Jared Wilson-Frame

Did you realistically think that Stallings was going to come in here and all of a sudden top 50 kids were going to be beating down the doors to attend Pitt ? There's only one way I know that could happen and it requires a booster group with cash . Pitt hiring Stallings tells you that's not going happen.
In hiring Stallings doesn't that also signal to you that Pitt really has no intention to put enough assets into the the BB program to challenge the top teams in the conference ? ( no matter what they say )
For Pitt to ascend up the ladder in the ACC KS needs to play a style of winning ball that attracts better rated recruits . Time will tell.
Does being negative make you feel better , our last coach couldn't recruit a full roster and then every grad transfer he desperately needed and wanted to fill gapping holes went elsewhere . Give the guy a chance .
This isn't about isn't really even about Barnes. It is about the massive hypocrisy from those that wanted Dixon run off.

And actually, it is about Barnes. You said it yourself..stallings isn't going to get top 50 recruits. If that is the case, why would the AD run off a guy that recruited similarly as stallings but always got better results?

I really don't think Barnes ran off Dixon. I also don't think he did much to try to keep him here.
I didn't like the hire but just as I said about Narduzzi the same applies here. He deserves a chance. Granted the comparison isn't apples and oranges as Stallings has a history and Narduzzi had none but he does deserve a little time. I have read over the last week that the staff should have some better connections and ins for the following class so if there's not an uptick with the next class then maybe we can be alarmed. It would have been nice of course to get Lawrence and another top target but he seemed to salvage something and didn't completely soil the bed.
Did you realistically think that Stallings was going to come in here and all of a sudden top 50 kids were going to be beating down the doors to attend Pitt ? There's only one way I know that could happen and it requires a booster group with cash . Pitt hiring Stallings tells you that's not going happen.
In hiring Stallings doesn't that also signal to you that Pitt really has no intention to put enough assets into the the BB program to challenge the top teams in the conference ? ( no matter what they say )
For Pitt to ascend up the ladder in the ACC KS needs to play a style of winning ball that attracts better rated recruits . Time will tell.
Does being negative make you feel better , our last coach couldn't recruit a full roster and then every grad transfer he desperately needed and wanted to fill gapping holes went elsewhere . Give the guy a chance .

A few Top 75/100 is just fine, and certainly is realistic without payoffs. I mean, the former coach was able to do that a bunch, and everyone went in and on about how Stallings was going to recruit better (despite historically not doing better).
A few Top 75/100 is just fine, and certainly is realistic without payoffs. I mean, the former coach was able to do that a bunch, and everyone went in and on about how Stallings was going to recruit better (despite historically not doing better).
If they fail next year to get a couple of impact players then I think I'm with you in that it's just not going to happen with KS . I'm just willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and if you root for Pitt do you really have another choice .
Whatever the ranking of Jamie's recruits they couldn't really elevate the program to anything better than a mediocre team in the ACC . Maybe Stallings has a better eye for talent or maybe not we'll find in a few years.
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If they fail next year to get a couple of impact players then I think I'm with you in that it's just not going to happen with KS . I'm just willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and if you root for Pitt do you really have another choice .
Whatever the ranking of Jamie's recruits they couldn't really elevate the program to anything better than a mediocre team in the ACC . Maybe Stallings has a better eye for talent or maybe not we'll find in a few years.

There is a long history to show that stalling's doesn't have a better eye for talent. This isn't hard. And if stalling's does have a better eye for talent than Dixon, it shows he is not a good coach based on his results.
There is a long history to show that stalling's doesn't have a better eye for talent. This isn't hard. And if stalling's does have a better eye for talent than Dixon, it shows he is not a good coach based on his results.
I want to believe that it will be easier to recruit at Pitt than Vanderbilt . The BE and ACC vs SEC and the academic factor. We shall see won't we .
A big factor in recruiting is success on the court. So, if Stallings doesn't have immediate success (this year) his recruiting will become more difficult going forward. As most fans understand, a new coach's recruiting "honeymoon" when he can effectively sell recruits on improving the program that he has just taken over is really just the first year or two. During that period the team should show improvement on the court in terms of Ws vs Ls over his predecessor.

In this case if Stallings doesn't win at least 20 and make the NCAAs in 2016-17 (what most Pitt observers would have expected Dixon to accomplish with the current roster), or at worst do this in 2017-18, the "honeymoon" will be over and it won't ever happen that recruiting will improve and the slide that was underway the past few years will only get worse. Coach Stallings is in a tough situation.
A big factor in recruiting is success on the court. So, if Stallings doesn't have immediate success (this year) his recruiting will become more difficult going forward. As most fans understand, a new coach's recruiting "honeymoon" when he can effectively sell recruits on improving the program that he has just taken over is really just the first year or two. During that period the team should show improvement on the court in terms of Ws vs Ls over his predecessor.

In this case if Stallings doesn't win at least 20 and make the NCAAs in 2016-17 (what most Pitt observers would have expected Dixon to accomplish with the current roster), or at worst do this in 2017-18, the "honeymoon" will be over and it won't ever happen that recruiting will improve and the slide that was underway the past few years will only get worse. Coach Stallings is in a tough situation.

Pitt was picked 12th in the ACC
A big factor in recruiting is success on the court. So, if Stallings doesn't have immediate success (this year) his recruiting will become more difficult going forward. As most fans understand, a new coach's recruiting "honeymoon" when he can effectively sell recruits on improving the program that he has just taken over is really just the first year or two. During that period the team should show improvement on the court in terms of Ws vs Ls over his predecessor.

In this case if Stallings doesn't win at least 20 and make the NCAAs in 2016-17 (what most Pitt observers would have expected Dixon to accomplish with the current roster), or at worst do this in 2017-18, the "honeymoon" will be over and it won't ever happen that recruiting will improve and the slide that was underway the past few years will only get worse. Coach Stallings is in a tough situation.
If you read this board the honeymoon was over when Stallings was hired. New coaches used to get a reasonable chance to prove themselves. Not anymore.
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If you read this board the honeymoon was over when Stallings was hired. New coaches used to get a reasonable chance to prove themselves. Not anymore.

People who have decided in advance that the new coach is a bum, etc., aren't worth bothering about. Who knows why some people think this way, and frankly, who cares? It's funny to read posts from these people, because they seem so angry about something which is ultimately not that important. But whatever.

Of course Stallings will get a chance to prove himself at Pitt! What rational person would think otherwise?
I am excited for the season and can't wait to see how the team looks.
People who have decided in advance that the new coach is a bum, etc., aren't worth bothering about. Who knows why some people think this way, and frankly, who cares? It's funny to read posts from these people, because they seem so angry about something which is ultimately not that important. But whatever.

Of course Stallings will get a chance to prove himself at Pitt! What rational person would think otherwise?
I am excited for the season and can't wait to see how the team looks.

It's mostly a mix of two types of posters in my view. You have the fans of Jamie Dixon (not of Pitt).

Then you have the group that just likes to be contrarians and attempts to poison the well, create a divided or hostile fan base, and run a coach off.

The good news is I think that the people who make the decisions at Pitt now don't listen to people who post incessantly on message boards. They listen to people who have better things to do.

No matter what, Stallings will get four to five years to build his program. It should be fun to watch. Life is too short to spend four years hoping for a coach to fail.
I think he deserves a chance too. But there's a reason people feel what they feel. Stallings does have a track record and it's worse than Dixon's in an easier conference. His post season record isn't that good either. It's not as if they hired a 1st time head coach and people are purely speculating. There's a body of work to look at.

I hope he does do better and I'd venture the naysayers hope the same. But there's reason to have some doubts.
Pitt was picked 12th in the ACC

I know they were picked 12th. IMHO it is 12th because the prognosticator's don't think very highly of Stallings coaching abilities. IMO, if Dixon were still here we would have been picked higher--maybe 9th.
I know they were picked 12th. IMHO it is 12th because the prognosticator's don't think very highly of Stallings coaching abilities. IMO, if Dixon were still here we would have been picked higher--maybe 9th.


Unbelievable! It's Stallings fault we were picked 12th!
It's absolutely amazing what people are willing to believe. It's even more amazing they will post it.
He's the coach, right?
He has a team who can and should at least make the dance.

12th in the ACC doesn't make the NCAAs. Ninth would probably squeeze in. There is enough talent to make it to 8th or 9th in the ACC if very well coached. Stallings' track record at Vanderbilt suggests he isn't going to coach em up enough to get there--hence 12th and no NCAA bid is what most prognosticators are predicting. They are probably right, IMO.
12th in the ACC doesn't make the NCAAs. Ninth would probably squeeze in. There is enough talent to make it to 8th or 9th in the ACC if very well coached. Stallings' track record at Vanderbilt suggests he isn't going to coach em up enough to get there--hence 12th and no NCAA bid is what most prognosticators are predicting. They are probably right, IMO.

Could be that. Or it could be that prognosticators think Dixon left him with a weak roster with no ACC level point guard or center on the roster. I know what I think the answer is.

But people can believe what they want -- no matter how ridiculous it is.
Could be that. Or it could be that prognosticators think Dixon left him with a weak roster with no ACC level point guard or center on the roster. I know what I think the answer is.

But people can believe what they want -- no matter how ridiculous it is.

They return 6 of their top 7 scorers and top three rebounders from a team that had a shot in the final seconds of beating a team that advanced to the Sweet 16. They have three seniors that are returning starters and another senior returning that was the sixth man.

This is a team that should definitely be in the NCAA tournament.
They return 6 of their top 7 scorers and top three rebounders from a team that had a shot in the final seconds of beating a team that advanced to the Sweet 16. They have three seniors that are returning starter and another senior returning that was the sixth man.

This is a team that should definitely be in the NCAA tournament.

That may be. But obviously the voters disagree with you.

But the point I was focused on was the claim that we were picked 12th because of Stallings. That claim just doesn't pass the laugh test.
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That may be. But obviously the voters disagree with you.

But the point I was focused on was the claim that we were picked 12th because of Stallings. That claim just doesn't pass the laugh test.

I think the coaching change does have something to do with it.
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I think the coaching change does have something to do with it.

Of course coaching has something to do with it. Coaching matters way more in college hoops than it does in the NBA where it is almost entirely a function of talent. If we had landed an equal or better coach than we lost (based on coaching history) we wouldn't have been picked so low. This team has enough talent if well coached, IMHO, to be middle of the pack--but not enough to be top 1/3 (~1-5) regardless of coaching. It should not be in the bottom 1/3 (~10-14) unless the coaching is average--which is what I think Stallings's history suggests we can expect.
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I think the coaching change does have something to do with it.
Ask yourself how good are the Steelers without Big Ben ? Well this Panther team has no experienced qb
( pg) on their roster. This makes the number one factor determining their fate this season is if Artis can handle the point . Everything else pales in comparison . Returning 6 of 7 means nothing if they don't get good point guard play . Whether it is JD or KS as the coach it doesn't change this fact. I don't believe Jamie would'I've tried Artis there which leaves the position to Kithkart by default if Jamie was still here . So far Kithkarts play in practice hasn't made KS re exam this decision . Therefore I doubt that Pitt would be predicted any higher if JD was the coach with a freshman running the point . As Artis goes so does Pitt .
Ps.. Cam is the wildcard , if he blossoms and if the Artis experiment turns out ok Pitt will surprise a lot of people with how good they are . ( 2 big ifs but within reason )
Kithcart dominated Artis at the scrimmage, Artis' teams went 0-4, he shouldn't be the PG. The coach is letting the inmates run the asylum.

Pitt has enough experience that a freshman PG shouldn't kill them. They made the tournament with a freshman PG four years ago, in a very strong Big East conference.
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They return 6 of their top 7 scorers and top three rebounders from a team that had a shot in the final seconds of beating a team that advanced to the Sweet 16. They have three seniors that are returning starters and another senior returning that was the sixth man.

This is a team that should definitely be in the NCAA tournament.
But pl04 excuses mediocrity when it suits him
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Ask yourself how good are the Steelers without Big Ben ? Well this Panther team has no experienced qb
( pg) on their roster. This makes the number one factor determining their fate this season is if Artis can handle the point . Everything else pales in comparison . Returning 6 of 7 means nothing if they don't get good point guard play . Whether it is JD or KS as the coach it doesn't change this fact. I don't believe Jamie would'I've tried Artis there which leaves the position to Kithkart by default if Jamie was still here . So far Kithkarts play in practice hasn't made KS re exam this decision . Therefore I doubt that Pitt would be predicted any higher if JD was the coach with a freshman running the point . As Artis goes so does Pitt .
Ps.. Cam is the wildcard , if he blossoms and if the Artis experiment turns out ok Pitt will surprise a lot of people with how good they are . ( 2 big ifs but within reason )
Ben is a top 5 qb who played for *3 championship and won two.. Will arguably be a hall of fame player.. And is a franchise qb.

Pitt lost James Robinson and a couple of single season grad transfers who were forgotten the minute they left.
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Wasn't this a thread about Pitt landing arguably the best JUCO player in the '17 class? What in the hell happened?
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Kithcart dominated Artis at the scrimmage, Artis' teams went 0-4, he shouldn't be the PG. The coach is letting the inmates run the asylum.

Pitt has enough experience that a freshman PG shouldn't kill them. They made the tournament with a freshman PG four years ago, in a very strong Big East conference.

Here's another gem of a post. The coach is letting the inmates run the asylum.

Why? Because Artis didn't look good during a scrimmage and his team lost their games. Who can argue with that logic?

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Kithcart dominated Artis at the scrimmage, Artis' teams went 0-4, he shouldn't be the PG. The coach is letting the inmates run the asylum.

Pitt has enough experience that a freshman PG shouldn't kill them. They made the tournament with a freshman PG four years ago, in a very strong Big East conference.
Your big on ranking of recruits wasn't JRob a top 50 guy and Kithcart was ... 125 or something like that . JRob was one exceptional freshman just didn't improve much .
Do you really believe that to keep a player whose graduating whom he didn't recruit happy KS would hurt the team and not play the player that gives his team the best chance to win . I'd expect that stuff from some other posters but you ?
Ben is a top 5 qb who played for *3 championship and won two.. Will arguably be a hall of fame player.. And is a franchise qb.

Pitt lost James Robinson and a couple of single season grad transfers who were forgotten the minute they left.
The point is that no team in any sport is better off without an experienced point guard /qb . Say what you want , but I'd bet you a lot that KS wish he had JRob for one more year .
Your big on ranking of recruits wasn't JRob a top 50 guy and Kithcart was ... 125 or something like that . JRob was one exceptional freshman just didn't improve much .
Do you really believe that to keep a player whose graduating whom he didn't recruit happy KS would hurt the team and not play the player that gives his team the best chance to win . I'd expect that stuff from some other posters but you ?

The point is that no team in any sport is better off without an experienced point guard /qb . Say what you want , but I'd bet you a lot that KS wish he had JRob for one more year .
I was an unapologetic jrob fan..

He was underappreciated by those who prefer sizzle over substance.

But he is the only real loss to a tournament team

Making the tourney is the minimum Expectation for this season
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Could be that. Or it could be that prognosticators think Dixon left him with a weak roster with no ACC level point guard or center on the roster. I know what I think the answer is.

But people can believe what they want -- no matter how ridiculous it is.
You are a massive kool-aid drinker aren't you. So if Pitt finishes 12th and misses the dance then that of course won't be Stallings fault according to you, huh? But if we finish 4th and make the tournament than it's all Stallings right? OMG are you ridiculous.
I know they were picked 12th. IMHO it is 12th because the prognosticator's don't think very highly of Stallings coaching abilities. IMO, if Dixon were still here we would have been picked higher--maybe 9th.
Or maybe because the conference schedule is murder. I expect us to be better than 12th.
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You are a massive kool-aid drinker aren't you? So if Pitt finishes 12th and misses the dance then that of course won't be Stallings fault according to you, huh? But if we finish 4th and make the tournament than it's all Stallings right? OMG are you ridiculous.

Weren't you on here all last season daily telling us that Dixons recruiting stunk and we didn't have any good players? Didn't you tell us that our roster was depleted?
Here's another gem of a post. The coach is letting the inmates run the asylum.

Why? Because Artis didn't look good during a scrimmage and his team lost their games. Who can argue with that logic?

What's laughable about it, it's a very valid point.
Weren't you on here all last season daily telling us that Dixons recruiting stunk and we didn't have any good players? Didn't you tell us that our roster was depleted?
Yeah and? The recruiting was bad in recent years. Your point is? You will be the first one to rub it in our faces if Pitt overachieves and credit Stallings but if Pitt stinks up the joint you'll absolve the guy. Fits your agenda to a tee.
Kithcart dominated Artis at the scrimmage, Artis' teams went 0-4, he shouldn't be the PG. The coach is letting the inmates run the asylum.

Pitt has enough experience that a freshman PG shouldn't kill them. They made the tournament with a freshman PG four years ago, in a very strong Big East conference.
Do you really think that if Kithcart continues to outplay Jamel that he won't eventually start over him?
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Yeah and? The recruiting was bad in recent years. Your point is? You will be the first one to rub it in our faces if Pitt overachieves and credit Stallings but if Pitt stinks up the joint you'll absolve the guy. Fits your agenda to a tee.

No. the person with the agenda is you.

You can't have it both ways. If the roster stinks and Dixons recruiting was terrible, then Stallings can't be blamed for a poor season. He is stuck with Dixons terrible roster and recruiting. The roster you told us was terrible, remember?

See how that works?

Hey, just going by what you said. Consistency, right?
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