It's A Hockey Night In Pittsburgh !

When you elbow the best player in the world ? IMO All bets are off ..
Besides this is "Playoff hockey"...
It’s no laughing matter. It was almost certainly a concussion, He has had too many of those already. The next one … maybe this one… could be the end.
Sorry, I can’t agree. When this kind of garbage happens to your most crucial players, there needs to be quick and brutal vengeance.
I don't think the Pens knew that Crosby was hurt enough that he would be out of the game as he got up and skated off the ice and didn't go to the locker room right away ....... I'm OK if you start a scrum/fight right away and both guys go to the penalty box and they probably should have done that but taking a cheap shot and giving them a PP doesn't help in a 3-3 game IMO...... we ended up losing on a PP.
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Super frustrating game. The rangers have been head hunting all series. Took out Rakell earlier and then tried to take out Guenztal.

It’s what I hate about hockey

despite missing sid they competed. I like their chances at home especially if Sid comes back
This 15 seconds is a chance to goon it up. They won't though
Super frustrating game. The rangers have been head hunting all series. Took out Rakell earlier and then tried to take out Guenztal.

It’s what I hate about hockey

despite missing sid they competed. I like their chances at home especially if Sid comes back
I don’t know why the Rangers just don’t keep taking guys out. Guentzel, Letang, Malkin, target ‘em all. It obviously works.
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Why not flip it? Run at Fox, Krieder, Lafreniere and Shesterkin. Knees and heads. I mean if this is the game, then let's do this.
It is absolutely the game, and the Penguins absolutely will not do it. Oh someone like McCann or Marino will throw a less than polite check at the outset of the next game, then they’ll do the sweater dance for about 45 seconds, ushered off for 5 minute penalties (plus the Pen’s will be shorthanded for 2 or 5 more since they ‘started’ it). And the announcers will solemnly declare that the “Penguins did what they needed to do.”

No, that’s not what was needed. The Rangers will still have tonight’s victory. Their goons are still perfectly healthy (and not suspended at all, knowing this garbage League). Crosby will NOT be playing or healthy; he could be done for weeks. Heck maybe more, maybe into next season, like he experienced previously. Maybe for good! How is that “what they needed to do?” There is no maximum on “what they need to do.” Several players taken out with filthy plays and the puke league does nothing. So the Pens need to. You can’t spell “vigilante justice ” without “justice.”
In other news, I can’t believe Gary Thorne said he would like to call NHL games again and ESPN said, “nah, we’ll hire Leah Hextall.”
How about Gretzky’s daughter instead of him? He is starting to look like what Hilary Clinton woulda looked like if she’d gone totally Bizarro Levine on herself (calm down, half of you, I voted for…her)
How about Gretzky’s daughter instead of him? He is starting to look like what Hilary Clinton woulda looked like if she’d gone totally Bizarro Levine on herself (calm down, half of you, I voted for…her)
I’m not sure what half of this means, but I’m inclined to believe Paulina Gretzky would also be an upgrade over Hextall!
Or the ranger cheerleader that did tonight’s game.
I actually really like Bob Wischusen, he may be ESPN’s best hockey announcer. But yeah, you could tell from time to time that he used to call their games on MSG. Same way when John Forslund did Canes games on NBCSN.
Same ole NHL. Play a million games every other nite then half the league in 7 game series being run by bozos until the finals are slow meatheads clutching and grabbing for 5 overtime’s in the middle of summer. Awesome
This is why hockey ultimately sucks as a major sport.
If you can't win with skill, you simply eliminate the other teams best players with pure thuggery.

Hell, the Rangers didn't even get a penalty for the obvious elbow to the head!!

So as mentioned above, Crosby more than likely has a concussion, again. He sat on the bench with the 1,000 yard stare. Pretty obvious he was in lala land. Two other Penguin stars are already there.

The Rangers accomplished their mission and immediately got 3 quick goals to take charge of a game they were clearly losing on skill and playing by the rules.

When the game is played above the boards, it is an entertaining game. There is great skill on display, it is a speed game and always something going on.

However, on the biggest stage, the game changes. The skill is still there, but you're always waiting for the "other" part of the game, the ugly part, to rear its head. It never fails, it always happens. If you can't beat them, BEAT them up!

So now, the Pens are in a bad place. Their top player is out, their top goalie is out, one of their top two defensemen is out, the Rangers goalie found his footing and the Rangers are pretty much at full strength for the most part and have series momentum.

This series should be over. It is now tainted and the League should be so proud of themselves. One of the game's biggest stars is out, a goon squad will more than likely advance.

Can't wait until the league announces a game suspension for the Rangers thug, who wouldn't have made a bit of difference except for giving the Pen's captain another concussion and pushing he closer to retirement. Wow, that will show them!!!

Farce of a sport. Silly. Impossible to engage with when this crap happens. Garbage league, garbage refs, garbage rules! Garbage sport!
This is why hockey ultimately sucks as a major sport.
If you can't win with skill, you simply eliminate the other teams best players with pure thuggery.

Hell, the Rangers didn't even get a penalty for the obvious elbow to the head!!

So as mentioned above, Crosby more than likely has a concussion, again. He sat on the bench with the 1,000 yard stare. Pretty obvious he was in lala land. Two other Penguin stars are already there.

The Rangers accomplished their mission and immediately got 3 quick goals to take charge of a game they were clearly losing on skill and playing by the rules.

When the game is played above the boards, it is an entertaining game. There is great skill on display, it is a speed game and always something going on.

However, on the biggest stage, the game changes. The skill is still there, but you're always waiting for the "other" part of the game, the ugly part, to rear its head. It never fails, it always happens. If you can't beat them, BEAT them up!

So now, the Pens are in a bad place. Their top player is out, their top goalie is out, one of their top two defensemen is out, the Rangers goalie found his footing and the Rangers are pretty much at full strength for the most part and have series momentum.

This series should be over. It is now tainted and the League should be so proud of themselves. One of the game's biggest stars is out, a goon squad will more than likely advance.

Can't wait until the league announces a game suspension for the Rangers thug, who wouldn't have made a bit of difference except for giving the Pen's captain another concussion and pushing he closer to retirement. Wow, that will show them!!!

Farce of a sport. Silly. Impossible to engage with when this crap happens. Garbage league, garbage refs, garbage rules! Garbage sport!
Yeah, it’s admirable… in theory… that the Penguins won’t carry a goon, and won’t ever retaliate appropriately. But that just makes it an easier decision for the opponent coach to dial up the brutality. He knows there will be no ramifications.

I guess it is never going to change, either the thug strategy of the other NHL teams, or the passive meekness of the Penguins. Thus you have a great player who could probably could have gone to 40+ Years old or beyond if he wanted; but will now seriously have to consider retiring at 31 (and it was a miracle he’s made it that long). Because his sport is run by goons, for goons.
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Yeah, it’s admirable… in theory… that the Penguins won’t carry a goon, and won’t ever retaliate appropriately. But that just makes it an easier decision for the opponent coach to dial up the brutality. He knows there will be no ramifications.

I guess it is never going to change, either the thug strategy of the other NHL teams, or the passive meekness of the Penguins. Thus you have a great player who could probably could have gone to 40+ or beyond but will now seriously have to consider retiring because his sport is run by goons, for goons.
Well that's the lunacy of the sport, right?
Need a guy on the roster who's only skill is bashing someone's head in because the other guy has someone like that.

So you start bashing stars, knock them out one by one until you're left with a bunch of goons and lightly talented skaters competing for the Cup.

Yeah, sign me up for that!!! No thanks, fishing season! Hockey is just plain stupid and dumb.
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Well that's the lunacy of the sport, right?
Need a guy on the roster who's only skill is bashing someone's head in because the other guy has someone like that.

So you start bashing stars, knock them out one by one until you're left with a bunch of goons and lightly talented skaters competing for the Cup.

Yeah, sign me up for that!!! No thanks, fishing season! Hockey is just plain stupid and dumb.
It is just too bad because this team had really surprised everyone by pulling itself together after really bad play to end the regular season. There’s only so much adversity you can overcome though.

They could collapse now, or yet may scrape together another win to finish this series, but then likely will go quietly in the next one. Even at the healthiest, they don’t have really any quality D-men beyond Letang (who is really a third winger anyway), or the offensive depth past the first line, or especially not good enough goaltending (even with Jarry), to keep winning. The original low expectations for the playoffs were valid

But it’s more of a downer to contemplate the longer term. Crosby seriously has to consider retiring, or he’s risking real problems in his later years. And it’s depressing that this kind of thug play is still predominant. Much like college football and basketball (for Pitt anyway) it’s hard to see a good future for this sport.
They took out Rackell with a similar hit. If Crosby is out, I am dressing some WBS hack and taking out Adam Fox and/or Arteri Panarin.
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Honestly, ten years ago or so I was really into hockey, but that interest has waned almost every year - and it’s almost exclusively because of the weird “hockey culture” and unwritten rules garbage. I’ll tune into a regular season game every now and then or the Olympics years ago on international ice and you’ll see the skill, the spacing, and it’s a good product. And then in the playoffs, in what’s supposed to be a showcase of the best quality play the sport can offer, it becomes this clutch and grab, tightwad, dirty product with a bunch of Canadian guys beating the hell out of each other. It’s low-scoring and high stakes, sure, but the style of play is just boring. But it’s clear that that’s the style that the NHL, as an institution, wants.
They took out Rackell with a similar hit. If Crosby is out, I am dressing some WBS hack and taking out Adam Fox and/or Arteri Panarin.
Come on man. They never will do that. What will happen is just what I said, someone like Marino will get in a scrap with one the Rangers goon who will likely kick his tail, and the Penguins will be seen as “doing what they felt they had to do.”

Later, Malkin and Letang will get goaded to retaliate to cheap (unpenalized) head shots, and take bad penalties (because the Pens don’t and won’t have anyone to play chippy).

It’s really depressing that Malkin … a Russian diva… and Letang … a prissy offensive D-man really are invariably the first of not only guys who try to stand up for their teammates that get maimed.
They took out Rackell with a similar hit. If Crosby is out, I am dressing some WBS hack and taking out Adam Fox and/or Arteri Panarin.
So, you're the self proclaimed hockey guru. How do you feel this morning about the sport?
You seem to pay attention to other teams, the stars, the style of play, etc. So what's the use??

The best player in the world has been eliminated from the playoffs by a guy who couldn't carry his jock strap, just like that, on a play where he wasn't even penalized!!!

And the answer? Dress a goon to take out a good player from the other side. LOL What a sport???
So is this hockey or MMA? Should there be a cyclone fence around the rink? No wonder Mark Madden fancies himself a hockey expert. His two sports, WWF and NHL are essentially the same.

How can you take this sport seriously when shit like this happens every single year?? Football protects the QB's, the NBA doesn't have this, MLB doesn't allow bean balls, but hockey allows teams with less talent to even the playing field by eliminating the great players who can beat them.

How silly?? Hockey will always be a fringe sport because it can't get out of its own way and is run by a bunch of troglodytes who think goonery is a big part of their game.
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The nhl is fine with the goonery part of game. I hate it and should be fined/suspended waaay more to stop it.
NHL is a garage league!
Sid has missed over 100 games due to concussions so when I saw that hit in slow motion yesterday and Crosby left the ice, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Trouba started the game by doing the same thing to Guentzel 30 seconds in so obvious this is what that POS coach from the Rangers wanted done. Their team had been completely outplayed in Pittsburgh and he knew it didn't look good for them, so he unleashed goons for thug behavior to our stars. It makes me sick.

You would figure that in the year 2022 with all that we know about CTE and head injures, that all sports leagues would be extremely protective of their players and punish those who instigate cheap head shots with long-term suspensions and expulsions. Unfortunately the NHL braintrust however seem to think it's still the 1970's and 80's and do next nothing when it happens. It's a disgrace.

Now with Sid imo most likely out for the forseeable future because of a concussion, Rakell still out and no real goons on our roster to do the same to the Rangers, it wouldn't surprise me if the Pens implode and lose this series now. The Penguins seemed rattled when Crosby left.

Sorry for the long post but I had to get this off my chest. The NHL needs new leadership in every facet to start permanently changing the culture and it starts with the commissioner Bettman.
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Sid has missed over 100 games due to concussions so when I saw that hit in slow motion yesterday and Crosby left the ice, I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. Trouba started the game by doing the same thing to Guentzel 30 seconds in so obvious this is what that POS coach from the Rangers wanted done. Their team had been completely outplayed in Pittsburgh and he knew it didn't look good for them, so he unleashed goons for thug behavior to our stars. It makes me sick.

You would figure that in the year 2022 with all that we know about CTE and head injures, that all sports leagues would be extremely protective of their players and punish those who instigate cheap head shots with long-term suspensions and expulsions. Unfortunately the NHL braintrust however seem to think it's still the 1970's and 80's and do next nothing when it happens. It's a disgrace.

Now with Sid imo most likely out for the forseeable future because of a concussion, Rakell still out and no real goons on our roster to do the same to the Rangers, it wouldn't surprise me if the Pens implode and lose this series now. The Penguins seemed rattled when Crosby left.

Sorry for the long post but I had to get this off my chest. The NHL needs new leadership in every facet to start permanently changing the culture and it starts with the commissioner Bettman.
Right on all counts, but as I noted above the Penguins weren’t likely going deep in these playoffs. This injury likely seals that. But the real outrage is the additional seasons that this additional concussion quite likely takes off his career.

There’s no let up in the NHL goon strategy ever likely… indeed the Rangers are being praised in most hockey circles today for their acts …one moron account even described it as “Crosby recklessly sticking his head out and colliding into Trouba’s elbow”. That is like saying JFK’s head is to blame for placing itself in the path of Oswald’s innocent bullet, or Sandusky/Paterno rape victims placing their naked backside recklessly up against his innocent appendage. Seriously such ‘journalists’ need to be immediately fired, talk about a great first case for the new “Dishonest Misinformation Committee”.

Crosby seriously should consider bowing out. With the great physical condition he maintains and his skills at least as good as ever, he probably could play productively for another ten years if he wanted, but why the hell would he keep subjecting himself to head injuries like this? That’s the real outrage here, an innocent guy’s livelihood cut way short because he makes opponents butthurt that he is so good.
So, you're the self proclaimed hockey guru. How do you feel this morning about the sport?
You seem to pay attention to other teams, the stars, the style of play, etc. So what's the use??

The best player in the world has been eliminated from the playoffs by a guy who couldn't carry his jock strap, just like that, on a play where he wasn't even penalized!!!

And the answer? Dress a goon to take out a good player from the other side. LOL What a sport???
So is this hockey or MMA? Should there be a cyclone fence around the rink? No wonder Mark Madden fancies himself a hockey expert. His two sports, WWF and NHL are essentially the same.

How can you take this sport seriously when shit like this happens every single year?? Football protects the QB's, the NBA doesn't have this, MLB doesn't allow bean balls, but hockey allows teams with less talent to even the playing field by eliminating the great players who can beat them.

How silly?? Hockey will always be a fringe sport because it can't get out of its own way and is run by a bunch of troglodytes who think goonery is a big part of their game.
What is most ironic???? The Rangers went out and got Ryan Reaves after Tom Wilson (yeah that guy) took out Artemi Panarin for a hit to the head. He wasn't even suspended, Panarin's season ended. The NHL doesn't care. The NHLPA needs to be the one leading this and they don't. "That's hockey" guys like Crosby and Panarin should be the guys speaking up, but they don't. When Mario did, he was villified. Wayne Gretzky never spoke out. Gretzky's a toad and was never hit.

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Right on all counts, but as I noted above the Penguins weren’t likely going deep in these playoffs. This injury likely seals that. But the real outrage is the additional seasons that this additional concussion quite likely takes off his career.

There’s no let up in the NHL goon strategy ever likely… indeed the Rangers are being praised in most hockey circles today for their acts …one moron account even described it as “Crosby recklessly sticking his head out and colliding into Trouba’s elbow”. That is like saying JFK’s head is to blame for placing itself in the path of Oswald’s innocent bullet, or Sandusky/Paterno rape victims placing their naked backside recklessly up against his innocent appendage. Seriously such ‘journalists’ need to be immediately fired, talk about a great first case for the new “Dishonest Misinformation Committee”.

Crosby seriously should consider bowing out. With the great physical condition he maintains and his skills at least as good as ever, he probably could play productively for another ten years if he wanted, but why the hell would he keep subjecting himself to head injuries like this? That’s the real outrage here, an innocent guy’s livelihood cut way short because he makes opponents butthurt that he is so good.
Yeah I think for his long term health he probably should consider retirement. Those concussions and head trauma could literally turn him into a shell of himself in the coming decades. It's not worth it with his history of concussions imo to keep playing, especially in a league that doesn't care and pretty much encourages them.
What is most ironic???? The Rangers went out and got Ryan Reaves after Tom Wilson (yeah that guy) took out Artemi Panarin for a hit to the head. He wasn't even suspended, Panarin's season ended. The NHL doesn't care. The NHLPA needs to be the one leading this and they don't. "That's hockey" guys like Crosby and Panarin should be the guys speaking up, but they don't. When Mario did, he was villified. Wayne Gretzky never spoke out. Gretzky's a toad and was never hit.

It’s not right but if the league won’t do anything, and it’s clear they won’t, what else can a team do? Gretzky always had McSorley and that “Cement Head” guy whose real name i never bothered to learn. These guys were certifiably nuts, McSorley infamously clubbed a guy over the head with his stick as he went by, so an opponent knew he couldn’t mess with Gretzky or he’d not only get retaliation, but might outright die as a result. Fear of death is a good deterrent.
The nhl is fine with the goonery part of game. I hate it and should be fined/suspended waaay more to stop it.
NHL is a garage league!
Yup. Imagine Benny Snell taking a head shot on Tom Brady? The NFL folks would lose their mind. In the NHL, nobody cares. I can't imagine ESPN is going to continue to want to pay to broadcast games if the stars aren't playing.
Yup. Imagine Benny Snell taking a head shot on Tom Brady? The NFL folks would lose their mind. In the NHL, nobody cares. I can't imagine ESPN is going to continue to want to pay to broadcast games if the stars aren't playing.
The quote I mentioned above, that Crosby recklessly placed his head in the path of Trouba’s innocent elbow, was directly on the NHL network by an official league analyst, not even some jerkass local “Channel 9” NY homer wrestling-show reject. I unfortunately don’t know most of those mentally challenged graniteheads on that network or I’d name him, but that comment is absolutely indicative of the official stance of the league.
The quote I mentioned above, that Crosby recklessly placed his head in the path of Trouba’s innocent elbow, was directly on the NHL network by an official league analyst, not even some jerkass local “Channel 9” NY homer wrestling-show reject. I unfortunately don’t know most of those mentally challenged graniteheads on that network or I’d name him, but that comment is absolutely indicative of the official stance of the league.
Absolutely. Hockey needs to get out of its own way and consider where it wants to go. The romantic notions of the underappreciated goon is killing the league.
Come on man. They never will do that. What will happen is just what I said, someone like Marino will get in a scrap with one the Rangers goon who will likely kick his tail, and the Penguins will be seen as “doing what they felt they had to do.”

Later, Malkin and Letang will get goaded to retaliate to cheap (unpenalized) head shots, and take bad penalties (because the Pens don’t and won’t have anyone to play chippy).

It’s really depressing that Malkin … a Russian diva… and Letang … a prissy offensive D-man really are invariably the first of not only guys who try to stand up for their teammates that get maimed.
The Rangers had 2 penalties on one play a minute in. Pens took two shots.

After killing the 2 man penalty, the Rangers committed a half a dozen flagrant, obvious penalties with nothing called (And no Penguin physical response).

The game settled down and we took a2-0 lead. Sullivan’s method was working. The game was well in hand. The Ranger elimination was near inevitable. THEN…

the Crosby hit and our chances bottom out.

First let easy, the league should not allow this. Call 7 penalties in a row on NY if warranted.

Mostlythough,Iwanted today Sullivan‘s turn the other check, make them pay on the power play philosophy, sucks.

You have to protect your players. That is responsibility #1.

If you don’t, they get frequently injured (plenty of evidence over the years of that)

They also get disgruntled and quit. I think we have seen that as well.

Regardless of how this season ends, the Sullivan philosophy and perhaps Sullivan himself, need Togo.
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The Rangers had 2 penalties on one play a minute in. Pens took two shots.

After killing the 2 man penalty, the Rangers committed a half a dozen flagrant, obvious penalties with nothing called (And no Penguin physical response).

The game settled down and we took a2-0 lead. Sullivan’s method was working. The game was well in hand. The Ranger elimination was near inevitable. THEN…

the Crosby hit and our chances bottom out.

First let easy, the league should not allow this. Call 7 penalties in a row on NY if warranted.

Mostlythough,Iwanted today Sullivan‘s turn the other check, make them pay on the power play philosophy, sucks.

You have to protect your players. That is responsibility #1.

If you don’t, they get frequently injured (plenty of evidence over the years of that)

They also get disgruntled and quit. I think we have seen that as well.

Regardless of how this season ends, the Sullivan philosophy and perhaps Sullivan himself, need Togo.
Problem (and I feel bad calling it a problem) is that benign passivity has been Lemieux’s position, and given his stature and executive position with the team, up to now has guided the team’s hires, rosters and philosophies on this subject. Again, he has the right idea in theory, but the game (which is a business) hasn’t changed and apparently never will, so how many times to you let your star players take the abuse?