I don't know if I would say equally bad, but bad for entirely different reasons. It would take more thought than I'm willing to spend to get to which I think is actually worse (

This is the second cycle in a row when I have been extremely disappointed in the people who ended up being "serious" contenders for the nomination from both parties. Trump. Clinton. Biden. Sanders. Ted Cruz. And so on.
I said during the last cycle when we were down to a "final four", Trump, Cruz, Clinton, Sanders, that I wouldn't vote for any of the four for dog catcher, out of fear they'd give the dogs fleas, let alone President. I honestly can't remember at this point if I voted for the Libertarians (Johnson and Weld, who I also wasn't really enamored with) or if I wrote in my son, as I tend to do when I don't like the choices the parties present.