I don’t think Narduzzi understand modern college football or has the ability to adjust to it. He’s stuck in 2010 like no one has figured out the quarters defense. Part of being a great coach, especially in football, is adjusting to how the game is constantly evolving. All of what you are saying is PROBABLY true, but I have zero faith that they will win even 8 games in the shitty coastal with a 5th year starter at QB.
I’m critical of both coaches,
@pittjas, while these two are critical of only one. They use no context for the programs which they were left. They use no context to the competition difference in the ACC in football and basketball and cherry pick stats to make their points. I don’t think JC has done good enough yet and he may not. But through 6 years, what in the world makes anyone think Narduzzi will ever understand modern football and have the balls to adjust accordingly. Not even in the 1920’s do you kick a FG from the 1 down 7 with 4:51 left. He makes huge in game mistakes multiple years into being a head coach. If he doesn’t have a huge year this year his seat should be very hot.
While there are some indefensible decisions such as TOs, kicking at PSU, etc., I think generally he’s much less stubborn than people generally say on here. He’s hired basically every type of OC you can have in his time here and given them full autonomy. We went from running in our 2 min drill w Watson to Whipple throwing 50 times a game. To me, that’s not stubborn. The defense has also changed a lot from when he first got here and especially since Bates came.
Like I said, this is the year. If he doesn’t win 8 games (and really should be 9 or 10), he never will. I’ll be on your side. But looking at a macro view, I like where things are. He’s a little rough on the edges but fits Pittsburgh well, seems to really like it here, has a great culture, has some really good coaches (Marion, Partridge, Sanders, so on), who have recruited well.
The optimistic side of me says we win at least 9 games this year and then moving forward win 8 pretty consistently. I just like where we are there with it being understood that we can consistently be like a Top 20 program ala Iowa but never a Top 10 program. I think Duzz could make us be Iowa or Mich St.
Like I said though, at the end of the day none of that stuff matters if you go 6-6 or 7-5 this year. And there are certainly plenty of data points that may suggest that happens. I don’t think it will and certainly hope not because I think we’re in a pretty nice spot right now and it will take a while to get back there if we have to reset..
With Capel, I have no idea what will happen. Staff still stinks. A hard job because nothing really stands out about Pitt basketball. Decent facilities and good support when good but everybody in the ACC has that. At least in football we have some local legit talent plus the Steelers connection which at least gets the attention of FL/TX/GA recruits. In basketball we’re just another program which is tough when in our conference we’re competing with UNC/Duke/Louisville/UVA, and so on…
I thought Capel’s name and reputation alone would be able to get us say NC State talent… which even if we weren’t a consistent Top 15 program, would get us in the tourney most years and allow us to make runs there every so often. That didn’t happen so far which is somewhat concerning because it should be much easier to recruit on that initial period when you can blame all the bad stuff on the old coach. And he did somewhat recruit some talent then but we saw he wasn’t able to manage it. At least now he seems to have recalibrated his approach I just hope it’s not too late. I have some hope and really genuinely like him as a person so I hope he can get it figured out. But it’s a much steeper hill than football has. I also know that we likely won’t be able to get someone with as much of a “name brand” as Capel so.. if this doesn’t work out we’ll either have to go the alum route or a Mark Scmmidt or Rutgers coach type.