I NEVER HEARD OF DETROIT HOT DOGS UNTIL RIGHT NOW. SORRY. There actually are New Castle style hot dog shops in many places, the Coney Island of New Castle has franchises and there are others, because the recipe has been sold hundreds of times from Greeks to Greeks. There's a place in Harrisburg, run by Greeks who sells them but don't claim any connection to NC. And again, if they're "universally loved" could just be because they haven't tried the New Castle version, because food preferences are subjective. Everyone likes something different from other people, and I can believe you that Detroit hot dogs are good and likely more well known, but then again Budweiser is more well known and sells more than lots of much better craft beers. New Castle is a small town and Detroit is what, definitely a top ten US city in size for sure right? And I am not sure that "the whole world knows" Detroit Coneys, I've travelled a lot, have several friends actually from Detroit and like I said never heard of them. And you know what, New Castle Chili Dogs are "passionately beloved" too. the Detroit dogs can't be universally beloved either if not everyone has heard of them, it's probably like a Primanti's Sandwich where the locals think every knows about it everywhere. Also, I've played fantasy football on and off since 2000, my team has always been known as the NewCastleChiliDawgz --- 4 time champions !!!