OT Pirates


Nov 3, 2015
Gave CH a new 4 year extension, losers and they will continue to be losers!

He acted like he didn't give a shiit this year just like his bosses do every year. Wow
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Do you think they stink because of the coaching?

I think at one time he was all in, he looks defeated and beat down, so take that for what it is worth. I think he is avg at best, had a bad year this year in my opinion, but... I guess he is better than the rest of the crappy organization, good point
TD, I agree. At one point he seemed all about producing a winner and is now realizing that he has no pressure to do so.

He knows he will never be given a chance to compete, is good with that, causes no push back to try and win from owners. You know he is a rock and will flirt with wild card most years, then fade. That gets Nutting more cash and same old same old.
Hurdle's job is to try and win games. Problem is the owner decides they should release one of their best bullpen arms so he can save what essentially to him is nickels and dimes.

That is unless this was a whole conspiracy in which they saved money so they could pay hurdle. Because A) I am absolutely in shock they actually paid hurdle and didn't dump him for some cheap schmuck. And B) I can not believe hurdle still wants to be here. Other than that money being used for him, all nutting has ever shown him is that well while you do your job, he's gonna make money whether that means sabotaging the team or not.
TD, I agree. At one point he seemed all about producing a winner and is now realizing that he has no pressure to do so.
The only pressure he and Huntington are under, is to describe Tomato Cans and Bushers in statistically (or otherwise) persuasive terms to result in enough fans showing up to cover
Nutting's wallet.
Which apparently Clint is doing his job.
Do you think they stink because of the coaching?

No. But I think a good sign that they were willing to try and go a different route is by firing Hurdle, likely meant firing Huntingdon. Do I think both are THE problem? No. But they are problems, Huntingdon's drafting has been very bad and we have yielded few players (though Josh Bell is one) from their approach and development. Hurdle? IMO, the message has been tuned out by guys like Polanco and Marte.
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I think at one time he was all in, he looks defeated and beat down, so take that for what it is worth. I think he is avg at best, had a bad year this year in my opinion, but... I guess he is better than the rest of the crappy organization, good point
Totally agree TD. He is the best of the weak lot that they had in the past, or could possible get in the future. He is a great Clubhouse Manager, but a poor Field Manager. What goes on in the field is hilarious. All the base running mistakes, inability to bunt runners up, inability to conduct Run Down plays properly, and all the other boneheaded mistakes they make. He's responsible for the teams preparation for a game, and they look ragged.

Management likes the fact that he wins enough games to keep the fans coming, and puts up with a shoestring budget.
No. But I think a good sign that they were willing to try and go a different route is by firing Hurdle, likely meant firing Huntingdon. Do I think both are THE problem? No. But they are problems, Huntingdon's drafting has been very bad and we have yielded few players (though Josh Bell is one) from their approach and development. Hurdle? IMO, the message has been tuned out by guys like Polanco and Marte.
Marte and Polanco seem incapable of understanding what Hurdle speaks about , they appear to be that dumb.
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Do the Bucs stink because of coaching? I live out of state and only see a few Pirate games. What I see are baserunners getting picked off second and third out of laziness or inattentiveness. Pitchers throwing an 0-2 pitch well within the strike zone and giving up a critical hit. Defensive shifts on hitters that are not pull hitters. Pitchers left in games when it was clear they had nothing left, and they blow a lead to lose the game. These are all responsibilities of the manager. In any sport, the coach/manager may not play the ONLY role in the team's success, but does play a critical role. This was the right year to opt for a new regime, but I agree, as long as enough fans show up and spend money, winning is secondary to the owner.
Do the Bucs stink because of coaching? I live out of state and only see a few Pirate games. What I see are baserunners getting picked off second and third out of laziness or inattentiveness. Pitchers throwing an 0-2 pitch well within the strike zone and giving up a critical hit. Defensive shifts on hitters that are not pull hitters. Pitchers left in games when it was clear they had nothing left, and they blow a lead to lose the game. These are all responsibilities of the manager. In any sport, the coach/manager may not play the ONLY role in the team's success, but does play a critical role. This was the right year to opt for a new regime, but I agree, as long as enough fans show up and spend money, winning is secondary to the owner.
I give you a lot of credit sliberty, for a person who lives out of state, and doesn't see the Pirates that often, you have a good understanding of what goes on with the team.
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Marte and Polanco seem incapable of understanding what Hurdle speaks about , they appear to be that dumb.
You're right 99, those two might never be capable of getting it right, but those two are only a part of the lack of preparation that goes on with that club.
Pro baseball and college FB and Bb have a lot in common $$$$$. Can Pitt really compete with the Alabamas and OSUs of the world in FB or Kentucky and Dukes in Bb ? Can the Pirates really compete with the Dodgers ,Yankees , Red Soxs ,Cubs etc ? Everyone one wants Nutting to open up his pocketbook and spend , but it will never happen unless baseball has revenue sharing and a salary cap . One doesn't accumulate the cash he has by losing 100,000,000 dollars to win baseball games .
Guess what , I do not think there's a lot of people lining up to buy the Pirates for 900 million plus who would be willing to lose millions upon millions to win baseball games . Baseball needs revenue sharing and a cap and then the Pirates will have a chance to consistently compete .
Wait til Huntingdon signs his fat extension.

Hurdle keeps his mouth shut and doesn't act like a clown. He's a paid stooge.
Hurdle, Huntington and Coonelly, all paid stooges...the only reason they keep their jobs is because they're unquestioning lackies who cheerfully go about their job with their hands tied behind their back by Nutsack.
Everyone one wants Nutting to open up his pocketbook and spend , but it will never happen unless baseball has revenue sharing and a salary cap . One doesn't accumulate the cash he has by losing 100,000,000 dollars to win baseball games .

There are some people like Steinbrenner, Cuban, Jerry Jones, who threw in their own money to win just because they have a big ego and want to be seen being handed the trophy. That's the kind of owner I want, an egotistical f-ck that typical Yinzers would hate.
I wouldn't have given him 4 years, but he gets a pass this year. With no Kang, and then Marte's suspension, all but the most pie in the sky types knew this season was going nowhere. Nutting spending more wouldn't have helped this year. Nutting could probably spend an extra 10 million a year without going into the red (which I can never demand any owner to do, other than maybe very, very short term), and while 10 million could make a difference in a tight race, it wouldn't have gotten the job done this year.
There are some people like Steinbrenner, Cuban, Jerry Jones, who threw in their own money to win just because they have a big ego and want to be seen being handed the trophy. That's the kind of owner I want, an egotistical f-ck that typical Yinzers would hate.
They've never been able to even find a local owner anytime the team has been up for sale. Nutting's not local, but he's regional. which is the closest we've gotten. I'm afraid the next owner will be from out of state, and that the team will be heading to Vegas as soon as the lease is up, which is sooner than you think.
I'm afraid the next owner will be from out of state, and that the team will be heading to Vegas as soon as the lease is up, which is sooner than you think.

Maybe the team won't leave if the stadium is full because they are WINNING. You can't fill the stadium first, the WINNING HAS TO BE FIRST.
I'd rather Pittsburgh have no team than be owned and managed by a bum like Nutting.
I totally agree Del and I have been a fan of the team since I was a little boy. I hate everything about this team from the owner, to the front office, right down to the players now. I am totally disgusted. I took my family to just one game this year, and I will not be going to any starting next season.
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I totally agree Del and I have been a fan of the team since I was a little boy. I hate everything about this team from the owner, to the front office, right down to the players now. I am totally disgusted. I took my family to just one game this year, and I will not be going to any starting next season.
For those of us who grew up loving the Pirates, this whole situation is profoundly sad....there's no hope for the fans as long as Nutting owns the team. His attitude is: accept mediocrity and be grateful that you even have the opportunity to watch MLB.
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Maybe the team won't leave if the stadium is full because they are WINNING. You can't fill the stadium first, the WINNING HAS TO BE FIRST.
It already was pretty much filled.
Total B/S by The WV trash klan.
(This is not directed at you but rather to the Nutting's)
For those of us who grew up loving the Pirates, this whole situation is profoundly sad....there's no hope for the fans as long as Nutting owns the team. His attitude is: accept mediocrity and be grateful that you even have the opportunity to watch MLB.
You have been declared the winner by TKO in the great baseball fight.

Spot on

I tried to believe the stat guy geniuses but it's OVAH.
Well done.
Agree, they had a full stadium, beautiful venue, serious momentum after 98 win 2015, and then, nothing, give up to save money.
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Pirates need to do 1 of 2 things. Either spend money, or implode every so many years and rebuild. They are doing neither. Clint is better coaching a younger team...If they sell off (which they should), then the deal isn't bad. If they don't sell of and continue to underspend for pieces, then Clint is a waste.
There are some people like Steinbrenner, Cuban, Jerry Jones, who threw in their own money to win just because they have a big ego and want to be seen being handed the trophy. That's the kind of owner I want, an egotistical f-ck that typical Yinzers would hate.
Cuban had no interest in buying the Pirates the team he wanted badly was the Cub$ ..Those that you mentioned all made/make millions with their teams . It's almost all ego , but its also busine$$ . The Bucs with its small market TV deal just don't produce enough revenue and therefore isn't that attractive .
How many fans would would pay up if the buccos drastically raised its payroll ? My answer is not enough .
Ps ...drawing a comparsion to Pitt athletics , if some big money booster put a 20 million check on the table with the conditions Pitt fire KS and hired a big time coach and staff I'm sure Pitt would use that guys money and do it . The problem at Pitt is they don't have that booster and they won't use their own money to do it. Nutting also isn't willing to put up enough ( any ? ) of his own money to buy a few more wins because it won't pay off for him .
Pirates need to do 1 of 2 things. Either spend money, or implode every so many years and rebuild. They are doing neither. Clint is better coaching a younger team...If they sell off (which they should), then the deal isn't bad. If they don't sell of and continue to underspend for pieces, then Clint is a waste.
Imo but look for a team coming North on par with The Wild Things.

J Hay


Maybe Dopey Marte /Sleepy Polanco one if not both
Maybe Rivera.

Nutting will make a bigger profit than ever. NH will tell us that this Team full of "meats" have an upside potential for progression to the mean.
We will think we have the Yankees w Jeter et al which won 125 games in total including the Ring.
The single biggest problem is Nutting. I do not expect him to spend like the big markets, but how about spending $125 million on the entire payroll next year. That would allow us to keep our current roster, bring in additional pitching (bullpen), and another bat to the lineup if Kang is not here. Nutting simply does not care enough. Winning is not the top priority.
Hurdle is the least of their problems. Best manager they've had since Leyland....twenty years ago.

Why would anyone want that cheap bastard Nutting out trying to hire someone else? Pitt fans certainly should have learned by now. Better the devil you know than the cheap hire you don't know....
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The single biggest problem is Nutting. I do not expect him to spend like the big markets, but how about spending $125 million on the entire payroll next year. That would allow us to keep our current roster, bring in additional pitching (bullpen), and another bat to the lineup if Kang is not here. Nutting simply does not care enough. Winning is not the top priority.
Money is the top priority and spending another 40-50 million dollars to stil be an inferior team to the big money clubs ? Why ? Are you willing to pay another 35-40% more per ticket ? It's a business after all .
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Money is the top priority and spending another 40-50 million dollars to stil be an inferior team to the big money clubs ? Why ? Are you willing to pay another 35-40% more per ticket ? It's a business after all .
The guy needs to buy something else. I for one, will no longer pay jack$hit for a ticket. I hope many other of the team's lifelong fans also stop attending. When he is losing money and his retarded promotions stop attracting people, then and maybe only then, will he sell, and at that point the franchise will have hope. Until then F--K the Pirates!
It is so nice to know that tdwhine alot can whine and spew venom and SLANDER AT things other than Pitt. Keep up being a totally sad and hapless figure. You said you are fun, Yeah fun hiding behind the internet. Why not go to a Pirate and confront Hurdle???? You'd find out he is one of the finest peopke in the Burgh. You would find out how much he cares, You would find out thathe has gpne thru some really bad things in his life, that would destroy a little person such as yourself. Nah, don't go to a Pirate games. Your ignorance and hate and spite show your true colors.
It is so nice to know that tdwhine alot can whine and spew venom and SLANDER AT things other than Pitt. Keep up being a totally sad and hapless figure. You said you are fun, Yeah fun hiding behind the internet. Why not go to a Pirate and confront Hurdle???? You'd find out he is one of the finest peopke in the Burgh. You would find out how much he cares, You would find out thathe has gpne thru some really bad things in his life, that would destroy a little person such as yourself. Nah, don't go to a Pirate games. Your ignorance and hate and spite show your true colors.

I would call you dirty harry, but wouldn't want to make Eastwood look like an assss

Never hear me bitch about the Steelers or Penguins , they try short bus
I would call you dirty harry, but wouldn't want to make Eastwood look like an assss

Never hear me bitch about the Steelers or Penguins , they try short bus
Bet you wouldn't be saying that without the salary caps. People don't know how lucky we are to have the Rooneys. If Howard Baldwin hadn't screwed Mario, causing him to end up with possession of the team, the Pens would be long gone. The insane value of these franchises is now such, that few people can afford to buy one. Not many of these super rich are in Pittsburgh, and none seem to ever be interested in buying these teams when they're put up for sale. Would I like to see a Jerry Jones own the Bucs? Maybe. Jerry ain't trying to lose a dime, and his first move would be to try to figure out how to break the lease, and move the team asap. When Sid, and Geno retire, and Mario puts the team up for sale, Pens fans should be very worried. Mario was looking at selling just a few years ago, when the team was making no noise in the postseason. Don't forget, the Arena was as empty as the Pete's going to be this winter, before we got lucky with the lottery two years in a row. I'd like to have a richer owner than Nutting, but out of town ownership of any of our franchises should make every fan nervous. The block on teams going to Vegas has been lifted, and greedy owners are eyeing that market. Again, where is the local ownership going to come from. Cuban ain't coming, because he knows it's hard to win here, and he also knows that while he might go all in for a short stretch, small market teams that go all in usually crater after their short run, and front running Pittsburgh fans will stay away in droves when this happens, even if we would have won a title. Again, note how the rats are abandoning the ship, now that it looks like Pitt hoops is in a rebuilding stage.
MLB and the NHL don't want any of their current teams to move since there's more money to be made with expansion fees. That's why there's still a Tampa Bay Rays, Oakland A's and Phoneix Coyotes and not a Montreal Expos 2.0, Las Vegas A's or Quebec Nordiques 2.0.
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There are some people like Steinbrenner, Cuban, Jerry Jones, who threw in their own money to win just because they have a big ego and want to be seen being handed the trophy.

You really don't understand sports. Jerry Jones makes so much money on the Cowboys that he makes what Nutting takes home look like the change you find in your couch cushions. Steinbrenner made tons of money on the Yankees, and also only paid $8.8 million for a team that was worth billions (plural) when he died. Mark Cuban makes money hand over fist with the Mavericks (as does every other NBA owner, which is why the Rockets were sold today for $2.2 billion) and the Mavericks are now worth in the neighborhood of ten times what he paid for them.

There are no big market teams in US sports today that don't make bushel baskets full of money. Even as comically inept as the New York Knicks owner is they still make money hand over fist. None of the people that own those teams, literally none of them, are throwing any amount of their own money away just to try to win.
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Everyone is waxing poetic for a time when the Pirates were consistently good but I doubt any of us remembers that decade. They had roughly ten "good" years from 69-79 that saw two titles. Other than the occasional two or three year "run" that ends in disappointment, most everything else, save 1960, was pretty forgettable since the end of the 1920's.
Huntingdon also gets a 4 year deal. What you guys aren't saying is why I hate the Pirates so much. These deals were done a MONTH AGO! Trust me, I have sources. A MONTH AGO!

What the Pirates have done, is they waited until this week when the Steelers open up and Pitt/PSU to announce so these signings are scrutinized and discussed alot. It is this type of arrogance that they think people are that stupid to not realize it, when in fact they are the ostrich with their head in the sand. Hey Nutting, we know why you decided to wait for this.

Folks, I am being completely honest here.