
So long as tobacco is as well
Smoke and smell is smoke and smell
Can we also ban perfumes and cologne ?
Those are obnoxious
How about Body Odor?

My post was referring to the mind altering effects of second hand smoke from marijuana, and reasons why it shouldn't be allowed in public.

I think you have me confused with another poster.
I am not advocating banning or fining because of smell of weed. I just opined it is more pungent smelling now than it was years ago.
How about doing it in your house? You don't see me sniffing glue in front of everyone.

Sniff all the glue you can handle in your own house. But if you're hanging next to the kid's playground... Get a fine. don't let your kid out after 8pm....and you are going to tell everyone else that they should allow their family members to be exposed to drug addicts. Is "Nanny State" the "cool" thing to say to people who give a crap about their community and don't want low lives destroying it? It is working out great in San Fran, Portland, and Seattle.
Where is your community you are protecting , Karen ?
Need to speak to the manager ?
Spoken like someone who has never done anything to improve or up keep his community. I hope someone smokes a bong and blows it in your kids face.
You’ve experience someone taking a big bong rip and blowing it in your kid’s face in a public park?
I think PittPharm2002 is a pot addict, so he is defending his fellow degenerates. Everyone is fine with drug use until it shows up in their neighborhood.

My post was referring to the mind altering effects of second hand smoke from marijuana, and reasons why it shouldn't be allowed in public.

I think you have me confused with another poster.
You aren’t getting High from public smoking
Ya silly goose
Walk away -
You don’t own public space
I think PittPharm2002 is a pot addict, so he is defending his fellow degenerates. Everyone is fine with drug use until it shows up in their neighborhood.
You’re mistaken
Pittpharm hasn’t smoked week or consumed cannabis for over 25 years

he also sees it as no different than alcohol which is legal
You’re mistaken
Pittpharm hasn’t smoked week or consumed cannabis for over 25 years

he also sees it as no different than alcohol which is legal
Thank you for your wonderful reply on what you “think”, but the law “thinks” differently and it is illegal.
What are you actually doing ?
And what is your community ?
My community is where I live. Sounds like you grew up in a privledged area. My father was detective in Miami in the mid 80s and fought to keep drugs off the streets. He sacrificed everything and ended up living on his boat.
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Thank you for your wonderful reply on what you “think”, but the law “thinks” differently and it is illegal.
The law is stupid and should be changed
Just like alcohol prohibition was stupid
It will move from schedule 1 by the fda sooner rather than later , as federalism has worked from the states up
My community is where I live. Sounds like you grew up in a privledged area. My father was detective in Miami in the mid 80s and fought to keep drugs off the streets. He sacrificed everything and ended up living on his boat.
I’m asking where you live?
And what specifically are you doing to improve it
I’m asking where you live?
And what specifically are you doing to improve it
I live in the Hill district. I organize neighborhood clean up, block parties, and community watch programs. I have also worked with local and regional businesses to create scholarships for trade school education for adult males who have been incarcerated and are looking to rebuild. We have put 17 men in great jobs as a result.

You white people don’t understand what it is like to have people getting drunk or high 25 feet from your home, endangering your family and property. You simply think it’s “no big deal” if people do drugs and create a false narrative to our youth. Must be nice to have your life and the luxury to think that way.
I need to start smoking if I’m going to watch pitt footballl anymore
It gets me through
Agreed...people are in an altered state and are potentially dangerous to the rest of the community. Do you want some guy high on pot hanging in a public area around your children. What type of parent would agree with that....let my kid hang out with drug thanks.
damn…this is either a great act or you really know nothing about drugs
What I don't like is that today it is laced with Chinese poison being filtered into this country and our government doesn't give a shit ....
Almost like it being schedule 1 means it can’t be regulated for purity , eh ?
My community is where I live. Sounds like you grew up in a privledged area. My father was detective in Miami in the mid 80s and fought to keep drugs off the streets. He sacrificed everything and ended up living on his boat.
your dad was a detective in miami in the 80s and lived on a boat? is this like a miami vice joke / reference that i missed?

If not, and if this is true, that's fantastic. if im missing the joke, well then my bad.
your dad was a detective in miami in the 80s and lived on a boat? is this like a miami vice joke / reference that i missed?

If not, and if this is true, that's fantastic. if im missing the joke, well then my bad.
If you're buying that story, I think I have a ski resort in Miami that you may be interested in buying. don't let your kid out after 8pm....and you are going to tell everyone else that they should allow their family members to be exposed to drug addicts. Is "Nanny State" the "cool" thing to say to people who give a crap about their community and don't want low lives destroying it? It is working out great in San Fran, Portland, and Seattle.
I live in the Hill district. I organize neighborhood clean up, block parties, and community watch programs. I have also worked with local and regional businesses to create scholarships for trade school education for adult males who have been incarcerated and are looking to rebuild. We have put 17 men in great jobs as a result.

You white people don’t understand what it is like to have people getting drunk or high 25 feet from your home, endangering your family and property. You simply think it’s “no big deal” if people do drugs and create a false narrative to our youth. Must be nice to have your life and the luxury to think that way.
This is awesome.
I want whatever they give you for Colonoscopies. I swear to god I was having a conversation with the nurse and then...I was having a conversation with the nurse. I thought like 20 seconds passed. I didn't realize the entire procedure was over.
Honestly and i'm no doctor it was probably fentynal or however you spell it . When it first hit the scene I think I read that it was used in operating rooms .
I think that is why it was ok'd by a doctor and killed Prince ...
Pretty shitty doctor ..
Honestly and i'm no doctor it was probably fentynal or however you spell it . When it first hit the scene I think I read that it was used in operating rooms .
I think that is why it was ok'd by a doctor and killed Prince ...
Pretty shitty doctor ..
Prince wasn’t using medical fentanyl or a prescription .
Jesus Christ .
I want whatever they give you for Colonoscopies. I swear to god I was having a conversation with the nurse and then...I was having a conversation with the nurse. I thought like 20 seconds passed. I didn't realize the entire procedure was over.
The anesthesiologist I had told me that the sedative lasts as long as she administered it. When the procedure was over and she stopped the flow, I would wake up within 5 minutes. Just long enough to roll me back into the "recovery" area.

It is good stuff. I had no effects after, and was ready to get right up.
The anesthesiologist I had told me that the sedative lasts as long as she administered it. When the procedure was over and she stopped the flow, I would wake up within 5 minutes. Just long enough to roll me back into the "recovery" area.

It is good stuff. I had no effects after, and was ready to get right up.
Now that you've mentioned that I remember that from when I had neck surgery for compressed discs in my neck . They went through the front of my neck . Near the Adam's apple . Was out one second awake the next ...
Whatever they used was pretty creepy ... But effective ...
The anesthesiologist I had told me that the sedative lasts as long as she administered it. When the procedure was over and she stopped the flow, I would wake up within 5 minutes. Just long enough to roll me back into the "recovery" area.

It is good stuff. I had no effects after, and was ready to get right up.
I concur…old anesthesia caused me major headaches and nausea coming out of it. The latest for a couple minor procedures has been amazing in how ordinary it felt so quickly coming out of it.
Now that you've mentioned that I remember that from when I had neck surgery for compressed discs in my neck . They went through the front of my neck . Near the Adam's apple . Was out one second awake the next ...
Whatever they used was pretty creepy ... But effective ...
Weird was I had stents put in during a heart catharization procedure. I was out, but I wasn't "out". So I could hear the doctors.
Yes - illegal fentanyl
Not medical or prescription .
As I said silly goose

you said he wasnt using fentanyl and he OD'd of fentanyl. his doc gave it to him most likely as he admitted to giving him a non prescribed opioid only a week before his death.

when you have your own physician, prescriptions are irrelevant as is "medical purposes." Michael Jackson and prince dont worry about prescriptions. of course both are dead now so maybe they should have.
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you said he wasnt using fentanyl and he OD'd of fentanyl. his doc gave it to him most likely as he admitted to giving him a non prescribed opioid only a week before his death.

when you have your own physician, prescriptions are irrelevant as is "medical purposes." Michael Jackson and prince dont worry about prescriptions. of course both are dead now so maybe they should have.
Reread my post , slappy
Prince wasn’t using medical fentanyl or a prescription .
Jesus Christ .
It is illegal to smoke marijuana in public. I have called the cops on multiple occassions on people doing it in the park or in public. The reason....if someone is so addicted to marijuana that they cannot wait to use it at home, they have major issues. I am right on this according to police I have talked to on the topic. You are doing everyone a favor allowing police to find these "compromised" citizens and getting them off the streets. They are low lifes in our society.

Snitches get stitches.