Neutral Site game

Do you want to play or not? You want the game. Then compromise and play at FedEx. Of course Penn State fans will buy up the tickets, but it’s on you to sell your fan base. You can’t blame another school for your program not traveling well. Have a better program then that your fans find interesting. Otherwise you are looking for a handout.

I don't want to play. However, Fedex and the Linc are probably easier commutes than Happy Valley for most PSU alums.

You want nuetral? Try Tottenham Hotspur Stadium in London.
Your forgetting the economic impact on State College which might not be their number one concern , but it’s definitely a consideration .

In fact... If Pitt built their own stadium and Penn State agreed to a yearly game at HF, then 35000 seats each with an average price of $200 would be $7M for each school. I think they could fill HF yearly doing this, and each school earns good revenue. For Pitt, that would be $7M in ADDITION to what they can make on season ticket sales. That's an increase in $7M annually for Pitt, which can be used towards debt payments for the new stadium over a 30 year period.
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No I am not saying that.

And they did create an uproar when they fiddled with their ticket and seating program.

You can put up straw men and knock them down all you want.

The simple FACT is they will not mess with their pricing structure to help out Pitt. Why should they? Your suggestion is stupid.

They are helping themselves because they can price more for season tickets if the Pitt game is being offered in place of a MAC game. That shouldn't be too difficult to understand.
PSU alums enjoy and support their team. The idea of going to a neutral site does not cause them to lose interest in attending a game. Other schools, with a lack of a fanbase, will respond differently.

The neutral site you're suggesting is an easier commute than State College for most PSU fans. What part of this don't you comprehend?
So you are saying that Penn State is so honorable that they should keep their season tickets priced exactly the same no matter WHO is actually on that schedule and even if the actual market value of season tickets costs more than the season ticket itself, they love their fans so much, they will gladly accept less money from them? Didnt they create an uproar when they went to donor-based seating a few years ago (which I agreed with BTW)
Actually they do. Last year's home schedule included OSU, MSU, Iowa, and Wisconsin and there was no premium.
Actually they do. Last year's home schedule included OSU, MSU, Iowa, and Wisconsin and there was no premium.

Penn State fans care way more about Pitt than MSU, Iowa, and Wisconsin as evidenced by secondary ticket market pricing and PSU's own advertising ("guarantee your seats for Michigan and Pitt").

PSU claims they are absolutely required to play 2 cupcake games to finance their teams. So let me ask you this hyothetically.

Next year, they have 7 home games, if they replaced San Jose State with Pitt and in 2021 if they replaced Villanova with a road game at Pitt, what would the difference in PSU revenue be? I contend PSU would make more money this way.
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So you do not want to play because big brother is going to kick your ass. I get it.

I don't want to play our little brother anymore, and haven't since that despicable turd you idolize backed out if the series in 1992.

Franklin's comments were cute. Swallowed hook line and sinker by you apparently.
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I'll tell you what, I'll welcome the series resuming only if we get 2 games in Pittsburgh for each game in State College. Or all games in Pittsburgh like it used to be... little bro.
There is no such thing as a true neutral site for Pitt. Anything not in Pittsburgh is going to feel like a road game anyway. It doesn't matter, because the thought of this series is going to vanish pretty quickly after this year, when there is no "Pitt week" for a reporter to broach the subject the Franklin. After that, it will die down until Penn State either gets a new coach or a new AD (since the current ones in place have more or less made their positions clear).

I happened to be listening to the Fan last night, and Zeise explained it pretty well from the PSU perspective. They have nine conference games and two cupcakes (every same team does at least two cupckaes; you'd be silly not to). That means they really only have one opportunity for a quality rotating opponent. They want to branch out, target new recruiting areas, play in places where various alum of theirs can attend the games, etc. Can you blame them? What does playing Pitt really do for them? Any PSU fans living in Pittsburgh can easily make the 2.5-hour trek a few times per year. They don't need us. And the truth is that we don't need them for anything we can't get from West Virginia.

So, under the current structure (nine Big 10 conference games and the CFP being set up as it is), it really just isn't a great fit. I'm fine with that. I like playing Penn State (though I must admit I'm feeling pretty indifferent on it this year), but I also like a little variety. Tennessee, Wisconsin... I'm all for those types of opponents. But if you want a rivalry, we all know where to find it. Just shoot down 79, cross over the draw bridge, never mind the siblings mating in the water supply, swerve to avoid the charging cannibals, take the exit, duck under the flying bottle of moonshine, park your car, follow the whiskery lady in the camouflage Carhartt overalls, and you're there. Enjoy the game.

Honestly almost anywhere out side the Pennsylvania vicinity ie... the Rose Bowl. Would be a home game to Pitt since psu is rather nationally hated. Obviously their diploma mill churns our 3.5 fans to every 1 of ours but further away would be better for Pitt
Penn States coach just suggested it and they have done it before playing schools like Indiana, Maryland, and other schools.

Your AD can call for it and see what happens.

No one from Penn State has credibly sought to continue the series. Franklin made an off hand remark to reporters about the possibility of a neutral site game, which is nothing close to the Penn State AD making an offer to do so.

On the other hand, Pitt’s athletic administration has made actual offers to continue the series. A neutral site game/series is not Pitt’s preferred choice. Suggesting it would essentially be negotiating against itself.

Penn State’s athletic administration isn’t interested in this series continuing. James Franklin isn’t either. Their words and conduct would be different if they were.

Also, for the record, I’m not interested in the Pitt-PSU series continuing either, unless Penn State would commit to a long term home/home series. I don’t see what good the series does for Pitt that couldn’t be secured with an on-going series with West Virginia. That’s a series that actually might happen and has much more recent relevance to Pitt.
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Penn State fans care way more about Pitt than MSU, Iowa, and Wisconsin as evidenced by secondary ticket market pricing and PSU's own advertising ("guarantee your seats for Michigan and Pitt").

PSU claims they are absolutely required to play 2 cupcake games to finance their teams. So let me ask you this hyothetically.

Next year, they have 7 home games, if they replaced San Jose State with Pitt and in 2021 if they replaced Villanova with a road game at Pitt, what would the difference in PSU revenue be? I contend PSU would make more money this way.
No they wouldn't. They will charge me and all other season ticket holders the same no matter who is on the schedule. They don't care what the value is on the secondary market for a particular game. The only time the sliding scale as to the face value of the ticket comes into play is when one buys individual game tickets. Since for any game there are only about 5000 non season tickets available until the visiting team returns any they haven't sold, any increase in revenue that might be achieved on these would be far out weighed by having to reduce season ticket prices in 2021 since there would be only 6 games on the schedule.

They had the get your Michigan and Pitt sales pitch because those are the only games of merit on a miserable home slate.

The only way to make it work would be to have the major revenue producers, our broadcast partners and season ticket holders, to agree to pay the same over a 2 year period for an OCC schedule that would be made up of a P5, Pitt and 2 $acrifice games vs 1 P5 and 4 $acrifice games.
I just read through this entire thread. Nowhere did I see anything that would answer this question:
Why would PSU want to schedule Pitt?
At this point in time, a long term home/home series with Pitt does not benefit PSU financially, with recruiting, with its large and scattered alumni base. And, again at this point in time, additional games would be a no-win situation for PSU on the field of play.
PSU’s current plan for home/home games with strong programs from across the nation seems to be much preferred by its alumni over an annual game with Pitt.
PSU is not going to schedule Pitt “just because.” There has to be something in it for PSU. Can anyone tell us what that “something” is?
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Thank you Annie

It's a hard knock life... for us... Pitt fans.

But... The sun will come out... tomorrow... when a new Pitt Stadium is built... Tomorrow... Tomorrow... You're only a daaaayyyyy aaaaaaa waaayyyyyyyy
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I just read through this entire thread. Nowhere did I see anything that would answer this question:
Why would PSU want to schedule Pitt?
At this point in time, a long term home/home series with Pitt does not benefit PSU financially, with recruiting, with its large and scattered alumni base. And, again at this point in time, additional games would be a no-win situation for PSU on the field of play.
PSU’s current plan for home/home games with strong programs from across the nation seems to be much preferred by its alumni over an annual game with Pitt.
PSU is not going to schedule Pitt “just because.” There has to be something in it for Pitt. Can anyone tell us what that “something” is?

I presented a scenario where both Pitt and PSU can make more money playing a neutral site game.
Competitively and financially it doesn't make sense to play 2 non-conference home and home series with a 9 game conference schedule. If you don't understand that then we should just end this thread.
It makes no sense competitively or financially for PSU to play any home and home non-conference games - they should just schedule 3 home cupcakes. That would maximize income and wins. They do not schedule that way because there are other factors. Playing your historical in-state rival could be one of those factors, if they chose.
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I presented a scenario where both Pitt and PSU can make more money playing a neutral site game.

Yes, but that scenario is based upon “if” fans are willing to travel and “if” fans are willing to pay inflated ticket prices. It does not factor in parking, concession income PSU would forfeit nor the economic impact of the loss of a home game weekend to the State College area. That money spent in State College buys a lot of goodwill for the university.
Yes, but that scenario is based upon “if” fans are willing to travel and “if” fans are willing to pay inflated ticket prices. It does not factor in parking, concession income PSU would forfeit nor the economic impact of the loss of a home game weekend to the State College area. That money spent in State College buys a lot of goodwill for the university.

My scenario earns them several million more than a random game in State College based on ticket sales. Is it enough to make up for that other stuff? I don't know, however I feel confident that selling out HF every year wouldn't be an issue, even with inflated prices.
It makes no sense competitively or financially for PSU to play any home and home non-conference games - they should just schedule 3 home cupcakes. That would maximize income and wins. They do not schedule that way because there are other factors. Playing your historical in-state rival could be one of those factors, if they chose.

Scheduling national home/home games in areas where PSU has a large alumni base makes excellent financial sense.
Again, what is a good reason for PSU to schedule Pitt?
They have games scheduled with Temple coming up. They play Temple at the Linc in 2026. A game they would not have on their schedule if they played Pitt that year. So you make no point.

You make no point by claiming that as an example of a "neutral site". That's a road game, buddy.
My scenario earns them several million more than a random game in State College based on ticket sales. Is it enough to make up for that other stuff? I don't know, however I feel confident that selling out HF every year wouldn't be an issue, even with inflated prices.

I think you would be surprised and disappointed if you ran the actual numbers. Did you factor in travel, transportation, stadium rental, various taxes, etc?
PSU isn’t ever going to play at Heinz Field every year. They would immediately counter with Beaver Stadium every year until the historical number of games played at each place is even. And that, too, would be a non-starter.
No they wouldn't. They will charge me and all other season ticket holders the same no matter who is on the schedule. They don't care what the value is on the secondary market for a particular game. The only time the sliding scale as to the face value of the ticket comes into play is when one buys individual game tickets. Since for any game there are only about 5000 non season tickets available until the visiting team returns any they haven't sold, any increase in revenue that might be achieved on these would be far out weighed by having to reduce season ticket prices in 2021 since there would be only 6 games on the schedule.

If they dropped Villanova in 2021 in place for a road game at Pitt which resulted in just 6 home games, how many fewer season tickets would they sell if they kept the price exactly the same as the 7 game 2020 hypothetical schedule with Pitt, OSU, and MSU on it? Ballpark it for me.
If they dropped Villanova in 2021 in place for a road game at Pitt which resulted in just 6 home games, how many fewer season tickets would they sell if they kept the price exactly the same as the 7 game 2020 hypothetical schedule with Pitt, OSU, and MSU on it? Ballpark it for me.

I can’t answer that. I have no insight on any school’s ticket operations.
My questions for you:
Why would PSU ever consider that? How does that benefit PSU in any way?
In fact... If Pitt built their own stadium and Penn State agreed to a yearly game at HF, then 35000 seats each with an average price of $200 would be $7M for each school. I think they could fill HF yearly doing this, and each school earns good revenue. For Pitt, that would be $7M in ADDITION to what they can make on season ticket sales. That's an increase in $7M annually for Pitt, which can be used towards debt payments for the new stadium over a 30 year period.
First off Pitt isn’t going to build an on campus stadium . It’s not the field they play on that’s the issue . It’s the players and the coaches that have been the problem . If PSU played at HF they’d be selling standing room only seats for $200 .
I could imagine the laugher coming out of State College at the thought that they could help their buds at Pitt fund an on campus stadium .
PSU generated in excess of 100,000,000 dollars from Fb last yr. that means 7 mil is a pay cut and not a big deal for them .
Plus State College loses out on 100,000+ fans spending money .
Never going to happen !
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Scheduling national home/home games in areas where PSU has a large alumni base makes excellent financial sense.
Again, what is a good reason for PSU to schedule Pitt?

You mean places like Alabama, West Virginia, and Western Virginia? If you're worried about alumni base access, then one would think a road game in state where they have 300k would make sense. So your premise on the "benefit" can be made against several future opponents.

However, I get where you're coming from with the different opponent aspect, which is why I like Pitt's home and home with Tennessee. I have no interest in going to State College, but I'm certainly heading to Knoxville.
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You mean places like Alabama, West Virginia, and Western Virginia? If you're worried about alumni base access, then one would think a road game in state where they have 300k would make sense. So your premise on the "benefit" can be made against several future opponents.

However, I get where you're coming from with the different opponent aspect, which is why I like Pitt's home and home with Tennessee. I have no interest in going to State College, but I'm certainly heading to Knoxville.

Not saying there is a large number of PSU grads in Auburn, but there are plenty in the Deep South to easily buy up the tickets allotted to PSU and then some. It will be that way throughout the country wherever PSU can schedule games. Alumni appreciate those opportunities and respond with donations.
PSU season ticket holders seem to prefer the idea of seeing teams like Auburn and VT visit Beaver Stadium rather than Pitt every other year.
Don’t miss that trip to Knoxville. You’ll have a great time.
Next year, they have 7 home games, if they replaced San Jose State with Pitt and in 2021 if they replaced Villanova with a road game at Pitt, what would the difference in PSU revenue be? I contend PSU would make more money this way.
How in the world do you figure that. Not counting parking or concessions or other revenue Penn State using the attendance of the Idaho game they would lose 104,000 in ticket sales.

Ticket Sales for Idaho
20,000 student tickets at $34 $680,000
70,000 season tickets at $62 $4,340,000
14,000 single game at $35 $490,000
So losing that Villanova game would cost $5.5 million. Meaning the Pitt game would have generate an addition $5.5 million.

So unless Penn State wants to raise season ticket prices by about $55 each they would need to generate an additional $5.5 million from the 18000 single game tickets. So they would have to sell them at $306 each which simply not going to happen. That not even county lost parking, concessions, ad and sponsorship revenue.
How in the world do you figure that. Not counting parking or concessions or other revenue Penn State using the attendance of the Idaho game they would lose 104,000 in ticket sales.

Ticket Sales for Idaho
20,000 student tickets at $34 $680,000
70,000 season tickets at $62 $4,340,000
14,000 single game at $35 $490,000
So losing that Villanova game would cost $5.5 million. Meaning the Pitt game would have generate an addition $5.5 million.

So unless Penn State wants to raise season ticket prices by about $55 each they would need to generate an additional $5.5 million from the 18000 single game tickets. So they would have to sell them at $306 each which simply not going to happen. That not even county lost parking, concessions, ad and sponsorship revenue.

Wow you are really dumb. Just because Penn State printed $62 on your season ticket for the Idaho game, does not mean it was worth anywhere close to $62. More like $20. And Idaho as part of the student season package was worth more like $5.
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First off Pitt isn’t going to build an on campus stadium . It’s not the field they play on that’s the issue . It’s the players and the coaches that have been the problem . If PSU played at HF they’d be selling standing room only seats for $200 .
I could imagine the laugher coming out of State College at the thought that they could help their buds at Pitt fund an on campus stadium .
PSU generated in excess of 100,000,000 dollars from Fb last yr. that means 7 mil is a pay cut and not a big deal for them .
Plus State College loses out on 100,000+ fans spending money .
Never going to happen !

How much ticket revenue do they earns from an average game in State College?
I can’t answer that. I have no insight on any school’s ticket operations.
My questions for you:
Why would PSU ever consider that? How does that benefit PSU in any way?

I said to ballpark it for me. Would 50,000 fewer people buy season tickets? 20,000? 10,000? I'll go. A few hundred maybe. Dropping an FCS game to make it a 6 game home schedule would not affect season ticket sales much at all?

How does this benefit Penn State? Easy. PSU gets a big dollar home game in the same years they play Ohio State and play 7 home games which means they can charge big money for those season tickets. More than they would charge for an FCS game on those years.
Wow you are really dumb. Just because Penn State printed $62 on your season ticket for the Idaho game, does not mean it was worth anywhere close to $62. More like $20. And Idaho as part of the student season package was worth more like $5.
So do you think season ticket holders are going to be happy if they said this year we are going to reduce you ticket cost $20 but only have 6 home games because we are playing at Pitt?

My tickets are $800 donation plus $434. That works out to be $176 per game. Under your plan it now going to cost me $203 per game. I don’t care what I can get a ticket for on Stub hub. Either way my cost per game is going to have to go up to make up for that game. That not going to make the season ticket bad happy.
PSU’s season ticket prices are not set on the basis of what teams happen to be on the home portion of the schedule. The huge majority of the seats are sold as season tickets. PSU has a very limited supply of single game seats supplemented by the limited number of tickets returned by the visiting team.
PSU sells 7-game packages. Why would PSU want to PO fans who have purchased season tickets for decades by offer just 6 games (at the same price, per your example) just to accommodate Pitt — or any other school.
Basically what you are seeking is for PSU to revamp its entire ticket operation to play one less home game over two years. And, somehow, you believe that will INCREASE overall revenues.
And you call other posters “really dumb.”
It's already been stated at least once in this thread, Penn State is the only school in the nation that pulls this BS about how this game benefits Penn State. It's amazing how other non-conference rivals manage to play each other whether its Florida-Florida State, Clemson-South Carolina, Georgia-Georgia Tech, Colorado-Colorado State, etc.

As they were saying on The Fan tonight and as many of us know, what exactly has Penn State done to earn this high and mighty attitude like they the premiere football program in the country? No one has taken them as a serious contender for a couple of decades now. Time to stop worrying about this team and get WVU back on the schedule full time.
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LMFAO. The 60s. You got me. I'm curious how many Syracuse, WVU and Maryland rivalry t-shirts and buttons (not the free MidState Bank ones) you sold through the years with interesting slogans and vulgarities on them? How many times did you end the season with those teams? Keep telling yourself those things, and like Joe Didn't Know, you'll believe them as well. I'm personally glad the series is ending, but I deal in reality. For Pitt, it just turns to another 100 year old regional rivalry with an institution that conducts itself more respectably.

PSU also has Maryland and Rutgers. In addition to the yearly gauntlet of MSU, Michigan and OSU. Im for the rivalry continuing because I dont like schools like Idaho on the schedule, but dont act like PSU doesn't have its share of intense regional rivalries outside of Pitt.
Wow you are really dumb. Just because Penn State printed $62 on your season ticket for the Idaho game, does not mean it was worth anywhere close to $62. More like $20. And Idaho as part of the student season package was worth more like $5.

You mistakenly believe the process of ticket sales at Pitt and PSU is similar.
Pitt has tickets for half it’s stadium to sell at single game prices. It can change huge markups for PSU and ND to the point of forcing fans to buy season tickets to see one game. On the down side, Pitt can’t give away tickets to many of its other games.
PSU sells close to 95,000 season tickets. They cost what they cost year in and year out. The Idaho ticket was one-seventh of the package, just like the Michigan ticket. There are very few tickets left over to sell at flexible pricing.
Two totally different situations.
It's already been stated at least once in this thread, Penn State is the only school in the nation that pulls this BS about how this game benefits Penn State. It's amazing how other non-conference rivals manage to play each other whether its Florida-Florida State, Clemson-South Carolina, Georgia-Georgia Tech, Colorado-Colorado State, etc.

As they were saying on The Fan tonight and as many of us know, what exactly has Penn State done to earn this high and mighty attitude like they the premiere football program in the country? No one has taken them as a serious contender for a couple of decades now. Time to stop worrying about this team and get WVU back on the schedule full time.

The only question that matters is simple:
How would scheduling Pitt benefit PSU?

Sure, others do it. That’s not going to move PSU. They have their formula in place. It produces staggering revenue beyond Pitt’s imagination. So it is not going to change until someone can give a good answer to the question.
The only question that matters is simple:
How would scheduling Pitt benefit PSU?

Sure, others do it. That’s not going to move PSU. They have their formula in place. It produces staggering revenue beyond Pitt’s imagination. So it is not going to change until someone can give a good answer to the question.

I answered your question already, but you seem fixated on continuing to ask it. The same way scheduling WVU, VT, or Auburn helps them.

Nothing is stopping PSU from scheduling a home and home with Pitt once every 4 years, 6 years, or 10 years. It would still allow you to schedule games in those important PSU alumni hotbed areas like Morgantown, Blacksburg, and Auburn Alabama.

We have no interest in playing Pitt is a perfectly acceptable answer. That's fine, I get it. I feel the same way. Just quit making bogus excuses as to why.
PSU also has Maryland and Rutgers. In addition to the yearly gauntlet of MSU, Michigan and OSU. Im for the rivalry continuing because I dont like schools like Idaho on the schedule, but dont act like PSU doesn't have its share of intense regional rivalries outside of Pitt.

LMFAO!!! You actually are claiming Maryland and Rutgers as "intense regional rivalries". OMG, you can't make this stuff up. You just are hard pressed to find this much obtuse delusion or intellectual dishonesty from any other fan base. But the world is already well aware of that.
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