Pickett - Sitting Out

I wish I had as much faith as you do without KP in there. MSU has a good run D and can get after the QB. Seems like a potential nightmare scenario for a QB with very little starting experience. I'm still hopeful but I don't see KP's replacement having an easy go of it. I hope I'm wrong.
It’s going to be a hell of a lot harder without KP. I wouldn’t put money on this game (so prob not as much faith as I made it sound haha). But I don’t think Mich st is anything special despite their record. I think the team is going to rally around him and find a way. If our D continues what they did in the last 3 quarters of the ACC Chip, then Patti just has to be solid.
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I'm fairly surprised that he isn't just getting a draft insurance policy from Lloyd's. Maybe they don't do that anymore? I'm sure it's expensive but he's about 6 months from having $10 million and if he crushed MSU I really think he would be a top 10 pick. Now, I dunno. He's leaving the door open for Corral and even Sam Howell - both of whom are playing, as are lesser prospects Ridder and Willis - to rise up and take that. This could backfire on him if Corral and Howell have big games. The draft community is pretty split on these guys. Most prefer Corral and Howell's age-adjusted production to Pickett. Only takes 1 team to fall in love with you but I really, really hope Kenny is getting good advice from a very experienced agent. I probably would have played if all of the competition for my job was playing.

I understand and respect his decision though. It's very possible that I'm wrong about the insurance policy and his draft stock. If it's truly locked in, then this makes sense. Plus he still has the Senior Bowl to impress scouts.
$10m runs about $50k. This is pretty much how I feel and why I've said I would want my son to play. It's his decision though, and I don't have a problem with it.
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$10m runs about $50k. This is pretty much how I feel and why I've said I would want my son to play. It's his decision though, and I don't have a problem with it.
I know it’s easy for us to spend other people’s money but I agree with you. If he has a sharp agent he wouldn’t have to have the 50K come out if his pocket. He could strike a deal with a PGH company such as the car dealer who gave him the free truck. KP would agree to do a few advertisements for them covering the policy. I’ll even write the add…”Hi everyone I’m ACC Champ and Pitt record holder KP. When I drive around Pittsburgh I always drive in my truck form blah blah car dealer.” Lol
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I think you actually have to declare to get benefits from an agent. His family could get the policy and insure, him, though. They could almost definitely get financing either from an agency or a bank for something like this.

Yes but at that point, is the game worth 50K to KP and his family? Yes, he's going to get paid in the NFL but 50K is still 50K.
Yes but at that point, is the game worth 50K to KP and his family? Yes, he's going to get paid in the NFL but 50K is still 50K.
With the right agent he never pays a cent of the 50K. I know/knew a few BB players and agents compete to get these guys. They will do things such as pay the 50K to get you as a client especially when the client is a lock to be a first round pick.
Yes he is the first to skip a major bowl game. Why not skip the acc championship game? He could have gotten hurt then also. I think it is total BS to skip this game. He has let down his team mates as well as all the fans traveling to this game. I just canceled my trip to Atlanta.
I call B.S. on this.

My thinking is that either (1) you never even had plans to go to the bowl game and used this statement to help make your point or (2) you do still have plans to go to the bowl game and are just being dramatic.

Canceling your trip to watch the Panthers in a major bowl because of a player not playing? Granted, it's the best player on the team, but I root for the Pitt football team....not 1 player. Maybe you're different.

Either way...H2P.
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Yes but at that point, is the game worth 50K to KP and his family? Yes, he's going to get paid in the NFL but 50K is still 50K.
You don’t think he could have raised $50K very easily?

Look, I get it. But CFP is damn near broken. This certainly takes some shine off the season, as amazing as it was. And absolutely lowers my opinion of KP a bit. I’ve been a big believer in his NFL abilities long before this year.

I’ll just never be able to watch the “we not me” puff celebration stuff in the future without a grain of skepticism. And “we”, as id define it, are his coaches, his teammates, the program and its future as a whole, the band, the AD and its support staff, the university and the fans. To “us”, I promise this game still means a hell of a lot, the opportunity for 12 wins and the pride of a top 10 finish after decades of hearing about recruiting, attendance and national tv chokes.

I’m sure a good portion of the fan base is feeling the part of a lover scorned and we’ll eventually come to fully appreciate the magnitude and fun of the “regular” season, however, I can’t help but feel deflated. CFB, a game I once truly loved, is damn near broken.

But I know time heals all wounds and this time two weeks out, I’ll be excited as hell to see what Patti can bring and rooting full throttle for the remaining Panthers as that opening kick soars.

Good luck, Kenny. You did what you feel is best for YOU in this moment and it’s hard to fault someone for that, however, witnessing the warrior that you’ve proven to be for the last 5 seasons, I know you will regret not being out there with your football family under those lights one last time. If you ever start thinking scared, you’re no longer the person, player or leader that made you as great as you’ve already proven that you can be.
How is that quitting on the University? It’s one game. Don’t be so silly about this. His point is obvious.

If you are ok that Kenny can opt out for his reasons, then how can you be upset with anyone for opting out for their reasons? Kenny won’t like you more for taking his side.
Which is fine. Just don't be upset when pitt continues to viewed as a school with a piss poor fanbase that doesn't support its program but wants the same results as one that does.

At the end of the day, we are our own worse enemy.
LOL - keep moving the bar until you meet misery. You are bound to find it.
I didn't move any bar, I never had this vision that a NY6 Bowl was meaningless or that Kenny would opt out, it's hilarious that people here who where writing threads analyzing and begging for Pitt to get into a "BIG" bowl game, as soon as we do, suddenly it's MEANINGLESS and they're begging for Kenny, "Please Kenny don't risk playing, I so desperately want to watch you play for the Houston Texans," LOL :)
They count on a team’s record, so they aren’t exhibitions. There will also be final polls afterwards that will factor in the games. How much one cares about that varies by player and team.

Shame that the Peach Bowl will provide an opportunity for the winner to finish in the top 10 and the star of each team will be sitting out.
If you get injured in one of the 3 playoff games, the loss of future income IS THE $AME
You are quitting on your University by cancelling a trip because of 1 player’s decision.
You shouldn't judge him, it's his family's money and future on the line, why waste that money to not see the quality Pitt product? "Your University" and Kenny Pickett are selling you a cheap knockoff off of Pitt Football 2021.
Good morning. I'd like to welcome the trolls that stopped in and created or revived their accounts to post. Always nice to see our non-rivals, rivaling.

For the regulars that are butt hurt, not sure what else KP could give you. He won the ACC, something many of you thought could never happen. Pitt is going to finish ranked. The program is flying high. Just enjoy it. You can all go back to crying around about tarps and uniform font and running plays on 3rd down in a few weeks.
I get what you're saying but, as a long suffering Pitt fan like most of us, I just can't get with that. It's a NY6 bowl game with the chance to put us into the top 10 (I know that doesn't matter much to some people). I get why he made his decision but it is certainly disappointing.
And the thing about OUR DISCUSSIONS here is that people who agree with opting out, need to STFU and stop "Shaming" those who don't, both opinions Play or not are just as valid. So I DON'T LIKE that Kenny BAILED on his team, you can't change my mind, so why do any of you care that some people DON'T LIKE IT? Is everyone OBLIGATED to like it? I accept it, it is what it is, I'm still going to watch the game, but if they lose, YES I will always feel like Kenny's decision cost Pitt a 12 win season and a Top 10 ranking.
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Pickett was banged up in the ACCC game. He needs to get healthy for the NFL combines.
Hopefully, that hotel ends the free weekly meals that Kenny is getting. That will teach him a lesson
For the regulars that are butt hurt, not sure what else KP could give you.
Just do what 99% of players in history did, play in the final bowl game. Just do what has been normal since the beginning of the sport
Does this mean Pitt students can apply the other Pickett Rule and skip finals because they don’t want the grade to impact their future job opportunities?
Just do what 99% of players in history did, play in the final bowl game. Just do what has been normal since the beginning of the sport
That was before the playoff, the non playoff bowls are pretty much the NIT of college football.
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If an employer is willing to hire you on the spot without the degree & the finals will add nothing to help you in your career, sure. Why not?
But I think it is only fair to have the same rules for students. Especially ones that impact your future. skipping a final even with a high grade, you can still pass. Why not just use same logic.
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That was before the playoff, the non playoff bowls are pretty much the NIT of college football.
The players in the playoff should opt out too, if they get injured, they lose as much as Kenny would playing in the Peach Bowl and getting injured. Don't worry, eventually NFL draft picks in the playoffs will start opting out soon enough. One or two get hurt and lose the BIG PAY DAY, the next year all the top guys will start opting out of the playoff too.
Another reason to expand playoffs..
Playoff games are the same risk of injury and the same monetary loss if injured, players need to opt out of the playoffs to to protect their families and future income.
The players in the playoff should opt out too, if they get injured, they lose as much as Kenny would playing in the Peach Bowl and getting injured. Don't worry, eventually NFL draft picks in the playoffs will start opting out soon enough. One or two get hurt and lose the BIG PAY DAY, the next year all the top guys will start opting out of the playoff too.
That very well may happen. However, most of these guys are competitors and the drive to win a championship and get a ring will always be compelling.

I think we witnessed the drive in this Pitt team (and Pickett) to win an ACC Championship. Mission Accomplished. ...A chicken sandwich bowl, not so much.
That very well may happen. However, most of these guys are competitors and the drive to win a championship and get a ring will always be compelling.

I think we witnessed the drive in this Pitt team (and Pickett) to win an ACC Championship. Mission Accomplished. ...A chicken sandwich bowl, not so much.
It's coming, a high profile injury in the playoffs will seal it.
Or Corral has more integrity and loyalty to his team.

While I think it made a lot of sense for Kenny to play, Corral and Howell basically have to. Neither Corral nor Howell are playing in the Senior Bowl so it's not apples-to-apples. Kenny's last exhibition game is technically in February.
Good points about his agent and the comp playing. Trevor Lawrence recently got a policy during his last college season and I’m willing to bet guys like Corral etc are getting them this year. Yes Lloyds still does this.

I hope KP is the first QB taken but as you stated it’s close to where one of these guys can pass him with a big last game. IMO KP would have put up monster numbers vs the poor Mich state pass D helping him make it clear to NFL ppl he is the top QB.

I know a group of our fans love to bitch but it is understandable maybe this one time when they say “only Pitt” as this is the first time a QB has sat out in a major bowl game. Because as “Pitt Fans” we root for the team before individuals. IMO we would have crushed them with KP playing and call me a greedy fan but I want 12 wins for Pitt and a top 10 finish. But I have still have a good feeling we will win this game (just not as easily if KP played).
I don't feel like this situation is "Pitting" or "only Pitt" or any of that, but it does suck, no matter what spin anyone puts on it. It just sucks. And beating MSU without KP is unlikely IMO. Despite what some Lair dwellers have conditioned themselves to believe about all things B10, MSU is plenty capable of beating Pitt with or without KP and/or Walker playing, it's just a lot more likely to happen now than it was before KP's announcement. Pretty sure Nick Patti will be in well over his head for his first college start, no matter how bad MSU's pass D is, and it is really bad. They will come after him like a pack of wild dogs.
You mean the guys he hung out to dry at the end of the best season the program has had in 40 years?

Pretty sure this game isn't as meaningless to them, or to the university, as some posters are telling themselves.
As for the players left behind, I don't think they view this game as something that is going to swing views on their season either way. They are all competitors though & once the ball is kicked off, I'm sure they all want to win. How much can it possibly mean to the university? The last time Pitt went to a bowl of this caliber, they forced the coach out.

Bowl games that don't have National Title implications have pretty much been treated like exhibition games from the time today's players were born. Coaches coming and going, interim staffs etc. It's a joke how many teams qualify for a bowl game, not to mention all the changing corporate sponsorships. It's pretty much become just one big final money grab to capitalize on TV viewership and really adds nothing of value to the season.

Just a year ago, everyone opted out.
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I call B.S. on this.

My thinking is that either (1) you never even had plans to go to the bowl game and used this statement to help make your point or (2) you do still have plans to go to the bowl game and are just being dramatic.

Canceling your trip to watch the Panthers in a major bowl because of a player not playing? Granted, it's the best player on the team, but I root for the Pitt football team....not 1 player. Maybe you're different.

Either way...H2P.
I will be rooting hard for Pitt football, just not for KP. I just will not spend the money to go to Atlanta. I support all Pitt sports, not individual players. KP is not on the team any longer after he quit.
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This isn't just related to KP, but going back to last year when the phrase really became en vogue, I hate the use of the term 'opt out'. It was OK I guess when people were sitting out the season for COVID concerns, but guys just bailing for other reasons, I think the headlines should read:

"Picket quits on Pitt football team before Peach Bowl, will focus on NFL draft"
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While I think it made a lot of sense for Kenny to play, Corral and Howell basically have to. Neither Corral nor Howell are playing in the Senior Bowl so it's not apples-to-apples. Kenny's last exhibition game is technically in February.
Not playing in the Peach Bowl is not a safe bet either, Corral or Howell could light it up and pass you in the draft, and why play in the Senior Bowl? You can get hurt there too. Less intensity doesn't guarantee safety, the Ravens lost a RB for the season in preseason non-contact drills.
I will be rooting hard for Pitt football, just not for KP. I just will not spend the money to go to Atlanta. I support all Pitt sports, not individual players. KP is not on the team any longer after he quit.
Yes he is the first to skip a major bowl game. Why not skip the acc championship game? He could have gotten hurt then also. I think it is total BS to skip this game. He has let down his team mates as well as all the fans traveling to this game. I just canceled my trip to Atlanta.
That sure doesn’t sound like you supporting Pitt sports/football. In fact, that sounds quite the opposite.

I don’t mean to pick on you…I just don’t get that line of thinking. And you’re certainly not alone with those feelings.

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