major issues. I am right on this according to police I have talked to on the topic. You are doing everyone a favor allowing police to find these "compromised" citizens and getting them off the streets. They are low lifes in our society.

Yep. Just don't do it next to the playground where kids are playing. It's usually a couple of loser parents because grandma doesn't allow it in her house where the grandkids also live.
  • Haha
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Are we talking about a park? Or a children’s playground? I was under the impression that we were talking about a park. Like Schenley Park.
That was my impression. Schenley or the park on the north side. A playground never came to mind for me.
I bet you also lift the covers up over your head while laying in bed after you break wind.

my daughter lives in one of those beautiful new apartment buildings you see popping up all over our urban centers. She pays a few extra bucks per month to have a beautiful porch that overlooks her pool. But you can’t use the porch without being overtaken by the smell of weed. If there are noise ordinances, there should be smell ordinances too. I believe it’s a non smoking facility but I don’t know how you police it.

Have her order a bunch of stink bombs and when things get out of control, throw them on her balcony and close the balcony door.
The nanny state folks here are hilarious don't let your kid out after 8pm....and you are going to tell everyone else that they should allow their family members to be exposed to drug addicts. Is "Nanny State" the "cool" thing to say to people who give a crap about their community and don't want low lives destroying it? It is working out great in San Fran, Portland, and Seattle.
  • Like
Reactions: Fk_Pitt don't let your kid out after 8pm....and you are going to tell everyone else that they should allow their family members to be exposed to drug addicts. Is "Nanny State" the "cool" thing to say to people who give a crap about their community and don't want low lives destroying it? It is working out great in San Fran, Portland, and Seattle.
Somebody smoking weed in a park isn’t a drug addict, get a hold of yourself. Inconsiderate? Sure, I could see that. A “drug addict who doesn’t give a crap about their community and is a low life destroying it”? Seems like a stretch, to put it mildly.
Somebody smoking weed in a park isn’t a drug addict, get a hold of yourself. Inconsiderate? Sure, I could see that. A “drug addict who doesn’t give a crap about their community and is a low life destroying it”? Seems like a stretch, to put it mildly.
Maybe in your world, Hippie. To the rest of us.....we don't smoke illegal drugs in public, Cheech.