OT: Hobbies and Interests


Assistant Coach
Gold Member
Jul 7, 2001
So outside of work and Panther football, what do you do for fun? What are your skills?
It was interesting to see how many repair their appliances and have some skills that I do not possess.

So what are you good at? What do you do for fun on an off-week or off-season?

I homebrew, and am good at it! I haven't been that successful gardening, but just put in a big raised bed last weekend, for salad greens, carrots and beets and radishes. Have a big greenhouse, and put herbs and tomatoes and various peppers in there. I planted three varieties of hops at the rose trellises.

I am a keen flyfisherman. Going to get out somewhere for the Pitt off week.

I am accumulating new skills renovating an old house. Refinishing wood floors and hanging drywall. Not sure yet if I am good at that or not. Will find out in the coming weeks.

So what do you do when not wasting your time on Pantherlair?
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Running. Run half marathons and 10 milers.
Amateur radio. Advanced Class since I was 12.
Hiking trials in the national parks.
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So outside of work and Panther football, what do you do for fun? What are your skills?
It was interesting to see how many repair their appliances and have some skills that I do not possess.

So what are you good at? What do you do for fun on an off-week or off-season?

I homebrew, and am good at it! I haven't been that successful gardening, but just put in a big raised bed last weekend, for salad greens, carrots and beets and radishes. Have a big greenhouse, and put herbs and tomatoes and various peppers in there. I planted three varieties of hops at the rose trellises.

I am a keen flyfisherman. Going to get out somewhere for the Pitt off week.

I am accumulating new skills renovating an old house. Refinishing wood floors and hanging drywall. Not sure yet if I am good at that or not. Will find out in the coming weeks.

So what do you do when not wasting your time on Pantherlair?
Started playing tennis again after 30 years. It’s almost like riding a bike. But also recently took up pickleball. But unfortunately there still aren’t enough courts around but there are some. I think the sport is going to explode leisurely over the next 10 years. You’d be surprised how many calories are burned while playing.
Birdwatching was something we started doing a few years ago, but really picked up during the pandemic. We’re hitting the inflection point now between “something we like to do locally” to “something we’re planning to travel to do,” which has been fun.
I run ultramarathons and love running in different college towns, on campuses, and on mountains. I’ve run all over the country and on so many college campuses.
I I workout everyday either running, biking, both, and weights.
I treat fitness like a hobby and lifestyle.
I am good at woodworking and have no problem fixing things and will figure it out, but not really hobbies for me.
I have gone fly fishing a bunch of times and really like it, have all the gear and suck at it. But I don’t care if I catch anything, I just enjoy the sound of the water and the idea of learning to cast really well. This will be a much more involved future hobby for me.
I play guitar and have been for over 20 years and still suck at it.
I enjoy photography, grew up with a family of photographers, and I still suck at it too, but learning.
I also love making videos and learning new ways to make videos. Mostly making soccer highlights for my kid as she likes to rewatch parts of her games.
I’ve had more hobbies in the past but kids and soccer have taken up all of our time.
Fish - not nearly as much as I used to

I watch far less TV than I used to. Mostly sports and a few other things. I'll go days without even looking at the TV.
Exercise, gardening, I grow vegetables every summer, BBQ, used to golf a lot, but very rarely now since getting 2 hips replaced. ride my bike occasionally, need to get it repaired. Planning to retire soon, so I'll need to figure out more stuff to do :)
exercise - gym and running
yard work
drink with buddies and watch sports/play pool
candycrush/home escapes
crossword puzzles
golf sometimes
used to make wine
exercise - gym and running
yard work
drink with buddies and watch sports/play pool
candycrush/home escapes
crossword puzzles
golf sometimes
used to make wine
Not hard to have time for that list when porn usually only needs about a minute thirty of hobby time.
I'm a crazy cat lady. I have 15 running around. Plus a dog and I've promised someone to take their dog and cats if they can't get past their cancer.

I'm also in charge of the day-to-day operations of a large property that is deep in the mountains. It's not a ton of time but it's a labor of love. Doing a lot of work to preserve the place and trying to work with various agencies and charities to sustainably preserve the land. Wished I lived closer so it wasn't so much time to go and visit or do some work.

But the vast majority of my time is spent tending to the needs of my teenage daughter. Didn't expect to have children but she showed up around the time I turned 40.
My dog has a skill to make me feel like pond scum if I don't take him on at least one, but often two, long walk(s) per day, so that takes up some time. He tore both ACLs in the late Spring/early Summer, so that was on hold for a while, but his surgery went well in early July and we're now back in action. Also have to devote some time to the cats. I also try to lift every day, though I get injured more than Duce Staley.

I'm kind of all over the map with hobbies. Songwriting is the one that will always be there, though I've lost hundreds of my songs over the years, which was really deflating. But I've been back on the saddle as of late.

I'll get into phases where I'll watch like five movies in a week, and then I won't watch another for a few months. I don't watch anything on cable other than sports, so my TV isn't on very often when it isn't football season, but I will use the apps to watch movies.

I like playing sports, but I just don't have enough reliable friends to pull it off consistently. It always works out for a few weeks and then people start "not being able to make it," and it fizzles out.

I started taking on some remodel projects in my house beginning in like 2017. But they didn't start going well until like 2021, so the next step will be taking a mulligan and redoing my bathroom.
My dog has a skill to make me feel like pond scum if I don't take him on at least one, but often two, long walk(s) per day, so that takes up some time. He tore both ACLs in the late Spring/early Summer, so that was on hold for a while, but his surgery went well in early July and we're now back in action. Also have to devote some time to the cats. I also try to lift every day, though I get injured more than Duce Staley.

I'm kind of all over the map with hobbies. Songwriting is the one that will always be there, though I've lost hundreds of my songs over the years, which was really deflating. But I've been back on the saddle as of late.

I'll get into phases where I'll watch like five movies in a week, and then I won't watch another for a few months. I don't watch anything on cable other than sports, so my TV isn't on very often when it isn't football season, but I will use the apps to watch movies.

I like playing sports, but I just don't have enough reliable friends to pull it off consistently. It always works out for a few weeks and then people start "not being able to make it," and it fizzles out.

I started taking on some remodel projects in my house beginning in like 2017. But they didn't start going well until like 2021, so the next step will be taking a mulligan and redoing my bathroom.
I’m curious what it means to lose hundreds of songs you’ve written.
Judo/grappling generally, pick up basketball, board games, role playing games, video games. And I love reading, genre fiction and history especially. I have too many hobbies to keep up with, I am losing touch with music especially, watch less TV than I used to.
I'm a crazy cat lady. I have 15 running around. Plus a dog and I've promised someone to take their dog and cats if they can't get past their cancer.

I'm also in charge of the day-to-day operations of a large property that is deep in the mountains. It's not a ton of time but it's a labor of love. Doing a lot of work to preserve the place and trying to work with various agencies and charities to sustainably preserve the land. Wished I lived closer so it wasn't so much time to go and visit or do some work.

But the vast majority of my time is spent tending to the needs of my teenage daughter. Didn't expect to have children but she showed up around the time I turned 40.
Love everything about this…except the cat part.
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Combining the first 2 into birdwatching
Building stuff with wood
Will get back into pickleball soon
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Man, I used to like to run and all of that, my knees and back are shot. It is like a conundrum though right? Don't do the former, and the latter get worse. Do the former, and the latter makes me like the Tin Man.

Chatting with you guys is always a fun hobby.
Watching sports now more than playing.
Cooking (I am good at it)
Gardening (I was lazy this year)
Dogs......are better than people I am their servant
Weird....I have an extrovert job and can be a serious extrovert when I travel but at home I am a definite introvert and hermit.
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Work out daily. Play tennis, platform tennis 3-4 times a week. Play golf 3-4 times a week. Used to run 30 miles a week, but that reduced to zero miles as age and bad knee increased and now use treadmill(walking) and elyptical.
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Love everything about this…except the cat part.
There's a story...

Lived near a veterinarian practice and learned that people would rather abandon a pet than pay for it's medical needs if it was too expensive. So we ended up with a lot of sick drop-offs. I spoke to the vet about this happening and we worked together to provide some basic needs. Unfortunately, we had to move and the place sat empty for a long time. Took me a while to catch all of the more feral ones and relocate them. People continued to drop animals off because I guess they'd see other cats around. I was actually accused of abandoning them! My most recent issue is that someone must have abandoned a pregnant female. Thus my numbers are way up. But I live in the middle of nowhere and there isn't any traffic. They have heat and get fed twice a day. The ones that have more serious issues live inside. One is deaf and the other has "wobbly cat" syndrome. Also have two that we fostered. I try to find homes for them.
Retired from marathons
Retired from golf
target shoot
DIY home projects
church stuff
walk dog nightly (3 mi)
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There's a story...

Lived near a veterinarian practice and learned that people would rather abandon a pet than pay for it's medical needs if it was too expensive. So we ended up with a lot of sick drop-offs. I spoke to the vet about this happening and we worked together to provide some basic needs. Unfortunately, we had to move and the place sat empty for a long time. Took me a while to catch all of the more feral ones and relocate them. People continued to drop animals off because I guess they'd see other cats around. I was actually accused of abandoning them! My most recent issue is that someone must have abandoned a pregnant female. Thus my numbers are way up. But I live in the middle of nowhere and there isn't any traffic. They have heat and get fed twice a day. The ones that have more serious issues live inside. One is deaf and the other has "wobbly cat" syndrome. Also have two that we fostered. I try to find homes for them.
You're a legend. I always tear up watching those dog adoption videos from the shelters. I have a feeling I'm going to end up with a lot of dogs. Got a re-homed greyhound 6 months ago and he is a great dog.
So outside of work and Panther football, what do you do for fun? What are your skills?
It was interesting to see how many repair their appliances and have some skills that I do not possess.

So what are you good at? What do you do for fun on an off-week or off-season?

I homebrew, and am good at it! I haven't been that successful gardening, but just put in a big raised bed last weekend, for salad greens, carrots and beets and radishes. Have a big greenhouse, and put herbs and tomatoes and various peppers in there. I planted three varieties of hops at the rose trellises.

I am a keen flyfisherman. Going to get out somewhere for the Pitt off week.

I am accumulating new skills renovating an old house. Refinishing wood floors and hanging drywall. Not sure yet if I am good at that or not. Will find out in the coming weeks.

So what do you do when not wasting your time on Pantherlair?
I know you’re a surgeon but I don’t know what your specialty is. I always thought Ortho surgeons would make good carpenters and like tinkering with cars in their downtime.

and plastic surgeons are probably good artists.
So outside of work and Panther football, what do you do for fun? What are your skills?
It was interesting to see how many repair their appliances and have some skills that I do not possess.

So what are you good at? What do you do for fun on an off-week or off-season?

I homebrew, and am good at it! I haven't been that successful gardening, but just put in a big raised bed last weekend, for salad greens, carrots and beets and radishes. Have a big greenhouse, and put herbs and tomatoes and various peppers in there. I planted three varieties of hops at the rose trellises.

I am a keen flyfisherman. Going to get out somewhere for the Pitt off week.

I am accumulating new skills renovating an old house. Refinishing wood floors and hanging drywall. Not sure yet if I am good at that or not. Will find out in the coming weeks.

So what do you do when not wasting your time on Pantherlair?
Exercise - mostly walking and HIT
mountain biking
wine tasting
Gardening - love growing tomatoes and peppers
Hiking - I hope to complete some of the long distance trails like the AT when I retire
Baking - I make a great pizza and I'm getting into breads and desserts
Embarrassing my pre-teen girls in front of their friends
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I miss playing hockey and basketball.
Actually I miss golf, just don't find that many people who now play and certainly haven't played like I used to in South Carolina when I actually had some semblance of a game.
It does suck getting old.
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Lots of Tennis
Reading Non Fiction History books (sports, war, american culture) doesnt matter.
I loved playing tennis. Had numerous friends who did so. Wife would also play. That ended fairly abruptly about a decade ago, it seemed tennis became anathema. I attribute it to basically no interest in professional tennis and no interesting/marketable stars. I’m surprised it’s still a sport in so many schools. A few I know of eliminated their programs, however.
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Gardening - love growing tomatoes and peppers
Hiking - I hope to complete some of the long distance trails like the AT when I retire
Baking - I make a great pizza and I'm getting into breads and desserts
Embarrassing my pre-teen girls in front of their friends
Let me know if you find a good rye bread recipe. Especially, if it’s for a bread machine.
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I loved playing tennis. Had numerous friends who did so. Wife would also play. That ended fairly abruptly about a decade ago, it seemed tennis became anathema. I attribute it to basically no interest in professional tennis and no interesting/marketable stars. I’m surprised it’s still a sport in so many schools. A few I know of eliminated their programs, however.
When I was in HS/college, I loved playing and following the sport. What an era for US Tennis with Agassi, Sampras, Courier, and Chang.