The unfortunate truth about Pitt fb is that Pitt needs attractive opponents to sell season tickets . Take ND & PSU off the home schedule and see how many season tickets are sold .
The thing that really sucks is that the increase in ticket sells isn’t from Pitt fans it’s from the fans of PSU and ND who must buy a season ticket In order to get a ticket to the game .
PSU doesn’t need Pitt on their schedule and the amount of money they and State College make from a home game is staggering. Why should they give up that revenue from a home game to play a program mired in mediocrity?
Why does Pitt want to play PSU , a school who takes its Fb seriously and under the current conditions Pitt would be lucky to win 1 or 2 games out of 10 . It couldn't be the money ! I’m not very optimistic about Sat. game ! Take PSU and give the pts .
Pitt should forget about PSU and focus on WVU who actually wants to play Pitt . The WVU fans will help sell out HF .
Pitts problem isn’t who they play or where they play ( HF ) , it’s how they play ! As a Pitt fan until they take Fb seriously I get no pleasure in a PSU rivalry . Watching your team get a beat down and being reminded how mediocre they are does nothing for me .
This is all true, but you'll just be labeled a troll for pointing out it.
Honestly, Pitt itself indeed likes the revenue from the sellout, and always takes the pains to make it public that WE want to play THEM annually. But deep within the paneled walls of the admin offices, I believe they're just as happy that the teams won't play.
As you mentioned PSU are the physical embodiment of a program that is balls-in and then some for football, to a fault.
And as such they kick our tails accordingly. It'll be 3 of 4 this time. One TD pass off the fingertips (right before the Lewis pick) of being 4 of 4. 3 of 4 the last time. And regular murders during the early 90s.
Our base is fairly indifferent to our program sucking ... looking like stooges against Clemson last year, for example, yawn. Not winning a bowl in 10 years. They're just exhibitions! Those kids should be studying!
But it's another thing when we suck against PSU. Folks normally not even aware the season started are paying attention to PSU. We are batshit crazy about PSU.
And too many of those PSU butt penetrations, I mean whoopings, and there might be inconvenient hassles directed at the admin.
Losing 3 out of 4, decisively, but in an isolated block every 15 to 20 years, is absorbent to the admin.
But getting killed something like 10 years in a row, every year, and no reason to expect different any year, that wouldn't wash.
We saw that with Stallings. The Pitt admin blithely dumped only its best coach ever for a dried up hack. They didn't worry about repercussions ... if he could only be at least mediocre. Just deliver .500 seasons, maybe make the NIT most of the time. Occasionally, maybe once a decade, sneak a lower NCAA bid. Enough so we could hold an occasional pep rally in the Pete, and Gallagher can don his Pitt polo (don't mess the coif please!) and pretend to give a shit about sports. That would be more than enough.
But when the team not only was bad, but went to absolute hell under Stallings, causing an outrageous national embarrassment ... they were forced to actually do something. Eat a huge, huge deal and hire someone they likely wouldn't have touched normally.
If it sounds familiar BTW, it is exactly what they had to do after Haywood and with Graham... the last time another unpleasant reach down into the Insinkerator of college sports was forced upon the admin. We see how well that shotgun marriage went. Capel? "TBD".
Getting reamed every single year indefinitely by PSU would equate to that.
So I think the whole thing about clamoring to play PSU annually is actually a scam on our part, as much BS as PSUs excuses are BS. We don't want to wake our docile, somnambulent base.