Baseball has always had a little "hockey" in it, but seems today's game, these guys are all pals, or brothers in different uniforms.Changing topics within this thread a little but it really ticked me off yesterday when Rizzo clearly tried to take out Diaz’s legs and the Bucs did nothing to retaliate! Rizzo batted next inning and should have had a 90+ aimed right at HIS knees. Gutless Bucs.
Old school baseball would have called for something like that, but seemingly in today's game, you're looking at a tens of millions of dollars asset in Rizzo which makes him untouchable.
That said, how about that stupid Posey rule? It clearly states you can't do exactly what Rizzo did, the league chimpanzees watched it for like 10 minutes, and then ignored it without explanation! So what is the purpose of the rule? Did Diaz have to be disabled to call Rizzo out, is it no harm no foul? Either enforce the rule or get rid of it. I don't blame Hurdle for going nuts, and by ignoring the rule, the league tempts teams to take the law in their own hands.
Baseball ain't what it used to be........