OT: Martavis Bryant...

"One toke over the line..."

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"One toke over the line..."
Will bums like this choose getting f’d up... or clean up with knowledge they have possibly a hundred million or more in their future.

Of course get f’d up because they’re pothead idiots
And that’s what pothead idiots do.
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Wow- what a goof. Great trade.
Bell should be next outta town. Too many headaches with him.
If Brown wasn't such a me first WR too , the team would be better.
That locker room has no leadership and Tomlin doesn't seem to care.
And it amazes me that people still have a problem with smoking weed.

While I agree with you in general, the reality is there is a rule against it in the league he plays. He is a total idiot for not giving it up.

So instead of giving up weed to make millions of dollars, the moron continues to do it throwing away million of dollars.
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And it amazes me that people still have a problem with smoking weed.

It doesn’t matter. My employer has a dress code policy, a policy against tatoos and facial piercings. Guess what? You walk around my office, you don’t see tatoos, facial piercings and you see people dressed how the company wants.

You don’t like it, go find some place else to work.
If they send all of them plus Ben and Pouncey packing, I might care to pay attention to them again. Then again the NFL is so boring to watch.

Wow- what a goof. Great trade.
Bell should be next outta town. Too many headaches with him.
If Brown wasn't such a me first WR too , the team would be better.
That locker room has no leadership and Tomlin doesn't seem to care.
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If they send all of them plus Ben and Pouncey packing, I might care to pay attention to them again. Then again the NFL is so boring to watch.
steelers without pouncey, ben, Bell, and brown?? Yeah, sounds great. Landry jones throwing the ball to Ju Ju and DHB. that would be such entertainment I'd literally drink myself to death watching that.
Cheers :)

Seriously, I have no clue how anyone cares to watch those buffoons but Mason Rudolph will pass Laundry Jones in short order.

steelers without pouncey, ben, Bell, and brown?? Yeah, sounds great. Landry jones throwing the ball to Ju Ju and DHB. that would be such entertainment I'd literally drink myself to death watching that.
Cheers :)

Seriously, I have no clue how anyone cares to watch those buffoons but Mason Rudolph will pass Laundry Jones in short order.
yeah, I expect that to happen sooner than later too. I love watching Ben, dude throws the ball deep about 4 times a quarter. As far as pure entertainment and letting the ball fly, there is no better. yeah, some unbelievably frustrating INT's make you want to put your head thru a wall but if you don't take this crap too serious and just want to be entertained with big plays, you cant think of a better qb than ben.

Plus, in his younger days, when he'd scramble around extending plays, dude was like a modern day Fran tarkenton. you guys need to grow up and quit idolizing these fools, following their personal lives and being upset that your hero let you down. its pathetic. OK when you are 8, as an adult, it's just weird..

Do what I do, game time starts, turn on the tv, watch them, game is over, turn off the tv and forget about them. they are here to entertain you, for 3 hours a week during the season, that's it. no more. you guys follow these athletes' twitter and instagrams like teenage groupies backstage at a concert, panties in hand, ready to get the train run on you by the whole band after the show and it is ridiculous..
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And it amazes me that people still have a problem with smoking weed.

I agree. Especially with the dispensation of pain killers far worse and more addictive to athletes. is a rule. I think it is a stupid rule, but it is a rule. I know this, when I was younger and it was much more part of my friends everyday lives, I was a an Account Mgr of some highly sensitive military components to which the contracts subjected us to periodic drug tests. I guarantee I made a whole lot less than NFL players do. And as much as it pained me to do so, I abstained and avoided situations in many cases. make that choice. But the overall hypocrisy of using weed as some bully pulpit over the NFL players while having no problem prescribing or having them get on their own, forms of painkillers like oxy, is just pretty damn hypocritical. I expect the NFLPA (which is by far the weakest union in sports) to fight this the next contract.
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marijuana being tested is silly. in all seriousness, I want all the bangals, ravens, patriots and other AFC teams to partake in this as much as possible. It would help the steelers.

We were playing poker one night, awhile back, me and some friends and one dude came over and asked if he could smoke weed and the one dude said "Yes, please, smoke as much as you want."
I agree. Especially with the dispensation of pain killers far worse and more addictive to athletes. is a rule. I think it is a stupid rule, but it is a rule. I know this, when I was younger and it was much more part of my friends everyday lives, I was a an Account Mgr of some highly sensitive military components to which the contracts subjected us to periodic drug tests. I guarantee I made a whole lot less than NFL players do. And as much as it pained me to do so, I abstained and avoided situations in many cases. make that choice. But the overall hypocrisy of using weed as some bully pulpit over the NFL players while having no problem prescribing or having them get on their own, forms of painkillers like oxy, is just pretty damn hypocritical. I expect the NFLPA (which is by far the weakest union in sports) to fight this the next contract.
Lol the players union fight this.

They average 4 yrs or there about .....they won’t even strike over their totally Sh!tty pay they make .....

Yeah they’ll bring it up , the owners will flat out reject it the players will say —- EFF You potheads.
I can't believe the Steelers were able to trade this idiot - who is in a contract year and one joint from a second 16 game suspension - for a 3rd round pick. The Steelers then traded that pick and another to move up and grab Mason Rudolph. Seriously, kudos to the front office for pulling that series. We could look back on this in 10 years and saying "what if."
Kind of makes Big Ben's criticism of Steelers Management for trading Bryant ring hollow, no?
They actually have something to show for Bryant now, and added a rookie WR who may actually be on the team and you know, catch a meaningful pass in a game that counts when actually needed???

As far as Leveon Bell, the guy projects poorly for his antics, but to what end? When the games count, the guy shows up and does what he's being paid to do. He is in shape, and performs as good as any RB in the league when he's suppose to.
He blusters about $$, but ultimately plays for more $$ than any other RB in the league by following the negotiated rules.
I choose to pay no attention to the antics, just like with AB, pay attention to the results.
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Yep, amazing Colbert was able to trade the guy, but to get a third-round pick was insane. I figured if Bryant was going to get suspended, it wouldn't be immediately after he went to his new team.

Anyway, the last time they traded a pretty good receiver in Santonio Holmes, the return turned out to be excellent. We can only hope for the same this time.
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And it amazes me that people still have a problem with smoking weed.
funny, kind of validates the addictive nature of the substance that we are constantly told does not exist...the problem lies not in weed, the problem lies in simply not following the rules...If it was an NFL rule you could not wear red shoes on Tuesdays and someone stupidly wore red shoes on Tuesdays you, apparently, would not blame the red shoe wearing knucklehead but be amazed by red shoe bigotry...

Last time I checked weed never made anyone any smarter.
Where are all the expert media wonks who were bitching about the Steelers being nuts to trade this guy. Getting the 79th overall pick, which they turned into Mason Rudolph, was a great move at the time and brilliant in retrospect.
Mostly Roethlesberger fanboys parroting BigBen's lament.
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Kind of makes Big Ben's criticism of Steelers Management for trading Bryant ring hollow, no?
They actually have something to show for Bryant now, and added a rookie WR who may actually be on the team and you know, catch a meaningful pass in a game that counts when actually needed???

As far as Leveon Bell, the guy projects poorly for his antics, but to what end? When the games count, the guy shows up and does what he's being paid to do. He is in shape, and performs as good as any RB in the league when he's suppose to.
He blusters about $$, but ultimately plays for more $$ than any other RB in the league by following the negotiated rules.
I choose to pay no attention to the antics, just like with AB, pay attention to the results.

Agree. But also with Bell's past and proclivity for this kind of stuff, it is best for the Steelers to pay him the nice huge salary this year then move on. Too much risk. I mean the dude hangs with Wiz Khalifa.
Saying he is going to be suspended over weed is speculation and if he does have a "hot" sample, unless he says so, you'll never know for certain because they never release the "why". I'm sure it will be allergy pills or something else.
he missed a testing which is the same as a positive result. it's like getting pulled over drunk and not letting the cop do a breathalyzer. yeah, it's not proven you were drunk but you are still screwed..
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he missed a testing which is the same as a positive result. it's like getting pulled over drunk and not letting the cop do a breathalyzer. yeah, it's not proven you were drunk but you are still screwed..
He's screwed now, he already had a one year suspension, what comes after that?
Really they could just not test for weed and leave people alone, it's better FOR THE FANS too to not have talented players removed. I'm always more pissed at the league for not just letting it go.
Agree. But also with Bell's past and proclivity for this kind of stuff, it is best for the Steelers to pay him the nice huge salary this year then move on. Too much risk. I mean the dude hangs with Wiz Khalifa.
Pretty much what they're doing.
Pay him during this window, but with each passing season, his skills/value diminish and his ability to command the ridiculous $ he seeks becomes even more unlikely.
Then you either jettison him, or he comes to his senses and accepts a contract more in line with reality.
lifetime ban. happened to the dude from the browns, who ironically is now reinstated. so in short, I have no clue..
Right, he came back last year after being out for a couple years.

What was his name? can't remember? Read an article about him, about how his family where druggies or something and he was homeless while playing high school football and just getting high and drunk every night and sleeping at different houses or something like that?
Right, he came back last year after being out for a couple years.
josh Gordon. damn, couldn't remember his name. not good for your career, even if he does come back. It has to be at least a season you'd guess. after a season, I guess you beg and plead until you get yet another "last chance."
Really they could just not test for weed and leave people alone, it's better FOR THE FANS too to not have talented players removed. I'm always more pissed at the league for not just letting it go.

Or the players could just follow the rules. It's really not that difficult, especially with the testing window being between April 20th and August 9th.
Probably should spend some time educating yourself. In virvirtua every circumstance the benefits outweigh the negatives when you compare marijuana to alcohol, opioids, etc.

If there was ever a job that should allow medical marijuana- it's a football player.

funny, kind of validates the addictive nature of the substance that we are constantly told does not exist...the problem lies not in weed, the problem lies in simply not following the rules...If it was an NFL rule you could not wear red shoes on Tuesdays and someone stupidly wore red shoes on Tuesdays you, apparently, would not blame the red shoe wearing knucklehead but be amazed by red shoe bigotry...

Last time I checked weed never made anyone any smarter.
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Probably should spend some time educating yourself. In visually every circumstance the benefits outweigh the negatives when you compare marijuana to alcohol, opioids, etc.

If there was ever a job that should allow medical marijuana- it's a football player.
uh, but alas I did not impart that in my post now did I? I remember all the self-medicated lads from my high school days. Glad those honor student's pain was alleviated...I'll give the pot lobby one thing though, they are passionate.
If they send all of them plus Ben and Pouncey packing, I might care to pay attention to them again. Then again the NFL is so boring to watch.

Ya, the most talented and athletic people at their craft performing the game at it’s highest skill level. How boring.

Give me college or high school where it’s a 50/50 split or less, but kids try harder. Gimme a break.
Or the players could just follow the rules. It's really not that difficult, especially with the testing window being between April 20th and August 9th.
I guess for me, it's because I JUST DON'T CARE if people get high on their own time. So basically, I side with the players and oppose the rules. I break rules of all kinds all the time in many aspects of life every day and just don't care, "rules" these days have become so anal and over thought, even the NFL game rules are nonsense, you could literally delete 75% of them and nobody would notice.
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