It's A Hockey Night In Pittsburgh !

Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed all the posts and discussion during and between the games in this thread ....... a lot of very good hockey/Pens talk by all involved and some humor to beat ...... some high class posts and the more participants, the better ...... thanks to all !

Some thoughts and observations .......

- The Pens have found a formula to beat the Rangers by negating their speed and transition game ...... we have made a priority of getting the puck in deep and forechecking hard which has caused turnovers by the Rangers in their own end and not allowed them to get the puck out of their zone with speed ...... it basically has slowed them down and we have gotten skaters and pucks to the net ...... the Rangers are going to have to make adjustments to their breakouts to allow the D-men to get the puck to their forwards with speed out of their zone.

- This series is a long way from over and I fully expect Shesterkin to come back strong for the rest of the series and be very difficult to score against and the Rangers to up their game.

- We finally got the secondary scoring we need in Game 3 ..... ERod had 2 goals, Carter 2 goals, and McGinn and Heinen each with a goal.

- Special teams were so important in Game 3 with the Pens scoring twice in 3 power plays both scores by the second PP unit, need that 1st unit to get on track ....... and we killed all 3 NYR power plays especially the ones early 3rd period.

- As some posters already mentioned, getting healthy would really help ...... Zucker made a difference in Game 3 and we need to get Dumoulin, Rakell, and Jarry back ....... makes all the lines better.

- I thought Sullivan made a good move in the 3rd period by separating Letang and Matheson ...... both seemed to play very well in the 3rd period when they played on separate lines ...... a return of Dumoulin would help to further expedite this move.

- Wow did the Pens close that game out in the last 8 minutes ....... total domination of puck possession in the NYR end !

- What a joy it is to watch Sidney Crosby every game ..... such a complete player, so good at so many things !

- Domingue is what he is but seriously I think he has played much better then I expected given the circumstances and we are 2-1 with him in net ....... he has to keep it up and not start regressing and giving up soft goals ....... he may even have to play better for us to win the series ...... one concern is his glove hand high.

- The Stanley Cup Playoffs are just amazing, every game is important and actually the next game always seems to be the most important which is what makes it so exciting ..... and overtime, there is nothing more tense and yet enjoyable ! ...... the winner of Game 4 has the advantage.

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It’s been great to see the Penguins competitive. There wasn’t much reason to expect it after how they performed the last month, and then with both goalies going down. They also deserve credit for sticking with it after losing the 4-1 lead last night. They could have easily folded.
Pens had 5-6 times where they could have gotten the puck out of their zone in the 1st 2+ minutes and didn't ...... result was puck ended up in the back of our neck ....... goal was over glove hand which is becoming a bit of a theme with Domingue ..... 1-0 Rangers early.
Chicken shit call in a playoff game ..
What? The obvious and blatant tripping call?

On a different note, the Pens responded very well after going down 1-0. Didn't cave just picked it up a notch.
Will have to see if Kreider comes back ...... he would be a big loss for Rangers if he can't ....... looked like he got hit with puck in sternoclavicular area ..... no padding there.
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Will have to see if Kreider comes back ...... he would be a big loss for Rangers if he can't ....... looked like he got hit with puck in sternoclavicular area ..... no padding there.
Not a great place to get hit. Those pucks can break the glass. They can take out your clavicle.
Will have to see if Kreider comes back ...... he would be a big loss for Rangers if he can't ....... looked like he got hit with puck in sternoclavicular area ..... no padding there.
I’m following online - to not jinx the rally
If Kreider is hurt that is a huge blow to the Rags
I hold by breath every time he touches the puck he’s so good
Is it just me or do the Penguins look like they did in '16 and '17 tonight? They look fast, totally beating New York to pucks, winning faceoffs at a rate of 3 to 1. This is so much fun to watch!!