OT: MASTERS WEEK!!! Who ya got??

you mean not an athlete like a DH?

Walking 5 miles a day taking 70 pressure packed shots ( many at 300 plus yards) takes more athletic ability than playing first base...

odd that they cover it (unlike darts billiards etc) on sports channels...
It takes skill and athleticism to hit MLB pitching.
you compared golf to darts.. get the F out of here with your stupid nonsense..

the same guy that cries his eyes out when anyone makes fun of soccer and he tells us that any day now it will be huge in the US (been hearing this since the early 90s) and he posts this..
I compared it to darts and bowling in that it requires skill, not athleticism. And they are all hobbies, not sports. Also similar to kite flying, jumping rope, etc. I think golfers are supremely skilled. I'm not saying they arent. They just arent athletes any more than some world champion dart thrower is.
I compared it to darts and bowling in that it requires skill, not athleticism. And they are all hobbies, not sports. Also similar to kite flying, jumping rope, etc. I think golfers are supremely skilled. I'm not saying they arent. They just arent athletes any more than some world champion dart thrower is.
you are being a fool, stop. we all say dumb things, most of us dont double down on it. again, just stop it. you dont know what you are talking about..
I compared it to darts and bowling in that it requires skill, not athleticism. And they are all hobbies, not sports. Also similar to kite flying, jumping rope, etc. I think golfers are supremely skilled. I'm not saying they arent. They just arent athletes any more than some world champion dart thrower is.
Tell me you’ve never tried to play golf without telling me you never tried to play golf
you know what SMF, i take it back. please keep posting your thoughts. i mean it, i want to hear more about what you think and please include more comparisons..

got to love a fool who isnt afraid to let everyone know it..
you know what SMF, i take it back. please keep posting your thoughts. i mean it, i want to hear more about what you think and please include more comparisons..

got to love a fool who isnt afraid to let everyone know it..
As Abraham Lincoln said, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt.”
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playing golf is like flying a kite. my man SMF has some gems but that one is up there..
Easy to look bad swinging at a major league pitch, but most people can at least look like they have an idea of what they’re supposed to be doing (Susan Sarandon, Bull Durham). But even people with some athletic ability look ridiculous when they swing and miss at a ball that’s sitting still.
lol, there it is ha ha. and they arent standing around 80% of the time either, but they are just running.. right?
I dont know how much standing you think they can be doing. They only get 90 minutes to cover 7 miles. So, while there is some standing around, there's also sprinting to make up for that.
playing golf is like flying a kite. my man SMF has some gems but that one is up there..
As in its a hobby. What don't you get. I said it takes a ton of skill. Playing chess does also. I get it. You are old white guys and you think golfers are elite athletes because you like it. And I'm saying they are men who just so happen to be extremely skilled in a very popular hobby.
The strength, eye hand coordination, mental resiliency etc. required to play golf at the professional level alone makes this an obviously wrong take
As in its a hobby. What don't you get. I said it takes a ton of skill. Playing chess does also. I get it. You are old white guys and you think golfers are elite athletes because you like it. And I'm saying they are men who just so happen to be extremely skilled in a very popular hobby.
The strength, eye hand coordination, mental resiliency etc. required to play golf at the professional level alone makes this an obviously wrong take
Take the stength part out though because golfers are not brute strength stronger than your typical dude. I am sure when I was lifting a lot in my 20's, I was stronger than most pro golfers though I obviously couldn't hit the ball as far because I dont golf. Their skill allows them to out-drive Aaron Donald.

The hand-eye coordination is a great skill. The mental part, eh, sounds like chess.

Again, these guys have great skill. Chess players do as well.
Don’t watch golf that much and only pay attention around majors. At my work we have do have polls for the majors. The polls are a tier system. So any names are welcome especially longer shots. Also I see Rahm is the favorite, but does his game play well at the masters.
Rahm isn’t a horse for a course guy. His game goes absolutely anywhere.
+110 on Tiger making the cut. Man, im not a gambler but i like that.
Not sure what I think about it but when you consider all the past champions, amateurs and a few other ham and eggers who got in because they won a tourney you usually only have to outplay about 30ish guys to play the weekend. Padraig Harringtonis in because he caught a heater and finished top 4 in the PGA. I scrolled through the field and saw 15-18 guys I think have little to no chance of making the cut.

Disclaimer - I’m not a bettor so I probably haven’t a clue so don’t take my advice.
Not sure what I think about it but when you consider all the past champions, amateurs and a few other ham and eggers who got in because they won a tourney you usually only have to outplay about 30ish guys to play the weekend. Padraig Harringtonis in because he caught a heater and finished top 4 in the PGA. I scrolled through the field and saw 15-18 guys I think have little to no chance of making the cut.

Disclaimer - I’m not a bettor so I probably haven’t a clue so don’t take my advice.
yeah, any time i love a bet, do yourself a favor and bet the other way, you'll be retired living on the beach in no time.. im about 4% on my "locks".
The days of Tiger striking fear into other professional golfers exists only in the head of his fans
yeah, i actually like tiger but i agree, we are about a decade and a half away from those days, if they even ever existed in the first place. i doubt golfers were fearful of him or played any differently. they just werent as good so they usually lost to him. not out of fear but out of talent.
The days of Tiger striking fear into other professional golfers exists only in the head of his fans
Mostly agree. If it’s him and Corey Conners in the final group it might be something. Additionally it is not easy playing with his galleries. Even guys like McIlroy said it can be unnerving. So while the intimidation directly from Tiger is nearly non existent (if it’s another seasoned guy) there’s still a little something there.
Well looks like our village idiot has came out into the sunlight. Everyone here is wrong except for him…
I'm not so sure what defines athlete. Has to more than running and jumping. Eye hand coordination? Power? Was George Foreman an athlete? Cabrera supposedly has the punch of a professional boxer. Was considered a fearsome street fighter in Argentina.
I’m not saying hee isn’t talented at that activity. No random chain smoking fata$$ could just wake up, waddle onto a course, and dominate over four days to win. He certainly has to be talented, and it’s a very challenging activity for sure.

But for anybody in such shape to be able to win, and not just the greater Ashtabula invitational but two of the greatest events of the profession…makes it really hard to argue that it’s a “sport”. It just does.
I can't wait to watch these world-class premier athletes do their thing. Unreal athleticism these guys have. I'd like to see a few of them crossover and dominate the NBA, MLB, or EPL.
Who in this thread made the argument that golfers were great athletes before you made your post? The thread was about who would win. Do you see a new thread and just immediately type the douchiest thing you can think of?
One of, if not my favorite sporting event of the year. Nice all the crowds will be back.....we are going to have crappy weather so it is always great sitting in a cold dreary day and watching the Masters.

I like the winner coming from one of this group:
Xander Schauffle
Justin Thomas
Cameron Smith
Brooks Koepka
Colin Morakawa

What say yinz?
Koepka is the only one I ever heard of. I played golf regularly for about 25 years, then I drifted away from it and don't play, I still have clubs in my shed. It's funny how, when I played, I was interested to watch, now I haven't watched in a couple years and don't even know the players anymore But Go Tiger :)
I can't wait to watch these world-class premier athletes do their thing. Unreal athleticism these guys have. I'd like to see a few of them crossover and dominate the NBA, MLB, or EPL.
You probably think that if LeBron had played only golf as a kid, he'd have 50 majors by now! :)
Who in this thread made the argument that golfers were great athletes before you made your post? The thread was about who would win. Do you see a new thread and just immediately type the douchiest thing you can think of?
nah, he just needs to get a soccer plug in...odd, he did not mention the nfl or the nhl in his list of supermen...
lol, there it is ha ha. and they arent standing around 80% of the time either, but they are just running.. right?
I don't know how much they run, but you're being stupid to think that they don't run a lot. Average soccer player runs 7-10 miles per game according to Google, I've watched enough to think that's about right..
As in its a hobby. What don't you get. I said it takes a ton of skill. Playing chess does also. I get it. You are old white guys and you think golfers are elite athletes because you like it. And I'm saying they are men who just so happen to be extremely skilled in a very popular hobby.
Are you white?
What is your age?
Just curious?