OT: 100 greatest tv shows of all-time

Perhaps ... but the complete and total cultural influence of Seinfeld cannot be overstated.
I never got Seinfeld cheers or friends but I found curb and other dark
Comedies like curb and east bound down the righteous geminis and Barry to be incredible.
This is tough to argue either way. My one gripe with the Sopranos is that, compared to some other shows on this list, it had lower low points. The Columbus Day episode is a genuinely terrible hour of TV. Season Six Part One is also very weak. I guess they should get credit for how experimental all that stuff was though. The Dream Sequences when Tony was "Kevin Finnerty" didn't really work, but they were somewhat groundbreaking. The Leftovers dream sequences were far better, but do they happen at all if the Sopranos didn't try it first?
According to Rolling Stone. I demand to see the poll methodology! As with everything else Rolling Stone does, this is warped!

Just as bad as ever from that rag. I'm glad I never paid for HBO, etc. This looks like opinions from the 20-40 crowd that stopped working 2 years ago.
Well ... you've met me.

The Leftovers (especially season three) was single greatest television show I've ever watched.

Having said this, I don't think I would put it at #17 in an objective ranking. As beautiful, artistic, moving and difficult as it was, it just didn't have the impact that so many other shows did. I'd put it around #40.

Girls (which I don't really love) was a hugely influential show. I think that one is well ranked.

I think the Soprano's is the correct choice for #1. It became the complete the blueprint for what Television is now.

Yeah, the Leftovers is the TV version of the Velvet Underground. People who know love them/it. But it's just not as popular as the critical acclaim tends to be.
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I know that it would be attacked, but it could be a huge hit. Think about all of the things going on today with "wokeness", gay and trans rights, women in more prominent roles, etc. Find the right actor and it would be hilarious. The arc of the show could be about the dude adjusting to a modern world and coming to terms with everything.
So al Bundy’s character on modern family ?
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Yeah, the Leftovers is the TV version of the Velvet Underground. People who know love them/it. But it's just not as popular as the critical acclaim tends to be.
Girls is similar to Curb is ways with how damned awkward it is - which is the point
I never got Seinfeld cheers or friends but I found curb and other dark
Comedies like curb and east bound down the righteous geminis and Barry to be incredible.
I love Barry , east bound and curb .
Righteous gemstones is very funny but I tuned out after the first season
Perhaps ... but the complete and total cultural influence of Seinfeld cannot be overstated.
Of course. As much as I love Curb it would be silly to argue otherwise. Curb I’m sure is limited in that regard because it’s strictly an adult show on HBO. But even still, it could never even approach Seinfeld in that way.
Any list without The West Wing in the top 10 isn’t worth the electrons it took to enter it in the internet.
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great call, forgot about that one. yes, i think for sure that should be on there. One of the first shows to do a time piece too. Now you have a plenty of them, one about 80s, one about 90s, one about 70s, one about asians in the 90s, but that was one of the first of it's kind..
What about that 70’s Show? I might have missed it but didn’t see it in the list.
According to Rolling Stone. I demand to see the poll methodology! As with everything else Rolling Stone does, this is warped!

I must be missing out. Five of the top ten shows I either haven't ever heard of or never saw an episode.
of course he was 85 years was part of the show's schtick. Every detective show had to have one back then...Barnaby Jones was an old fart, Cannon was a fat f**k and Kojak was as bald as a cueball before it was in fashion...
What, you can mention Barnaby, Cannon and Kojak but not add Columbo at the same time?? Come on man.
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Eastbound and Down was hilarious! Was Kenny Powers loosely based on John Rocker :)
I saw a recent article saying how the show Friends is too offensive today! Seriously? :)
was never a huge fan of the show but i've been watching reruns and it's a pretty vanilla show to be honest. besides a bunch of straight white characters, i dont see how people could be upset..
Well yeah they don’t need representation…but having a cast representative of modern day NYC does make sense. Show runners want to appeal to as many people as possible right? I’m sure there are plenty of bigoted people who didn’t watch friends because the cast was all white.
The point is, there is nothing unusual about a social group of 5-6-8-10 friends, that is always together, that is 0% diverse, even today.
Look how diverse Welcome Back Kotter, set in Brooklyn, was in the 70’s. Kotter was Jewish, horseshack was Jewish. Epstein was a Puerto Rican Jew, Freddie boom boom Washington was black, and Vinnie babarino was a gay white Italian. But why were all the learning disabled sweat hogs male?
Today they would take offense at the learning disable class being called "sweat hogs" :)
'24' and The Blacklist are two of my favs. Gripping and exciting. Don't even like to take a bathroom break when shows like these are on.
The thing is back have to be careful of "presentism". You know people applying standards today to back in the past and the times and society then.

For instance, Archie's racial slurs, it was not poking fun at minorities, it was poking fun of old, working class white guys like him that used it.

Or Klinger, trying to dress like a women to get a Section 8. Obviously that would not play now, but it did then. Both of those can be correct.

Or Jack Tripper feigning to be gay in order to be able to live with 2 girls. Obviously that is outdated, but to people back then, "living in sin" was taboo.

Times change, we evolve. Some cases, devolve. But that doesn't make what in the past was acceptable and now isn't "cancellable".
Simpsons should not be #2. It was great for a long time but jumped the shark a while
It’s one of my favorite shows and I’m a huge fan of most of the seasons from the 90’s, but I refuse to even try watching any episode that aired past 2003, and even that’s pushing it - there’s people who would probably knock that down to as low as 1998-99 or so. Ridiculous that it’s still airing.
It’s one of my favorite shows and I’m a huge fan of most of the seasons from the 90’s, but I refuse to even try watching any episode that aired past 2003, and even that’s pushing it - there’s people who would probably knock that down to as low as 1998-99 or so. Ridiculous that it’s still airing.
It’s like Family Guy, both made some really great shows in their formative years, but both went on … and on …. and on … I think Seinfeld had it right, after 10 years is too long, and after that you risk breeding contempt. I haven’t watched either show very much beyond the 2010s, and likely there are some good episodes each has made in all those years, but I just assume that by now they’re just hanging on.
Rectify is better than 80 shows on this list and that’s being conservative.

Fleabag at 5 is a joke and that’s coming from someone who really liked it.

Looks like I need to start The Leftovers for the fifth time. Maybe I’ll get past the third episode for once.