Will college football even be played? Not looking good

I hate that the term lesser of 2 evils is so prominent in elections but that’s where I’m at.

I have no problem with people who vote that way. But I generally do not. My thought is that if someone wants my vote they have to earn it, and simply not being quite as bad as the other person isn't good enough for me.

But I get that not everyone thinks that way, and I'm OK with that.
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I don't know if I would say equally bad, but bad for entirely different reasons. It would take more thought than I'm willing to spend to get to which I think is actually worse ( :) ).

This is the second cycle in a row when I have been extremely disappointed in the people who ended up being "serious" contenders for the nomination from both parties. Trump. Clinton. Biden. Sanders. Ted Cruz. And so on.

I said during the last cycle when we were down to a "final four", Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders, that I wouldn't vote for any of the four for dog catcher, out of fear they'd give the dogs fleas, let alone President. I honestly can't remember at this point if I voted for the Libertarians (Johnson and Weld, who I also wasn't really enamored with) or if I wrote in my son, as I tend to do when I don't like the choices the parties present.
It seems like many people feel that way about the past 2 presidential elections. Out of curiosity, who do you think would have been good candidates? The people who ended up being serious contenders were elevated to those positions by the voters in the primaries, so they had enough support on that level to make the cut. The primary system may be part of the problem, plus the fact that presidential campaigns start about 2 years before the actual election. I suspect that there are good people who just do not want to put themselves through that kind of all-consuming process.
It does seem pretty plain that the season will at least be delayed. Camp starts in just over a month, no? Hard to imagine that starting on time.
The primary system may be part of the problem, plus the fact that presidential campaigns start about 2 years before the actual election. I suspect that there are good people who just do not want to put themselves through that kind of all-consuming process.

I think that is correct. It takes a special kind of person to want to run for President today. And I don't mean that in a good way.

If I remember correctly I actually voted for John Kasich in the Pennsylvania primary last time, and I think he would probably be a good President. Maybe not a great one, but good. A governor from a larger state who was popular enough that he won reelection in a landslide. Someone who was actually willing to work with people from the other side. But as you say, with the way the primary system works people like that have a hard time winning today.
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It seems like many people feel that way about the past 2 presidential elections. Out of curiosity, who do you think would have been good candidates? The people who ended up being serious contenders were elevated to those positions by the voters in the primaries, so they had enough support on that level to make the cut. The primary system may be part of the problem, plus the fact that presidential campaigns start about 2 years before the actual election. I suspect that there are good people who just do not want to put themselves through that kind of all-consuming process.
The problem is the primary's are only looking at half the electorate and the the dramatic shift away from the middle is only making it worse. Put it this way, and this is only a example, if 25 percent of dems are now marxist. They have a very big say despite only being 1/8 of the overall population. We saw this early on as those pepple primarily voted for bernie while the other candidates split up the rest of the vote. Problem is everyone else needed to shift to the left to get some of those voters.
And right on que, a typical lib response...blame the guy in office.

You apparently did not comprehend. Biden as the leader of the free world really has no longer anything to do with Trump.

Should biden win, and I think he will, his health is an issue.

But libs steadfastly refuse to concede what is crystal clear, and instead go after the guy that won't be relevant at this time next year.

Bidens health is an issue.

The end.

Yes, the other guy's health is a problem because he occasionally misspeaks. Your guy's health is fine even though he seems incapable of navigating a ramp without assistance, needs two hands to drink a glass of water, and repeatedly cannot form a coherent answer in response to basic questions about how he does his job.

In any event, there's a whole system to replace a president who can no longer do the job because he has been incapacitated. It's been used 9 times. Let's not act like we've never been through a transition like that. Frankly, most of you were alive the last time it happened.
It is beyond insanity to try to play this season in the fall. Looks like a vaccine will be available in early 2021. Play it then. Its not that difficult of a decision
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Yes, the other guy's health is a problem because he occasionally misspeaks. Your guy's health is fine even though he seems incapable of navigating a ramp without assistance, needs two hands to drink a glass of water, and repeatedly cannot form a coherent answer in response to basic questions about how he does his job.

In any event, there's a whole system to replace a president who can no longer do the job because he has been incapacitated. It's been used 9 times. Let's not act like we've never been through a transition like that. Frankly, most of you were alive the last time it happened.

You didn't even comprehend my statement. If you did, you would have agreed with me and ended your post with "the other guys health is an issue ".

Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with the "other guy" should he become president.

Now, if Trump manages to get re-elected then sure, his health is open game.

But I stated I think Biden will be our president. His health then, is an issue.

You seemingly agreed, and then veered off track.
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You didn't even comprehend my statement. If you did, you would have agreed with me and ended your post with "the other guys health is an issue ".

Has nothing to do with Trump. It has everything to do with the "other guy" should he become president.

Now, if Trump manages to get re-elected then sure, his health is open game.

But I stated I think Biden will be our president. His health then, is an issue.

You seemingly agreed, and then veered off track.

My point was that Trump is already POTUS, so why isn't his health an issue right now? You have people slamming Biden as incapable but celebrating Trump for drinking a glass of water.

Anyone who thinks Biden's health is disqualifying as a presidential candidate but Trump's isn't disqualifying, as the actual president, is not being serious.
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