It's A Hockey Night In Pittsburgh !

The goonish behavior was predictable after Gallant pulled his best Mike Therrien imitation. Lots of people recalling the Lemieux-Graves incident of 30 years ago after this incident. I was at Civic Arena that next game and all three home games that series. It was an amazing experience that night and I can imagine just what it will be tonight. Of course, we weren’t playing a minor league goalie then. Let’s Go Pens!!
If you and @goalieman think so,I’m completely on the train!!
The Pens can definitely win but I think it is going to be difficult ....... need to play a simple game, get the puck in deep, hard forecheck to cause Ranger turnovers and slow their breakouts and get pucks and players to the net ...... need to get traffic in front of Shesterkin as that is a key factor against him ........ need to make sure we know our defensive assignments in our own zone and hope Domingue doesn't give up any soft goals ......

I think how Shesterkin plays is a huge factor for the Rangers in this game ....... and we can't take any stupid penalties, the refs are probably going to be calling them closely especially in the first two periods ...... can't give up any power play goals.

We'll see how it goes starting shortly !
He seems likeable, in the way you give the beggar on Forbes your pocket change. You cannot question his dedication and loyalty. I think he wants us to win, but just cannot risk the hurt that happens if we don't.
Me, I'm positive to a fault. I'm already planning how I'm running naked around the neighborhood after the win today. It's cold and rainy. So I do I take an umbrella? Wind isn't bad so should be OK if I do.
And we have new neighbors to the back. Not sure how they'll react. Not sure I should rely on jumping their fence if being chased.
Something tells me that if you run naked through your neighborhood, the neighbors will not be surprised in the least !

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GREAT 1st period ....... if you look at my pregame post of what we had to do to win, it's pretty much exactly what we did in that 1st period ...... simple game, got the puck deep, fierce forecheck, Ranger turnovers and really good puck retrieval by the Pens, kept the Rangers from getting out of their end with speed, got shots on goal with traffic around the net and two nice goals ..... good coverage in our defensive zone and Domingue has held up so far .......

Long way to go ...... key is for the Pens to continue to play the same way and when the Rangers get frustrated and start taking some chances, counterattack ....... keep the Rangers out of the high danger areas to make it more feasible for Domingue and no stupid penalties ! ...... game obviously far from over.
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It’s always appropriate and hilarious to streak
I'll never forget my brother in laws brother Johnny streaking down our street
(This was the 70's when it was all the rage) He had us all in stitches .. Plus if I might add I'm surprised he didn't trip over that thing ! Lol .
Johnny just passed this month .. God rest his soul ..
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Refs suck this series but Erod needs to know better not to retaliate so blatantly.
Anyone else notice the Coors Banquet ad behind the nets? Johnny Lawrence pleased.
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